Friday, January 6, 2023




101.A mast towards the center of the curve with respect to curved track is called as inside curve mast. (True/False)

102.A mast away from the center of the curve with respect to curve track is called as outside curve mast.(True/False)

103.Selection of span length on curvatures depends upon stagger.(True/False)

104.The term Curve Allowance is related with-

a) Mast Length                      b) Encumbrance

c) Stagger                              d) Implantation.

105. The Curve Allowance is to be subtracted from the standard values of implantation on tangent track. (True/False)

106. The value of implantation on curved tracks varies according to the sharpness of the curve. (True/False)

107. What is the maximum span length for Tramway type regulated OHE?

108. What is the maximum span length for Tramway type un- regulated OHE?

109. 8.5mts long masts should be used for tram-way type OHE. ( True/False)

110. Cap to Cap surface distance of ST, BT & 9 Ton insulators is called as --------------distance.

111. What shall be the difference in insulators being used in ordinary and polluted zones?

a) No difference                                            b) load bearing capacity

c) design                                                     d) Creepage distance.

112. Insulators with high creepage distance are used in heavily polluted zones.(True/False)

113. Long Creepage distance is –

a) 2000mm              b) 1000mm            c) 1050mm                                 d) 760mm

114.  Name the material used for making of OHE insulators ?

115. If ------- sheds of Insulator is found broken, it should be immediately replaced.

116. Is any test done on 9 ton insulator before its usage? (Yes/No)

117.Name the test that is done on ST, BT & 9Ton insulators prior to their use.

a) Load test                                 b) IR test

c) PI test                                    d) No test

118. What specialty is required to the insulators to be used in polluted zone?

119. Sheds of the Hybrid Insulator is made-up of.-------------------------------------

120.  9 Ton insulator is tested on ---------------------- kg load.

121. Testing load of ST and BT insulators is ------------------kg.

122. Identify that is not a type of insulator from the given below.

a) Bracket insulator

b) Stay Insulator

c) 9 Ton insulator

d) Pedestal Insulator

e) Tie Rod insulator f) PTFE

g) Non of these.

123. Identify the activity that is done during AOH-

a) Clean the insulator

b) identify the defective and replace it

c) Note the make and batch of insulator

d) all of the above.

124. What probable defects you would suspect to a given insulator?

1) Dirty surface    2) broken sheds     3) Crack   4) Prohibited make & batch    5) Flash

6) loose GI cap.

a) 1,3,5

b) 2,4,6

c) 1,2,3,5,6

d) all of these.

125. For ------------------------------------rubber gloves are necessary.

126. What would be the No. of Elementary Section that is controlled by SS/216 –

a) It may be any thing

b) 21600

c) X-216

d) SS-216

127.Clearance between fix and moving contacts when the Isolator is open?

128.Isolator is OFF load switch. (True/False)

129.Keys of all isolators of a Station are kept in Key Box under custody of the Station Master. (True/False)

130.The number of Main line Isolators prefix the code ---------------.

131.The number of Yard line Isolators prefix the code ---------------.

132.For Isolator operation Competency Certificate is necessary. (True/False)

133.What do you mean by term OFF Load Switch in reference to Isolator?

a) Isolator in yard.

b) Maintenance of the Isolator can be done.

c) No current through the isolator

d) Operation can be done with least effort.

134. What is the purpose of Isolator Arcing Horns?

a) As Bird scar to prevent the contacts from dirt.

b) High Voltage Protection.

c)To protect main contacts from sparking while isolator operation.

d)To lock the main contacts while isolator is in closed condition.

135. In reference to Isolator what the term Pole generally means?

a) No. of Phase                             b) No. of pedestal insulator

c) Clearance between fix and moving contacts.       d) Non of the above.

136.Generally Isolators of -------- Amp capacity for OHE and --------- Amp capacity for switching stations are used.

137.In course of maintenance of Isolator switch its fix and moving contacts should be shorted by a flexible jumper. (True/False)

138.What do you mean by earthing heel isolators?

a)Isolator mast is connected with an earth electrode.

b)Isolator Handel is shorted with mast by a flexible jumper.

c)the isolator has two moving contacts.

d)The Isolator isolates as well as earth the isolated OHE.

139.An Isolator mast shall only be connected to earth electrode if duplicate bonding to the mast is not provided.(True/false)

140.SS rope is treated with ---------------------------- oil.

141.-------- mts SS rope is suitable for Winch type ATD.

142.-------- mts SS rope is suitable for 3 pulley ATD.

143.What would be the suitable length of SS rope in Winch type ATD used for Tram- Way OHE?

144.What would be the suitable length of SS rope in 3 pulley ATD used for Tram-Way OHE?

145.How much counter wait shall be required for Winch type ATD used in Tram-way OHE?

146.How much counter wait shall be required for 3 Pulley ATD used in Tram-way OHE?

147.What is the mechanical advantage of Winch type ATD?

148.Z value of Winch type ATD at 35ºC ?

149.X value increases and Y value decreases with increase in temperature.(True/False)

150.What is the mechanical advantage of three pulley type ATD?


101.True                 102.True                103.True                  104.d

105.False                 106.True               107.63 mts              108.30 mts.

109.True                  110. Creepage      111.d                     112.True

113.c                       114.Porcelain         115.3                  116.Yes

117.a                       118.Long Creepage distance.     119.Special Rubber.        120.6930
121.  4900             122.g                          123.d                  124.d

125.Isolator operation / DO fuse operation      126.c        127.500 mm       128.True

129.True               130.SM                        131.SS              132.True

133.c                     134.c                            135.a               136.800 , 1250
137.True              138.d                            139.False          140. Balmerol-100

141.10.5 mts        142.8.5 mts                143.10.5 mts     144.8.5 mts

145.250 kg          146.415 kg                147.1:5                148.1.25 mts

149.False.                150.1:3 RRB JE, SSC AE/JE UPSSSC JE, SSC JE, CIVIL ENGINEERING MCQs, ELECTICAL ENGINEERING MCQs, preavious year quesion papers, dmrc, lmrc, drdo,rrb ntpc, ntpc, pgcil, dsssb, states board, GATE IES EE, ESE, ECE, ME, CE, IT & CS EXAM MATERIALS & OLD PAPERS Electrical Engineering Daily news & current affairs in hindi & english fully updated Daily current affairs Engineering Discussion group for your upcoming exams, you can ask your any query regarding your problem,👇👇👇 PKR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING I am sure this is the best place for you guys subscribe and get success IF YOU WANT TO JOIN ME ON TELEGRAM FOR PDF @newsdailypkr AE/JE EE, ESE, ECE, ME, CE, IT & CS EXAM MATERIALS & OLD PAPERS Electrical Engineering facebook page:- Pravendra Kumar Rajpoot Daily news & current affairs in hindi & english fully updated Daily current affairs Engineering Discussion group for your upcoming exams, you can ask your any query regarding your problem,👇👇👇 PKR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING I am sure this is the best place for you guys subscribe and get success IF YOU WANT TO JOIN ME ON TELEGRAM FOR PDF @newsdailypkr AE/JE EE, ESE, ECE, ME, CE, IT & CS EXAM MATERIALS & OLD PAPERS Electrical Engineering facebook page:- Pravendra Kumar Rajpoot




151.Out of Winch Type and 3 Pulley type ATD which one better and why?

152.Which one is reference for ADT?

a) 35ºC

b) 27 ºC

c) 20 ºC

d) 30 ºC

153. During POH of ATD it is good to reverse the ends of SS rope.(True/False)

154.  TI/MI0028 states about maintenance of   ---------------------------------

155. In case of Insulated Overlap the clearance between both the OHE is -------------------

156. Implantation of obligatory structures --------------------------------------------------------

157.  In case of Un- Insulated Overlap the clearance between both the OHE is ---------------

158.  Identify from the given that does not indicate the type of a Turn- Out.

1) PTFE type

2) Regulated type

3) Semi-Regulated type

4) Cross- type

a) 4, 2           b) 3, 4           c) 1, 2, 3                 d) 1, 4

159.  Crossing span should not be more than ---------  mts in case of Overlap type Tyrnout.

160.  In general the Encumbrance is maintained at ---------  mts.

161. Steady Clearance with Drop Bracket Clamp is ---------------mm.

162.Distance between Mast Top and Bottom fitting of a Bracket Assembly?

163.Size of Bracket tube for Platform location Bracket Assembly?

164.At support the axial distance between Catenary and contact wire is called as?

165.How much is minimum Encumbrance?

166.Size of BFB Steady Arm?

167.Distance of G jumper from support?

168.Duration of replacement of PG clamp?

169.How many PG clamps are required for a G jumper?

170.Size of Structure Bond?

171.Z bond is provided nearby to track circuit.(True/False)

172.Distance between two Cross Bonds on main line?

173.The minimum permissible size of Bond is?

174.PTFE neutral section is provided in SSP overlap.(True/False)

175.What is the length of short PTFE type Neutral Section?

176.What is wrong in connection with Neutral Section?

a)It isolates supply of two different phases.

b)AC engines pass this section by their momentum.

c)It is located corresponding to SP switching station.

d)It improves power factor.

e)Non of the above.

177.Which one do not requires earth pit?

a) Isolator

b) PTFE neutral section

c) Over line structure

d) Over Lap type N/S

178. Stagger of PTFE type Neutral Section?

a) 0

b) +100

c) -100

d) +/- 200

179.Stagger of Neutral OHE in Over Lap type Neutral Section is?

180.No. of Caution Boards applicable to each Neutral Section is?

181. The stagger of section insulator should be ------------------

182  Encumbrance at Section Insulator should not be less than -----------------mm

183. Clearance between trailing side runner of section insulator and Contact wire is --------

184. Size of Section Insulator Runner is -----  X  -------.

185.  For all conditions of section insulator a speed restriction of 80KMPH shall be applicable.(True/false)
186.  Generally the Tension length of regulated OHE is ----------------------------

187.Anchoring height of Regulated OHE ------------------------------------

188. Cross Sectional area of Catenary Wire is -------------------------------

189.What we find in current collection test?

190.What is current rating of 25 KV AC OHE in Simple catenary system?

191.  Anchoring height of Un- Regulated OHE ------------------------------------

192. Minimum Height of OHE in Loco Shed? ----------------

193. The distance between two consecutive C jumpers in regulated OHE? ------------.

194. Maximum tension length of Regulated OHE ------------------------------------------

195. The minimum clearance of 25KV OHE and Over line Structure?------------------

196. Bridle Wire is used for ------------------------------- type OHE.

197.Rigid dropper can be used on main line.(True/False)

198.Periodicity of Current Collection test is 3 months.(True/False)

199. Tolerance in OHE height is ---------------------- mm

200. Is the tolerance applicable for minimum height and implantation?(YES/NO)


151.3 Pulley type , since chances of SS rope breakage is minimum.



154.Turn Outs, Cross- Over

155.500 mm

156.3.00 mts

157.200 mm





162.1.90 / 2.00 mts

163.40/49 mm



166.32x31 mm

167.5.6 mts

168.4 years


170.40 x 6 mm


172.350 mts

173.200 sqmm


175.3.74 mts, 9.40 mts









184.40 x 8 mm


186.1500 mts

187.6.75 mts

188.65 sqmm

189.Spark Locations         190.600 Amps              
191.6.95 mts                

192.5.80 mts               193.350 mts                      194.1600 mts

195.250mm                 196.Tram-Way                   197.False

198.True                         199.20 mm                      200.NO RRB JE, SSC AE/JE UPSSSC JE, SSC JE, CIVIL ENGINEERING MCQs, ELECTICAL ENGINEERING MCQs, preavious year quesion papers, dmrc, lmrc, drdo,rrb ntpc, ntpc, pgcil, dsssb, states board, GATE IES EE, ESE, ECE, ME, CE, IT & CS EXAM MATERIALS & OLD PAPERS Electrical Engineering Daily news & current affairs in hindi & english fully updated Daily current affairs Engineering Discussion group for your upcoming exams, you can ask your any query regarding your problem,👇👇👇 PKR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING I am sure this is the best place for you guys subscribe and get success IF YOU WANT TO JOIN ME ON TELEGRAM FOR PDF @newsdailypkr AE/JE EE, ESE, ECE, ME, CE, IT & CS EXAM MATERIALS & OLD PAPERS Electrical Engineering facebook page:- Pravendra Kumar Rajpoot Daily news & current affairs in hindi & english fully updated Daily current affairs Engineering Discussion group for your upcoming exams, you can ask your any query regarding your problem,👇👇👇 PKR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING I am sure this is the best place for you guys subscribe and get success IF YOU WANT TO JOIN ME ON TELEGRAM FOR PDF @newsdailypkr AE/JE EE, ESE, ECE, ME, CE, IT & CS EXAM MATERIALS & OLD PAPERS Electrical Engineering facebook page:- Pravendra Kumar Rajpoot




201.General tendency of contact wire parting is at-

a) ACC

b) RRA

c) FTA

d) BWA

202. Adjustable Dropper is used for –

a) ATD

b) RRA

c) Section Insulator

d) ACA

203. Contact Ending Cone is not used at –

a) BWA

b) FTA

c) ACA

d) Non of the above.

204. Cross Sectional area of new contact wire ---------------------------------

205. Diameter of new Contact Wire --------------------------------

206. Condemning diameter of Contact wire for Main Line --------------------------------

207. Condemning diameter of Contact wire for Yard Line --------------------------------PSI

208. Unit of Current is -----------------------

209.  Unit of Voltage is -----------------------

210. Unit of Resistance is --------------------

211. Ampere is the unit of -------------------

212. A volt is the Unit of ----------------------

213. Ohm is the unit of -------------------------

214. Ammeter is used for measurement of ---------------------------------

215. Voltmeter is used for measurement of --------------------------------

216. Ohmmeter is used for measurement of --------------------------------

217. Multimeter is used for measurement of -------------------------------

218.  Unit of Insulation Resistance is ----------------------------------

219. The Meter used for measurement of Insulation Resistance is ---------------.

220. Megger is used for measurement of ----------------------------------

221. Mega-Ohms is the unit of -----------------------------------------

222. 1MΩ = ----------------------------- ohms.

223. In a circuit, the Ammeter shall be connected in --------------------------------

224. In a circuit, the Voltmeter shall be connected in --------------------------------

225. 1 Kilometer = ----------------------------- meter.

226. 1 Meter = ------------------------------  centimeter.

227. 1 Centimeter = -------------------------- millimeter.

228. Foot = ------------------------ inches.

229.  1 Inch = ------------------------- centimeters.

230. Unit of electrical energy consumption is -----------------------------

231. Unit of Electrical Power is ---------------------------------

232. Horse –Power is the unit of -------------------------------------------

233. Kilogram-Meter per Second is the unit of ---------------------------

234. 1HP = ------------------------------ watts.

235. ----------------------- Circuit converts AC supply into DC supply.

236. ----------------------- Circuit converts DC supply into AC supply.

237. The ideal value of Power Factor is ----------------

238. In case of Power Factor, out of 8.0 and 0.88, which one shall be better than 0.80?

239.Maximum voltage for 25 KV AC OHE is ------------------------------

240. Minimum voltage for 25 KV AC OHE is ------------------------------

241.The ideal value of Insulation Resistance is ----------------

242. Working Clearance for 25 KV AC OHE is --------------------------------

243. A drawing made by viewing the object right from its top is called as ----------------

244. A drawing made by viewing the object right from its front is called as ----------------

245.  To have complete information of the object from drawing –

a) Plan is sufficient.

b) Plan & Elevation is sufficient.

c) Plan, Elevation & End view shall be required.

d) Non of these.

246.According to Ohm’s law which relation is incorrect?

247.Which type of material is classified as per temperature?

a) Conductor

b) Insulating

c) Semi conducting

d) Magnetic.

248.For a series connected circuit which statement shall be incorrect?

a)Current shall be equal to all loads.

b)Current through all loads shall be equal but voltage drops shall be different.

c)Current shall different to different points of circuit.

d)Circuit current shall depend on total resistance of the circuit.

249.What is in correct in connection with Ohm’s law?

a)It states the relation among the voltage, current & resistance in a closed circuit.

b)Circuit current is proportional to the voltage imposed.

c)Circuit current is inversely proportional to the circuit resistance.

d)Temperature has no effect on this relation.

250. A freely suspended magnet will always rest in --------------------------------  direction.





204.107 sqmm

205.12.24 mm

206.8.25 mm

207.8.00 mm










217.Current, Voltage, Resistance

218.Mega- Ohms


220.Insulation resistance

221.Insulation Resistance

222.10 lakhs Ohms










232.Mechanical Power.

233.Mechanical Power









242.2 mts








250.North- South RRB JE, SSC AE/JE UPSSSC JE, SSC JE, CIVIL ENGINEERING MCQs, ELECTICAL ENGINEERING MCQs, preavious year quesion papers, dmrc, lmrc, drdo,rrb ntpc, ntpc, pgcil, dsssb, states board, GATE IES EE, ESE, ECE, ME, CE, IT & CS EXAM MATERIALS & OLD PAPERS Electrical Engineering Daily news & current affairs in hindi & english fully updated Daily current affairs Engineering Discussion group for your upcoming exams, you can ask your any query regarding your problem,👇👇👇 PKR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING I am sure this is the best place for you guys subscribe and get success IF YOU WANT TO JOIN ME ON TELEGRAM FOR PDF @newsdailypkr AE/JE EE, ESE, ECE, ME, CE, IT & CS EXAM MATERIALS & OLD PAPERS Electrical Engineering facebook page:- Pravendra Kumar Rajpoot Daily news & current affairs in hindi & english fully updated Daily current affairs Engineering Discussion group for your upcoming exams, you can ask your any query regarding your problem,👇👇👇 PKR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING I am sure this is the best place for you guys subscribe and get success IF YOU WANT TO JOIN ME ON TELEGRAM FOR PDF @newsdailypkr AE/JE EE, ESE, ECE, ME, CE, IT & CS EXAM MATERIALS & OLD PAPERS Electrical Engineering facebook page:- Pravendra Kumar Rajpoot



                                       OBJECTIVE –QUESTIONS ON TRD (PART - 6 )

251. Magnetic poles are generally known as -------------------------------. a) North- South b) East- West c) EMF- MMF d) UP-DOWN

252. Which one is incorrect to natural magnet? a) Loss of magnetic properties on heating. b) Similar poles repeal and opposite attract each other. c) A magnet attracts all metals. d) Small pieces of a magnet shall also be a magnet.

253. When current is flown through the wire, wound on a iron piece ,the iron piece becomes- a) Natural Magnet b) Electro-Magnet c) Steel d) Mild Steel.

254. How a Electromagnet differs from a Natural Magnet? a) Number of poles may be arbitrarily chosen. b) Magnetic line of force is reversed. c) Strength of poles depends on size of magnet d) Temporary Magnetism.

255. Electromagnetism is not used in -------------------------------------------- a) Compressor motor contactor. b) Battery charger. c) 42 KV LA d) Taret CT

256. -------------------------- Works on principle of electromagnetism. a) LA b) Capacitor c) CB d) AT

257. The lowest category of insulating materials as per thermal classification is ---------.

258. According to thermal classification of insulating materials category Y materials are suitable for temperature limit -------------. a) 0ºC b) 180ºC c) 90ºC d) 270ºC

259. The highest category of insulating materials as per thermal classification is ---------.

260. According to thermal classification of insulating materials category Y materials are suitable for temperature limit -------------. a) Above 0ºC, up to 80ºC b) Above 0ºC, up to 90ºC c) Up to 150ºC d) Above180ºC

261. The vital component of a rectifier circuit is? a) Resistor b) Diod c) Capacitor d) Chock Coil

262. Normally generation of electrical energy is done in ------ phases. a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

263. ACTM has relation with? a) Maintenance of TRD installations. b) Directives for different departments in electrified section. c) Working of TPC d) All of the above. 

264. Direction of electric current flow is – a) From high voltage to low voltage. b) Low voltage to high voltage. c) Between two points that’s voltage is same. d) There is no such rule. 

265. Whenever OHE voltage goes down to ------ KV or less, the TPC gets catenary indication. 

266. Tests that can be done by the same measuring equipment – a) PI / IR b) BDV / DGA c) THRC / IR d) PPM / DGA 

267. What do you mean by unit consumed in connection with Electric Meter Reading? a) KVA b) KVAR c) KWH d) KA 

268. What do you mean by Range in context with Megger ? a) Max value of MΩ on scale. b) Voltage. c) RPM of rotating handle. d) Initial value of MΩ on scale. 

269. Identify the symbol of Infinity. a) MΩ b) & c) ∞ d) °C 

270. TR-1 is given to ------------------------. 

271. Competency Certificate given to OHE Lines Man is -----------------------. 

272. TR-5 Competency Certificate is given to – a) OHE Lines Man b) PSI fitter c) RC artisan d) PSI Supervisor. 

273. According to TR-2 a Lines Man is not authorized for- a) Work on OHE. b) 25KV isolator operation. c) Switching operation in Switching Station despite of permission granted by TPC. d) Commissioning of new installations. 

274. TR-5 permits a PSI artisan for – a) Issuing PTW. b) Receiving PTW of EHV lines c) Commissioning of new installations. d) Shutting down 25KV installations according to instructions of TPC. 

275. Which method of safety is generally not adopted during power block on a SubSector? a) PTW b) Prohibition of AC engines to enter in power block section. c) To tripe Feeder CB. d) Application of Discharge Rods. 

276. Skilled Artisan of Remote Control is given the Competency Certificate TR----------. 

277. Maximum Permissible distance between two discharge rods is? a) 1 meter b) 10 meter c) 100 meter d) 1000 meter. 

278. What care should be considered while clamping a discharge rod on a mast? 1. Cable and lug connection. 2. Availability of discharge rod on both sides of the spot. 3. Availability of Structure bond. 4. Distance between consecutive discharges rods. a) 1, 2 b) 2, 3 c) 2, 4 d) all of the above. 

279. Ohm’s law states the relation among Voltage, Current & Resistance. (True/False) 

280. Resistance of a wire increases with increase in its length. (True/False) 

281. Resistance of a wire decreases with increase in its length. (True/False) 

282. The resistance of a wire decrease with increase of its thickness. (True/False) 

283. The resistance of a wire increases with increase of its thickness. (True/False)

284. Resistance of conductors increase with temperature. (True/False)

285. Resistance of conductors decreases with increase in temperature. (True/False)

286. Resistance of insulating materials increases with temperature. (True/False)

287. Resistance of insulating materials decreases with increase in temperature. (True/False)

288. Resistance of conducting materials varies according to temperature. (True/False)

289. Conversion of AC supply into DC is possible, but the reverse is not. (True/False)

290. Value of Insulation Resistance is independent of temperature. (True/False)

291. Insulation Resistance decreases with increase of temperature. (True/False)

292. Electrical Clearance and Working clearance are the two different name of the same vary fact. (True/False)

293. The drawing called as Plan, depicts all the three dimensions (Length,Width,Height) of the object. (True/False)

294. The poles of a magnet can simply be made separated by cutting the magnet into pieces. (True/False)

295. A magnet shall always have two poles. (True/False)

296. Insulating properties of insulating materials get affected by temperature; therefore, these have been classified into temperature groups. (True/False)

297. Selection of megger shall be done according to rated voltage of the winding under IR test. (True/False)

298. Winding Resistance and insulation resistance are two different names of the same vary fact. (True/False)

299. For safety considerations the distance between two discharge rods should not be more than 1 KM.

300. Discharge Rod should be clamped on that mast only which is having structure bond connected. (True/False)


 251. a 252. c 253. b 254. d 255. c 256. d 257. Y 258. c 259. C 260. d 261. b 262. c 263. d 264. a 265. 19 266. a 267. c 268. b 269. c 270. Khalasi 271. TR-2 272. b 273. d 274. c 275. c 276. TR-7 277. d 278. d 279. True 280. True 281. False 282. True 283. False 284. True 285. False 286. False 287. True 288. True 289. False 290. False 291. True 292. False 293. False 294. False 295. True 296. True 297. True 298. False 299. True 300. True 

301. A combination of cells shall be called as ------------------------------.

302. Cell voltage of a lead –acid cell is ----------------------.

303. Electric cell converts ------------------- energy into electrical energy.

304. Supply available from a electric cell is ---------------------- ( AC or DC)

305. Basically a battery charger is a ------------------------------- circuit.

306. The cell voltage of a fully charged Leas-Acid cell is ------------------------.

307. A Lead-Acid cell shall be said fully discharged when its voltage drops down to -------

308. Electrolyte of a Lead –Acid Cell is prepared from Sulfuric Acid and --------------------.

309. Electrolyte of a Lead –Acid Cell is prepared from Distilled Water and ------------------.

310. The SPG of electrolyte of fully charged lead-acid cell is ------------------------------.

311. A Lead-Acid cell shall be said as fully discharged when SPG of its electrolyte drops down to ------------------------.

312. Unit to indicate battery capacity is ----------------------.

313. The battery----------- increases if the cells are connected in series. (Voltage, Capacity)

314. The Battery ---------- increase if the cells are connected in parallel.(Voltage, Capacity)

315. The battery ----------- depends upon its size.(Voltage, Capacity)

316. General maintenance of a battery set is done at an interval of ------------ days.

317. As a temperature correction -------- shall be added or deducted from the SPG readings of electrolyte taken from hydrometer for per degree temperature variations.

318. The reference temperature for Temperature Corrections in SPG readings of electrolyte is --------------.

319. What shall generally be added to maintain the level of electrolyte in a cell? (electrolyte, distilled water, acid)

320. To keep a battery set at very low charging rate is called as? (Boost Charging, Trickle Charging)

321. To charge a battery set at very high rate for a short period is called as? (Boost Charging, Trickle Charging)

322. To prepare electrolyte which type of pot is suitable? (Stain less Steel, Glass or Porcelain, Cupper)

323. The white aggregate appearing on the terminals of a battery is called as ----------------.

324. Sulfation is a indicator of -------------- health of the battery. (Good, Bad)

325. The SPG of electrolyte -------------- when the battery gets charge. (Increase, Decrease)

326. The SPG of electrolyte ---------- when the battery gets discharge. (Increase, Decrease)

327. Battery rating for a TSS is ------------AH.

328. Battery rating for a SSP is ------------AH.

329. Battery rating for a SP is ------------AH.

330. ------------- is used for measurement of SPG of electrolyte.

331. SPG of distilled water is ? a) 1.000 b) 1.180 c) 1.220 d) 2.2

332. What is true for DC supply and distilled water? a) DC current can not flow through distilled water. b) DC current can flow through distilled water, c) DC current gets stored in distilled water. d) DC gets converted into AC.

333. What you expect from a battery kept on high charging rates for a long time? a) Nothing special. b) Plates may be damaged by getting very hot. c) Change of polarity d) Increased capacity.

334. Electrolyte bubbling heavily, it is a indication of? a) Over charging b) Under charging c) No load d) Discharged

335. What are the conditions for better performance of a battery set? 1. Equal cell voltages. 2. Equal AH 3. Equal SPG of Electrolyte. 4. Correct connection. a) 1, 4 b) 3, 4 c) 1, 2, 3 d) all of the above.

336. What is incorrect for a 40AH capacity battery? a) 1 ampere for 40 hours b) 40 ampere for 1 hours c) 4 ampere for 10 hours d) A rate of current supply as 40 ampere per hour.

337. All types of cells can be used repeatedly by repeated charging.(True/False)

338. Primary cells can not be recharged after getting discharged. (True/False)

339. Secondary cells can not be recharged after getting discharged. .(True/False)

340. DC supply source is required for charging a cell. .(True/False)

341. A cell can be charged through AC supply. .(True/False)

342. Electrolyte is an example of insulating material. .(True/False)

343. Electrolyte is an example of conducting material. .(True/False)

344. The Electrolyte of Lead-Acid battery is of acidic nature. .(True/False)

345. The Electrolyte of Lead –Acid Battery is of basic nature. .(True/False)

346. Distilled water is of Neutral Nature. .(True/False)

347. To prepare the electrolyte one part sulfuric acid is mixed with three or four part of distilled water. .(True/False)

348. To prepare the electrolyte one part sulfuric acid is mixed with three or four part of ordinary water. .(True/False)

349. Battery capacity may be stated as KW. (True/ False)

350. The voltage increases and the capacity remain constant, if the cells are connected in series. (True/ False)


301. Battery 302. 2.2 volts 303. Chemical 304. DC 305. Rectifier 306. 2.2 volts 307. 1.8 volts 308. Distilled water 309. Sulfuric Acid 310. 1.220 311. 1.180 312. AH 313. Voltage 314. Capacity 315. Capacity 316. 15 317. 0.0007 318. 27°C 319. Distilled Water 320. Trickle 321. Boost Charging. 322. Glass or Porcelain 323. Sulfation 324. Bad 325. Increases 326. Decreases 327. 200 328. 40 329. 40 330. Hydrometer 331. 1.000 332. a 333. b 334. a 335. d 336. d 337. False 338. True 339. False 340. true 341. False 342. False 343. True 344. True 345. False 346. True 347. True 348. False 349. True 350. True RRB JE, SSC AE/JE UPSSSC JE, SSC JE, CIVIL ENGINEERING MCQs, ELECTICAL ENGINEERING MCQs, preavious year quesion papers, dmrc, lmrc, drdo,rrb ntpc, ntpc, pgcil, dsssb, states board, GATE IES EE, ESE, ECE, ME, CE, IT & CS EXAM MATERIALS & OLD PAPERS Electrical Engineering Daily news & current affairs in hindi & english fully updated Daily current affairs Engineering Discussion group for your upcoming exams, you can ask your any query regarding your problem,👇👇👇 PKR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING I am sure this is the best place for you guys subscribe and get success IF YOU WANT TO JOIN ME ON TELEGRAM FOR PDF @newsdailypkr AE/JE EE, ESE, ECE, ME, CE, IT & CS EXAM MATERIALS & OLD PAPERS Electrical Engineering facebook page:- Pravendra Kumar Rajpoot Daily news & current affairs in hindi & english fully updated Daily current affairs Engineering Discussion group for your upcoming exams, you can ask your any query regarding your problem,👇👇👇 PKR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING I am sure this is the best place for you guys subscribe and get success IF YOU WANT TO JOIN ME ON TELEGRAM FOR PDF @newsdailypkr AE/JE EE, ESE, ECE, ME, CE, IT & CS EXAM MATERIALS & OLD PAPERS Electrical Engineering facebook page:- Pravendra Kumar Rajpoot




351. The voltage increases and the capacity remain constant, if the cells are connected in parallel. (True/ False)

352. The capacity of cell increases with increase of its size. (True/ False)

353. The Voltage increases with increase of the size of cell. (True/ False)

354. To connect positive terminal with the positive one, shall be a parallel connection. (True/ False)

355. To connect positive terminal with a negative one, shall be a parallel connection. (True/ False)

356. To prepare the electrolyte, acid shall be poured into distilled water. (True/ False)

357. To prepare the electrolyte, distilled water shall be poured into acid. (True/ False)

358. For each degree rise of temperature above 27°C, the hydrometer reading should be added with 0.0007. (True/ False)

359. The hydrometer reading should be deducted with 0.0007 for each degree rise of temperature above 27°C (True/ False)

360. The hydrometer reading should be added with 0.0007 for each degree fall of temperature below 27°C. (True/ False)

361. The hydrometer reading should be deducted with 0.0007 for each degree fall of temperature below 27°C. (True/ False)

362. The gas emerging from a battery may cause explosion. (True/ False)

363. The orifice at the top of vent plug should normally be open, but should be closed during boost charging. ( True/False)

364. The orifice at the top of vent plug should normally be closed. ( True/False)

365. The orifice at the top of vent plug should normally be open. ( True/False)

366. Unit of specific gravity is gram per cubic centimeter. ( True/False)

367. Specific gravity has no unit. ( True/False)

368. Battery rating for TSS is 200AH. ( True/False)

369. Battery rating for SP, SSP is 40AH. ( True/False)

370. Battery rating for all switching stations has been standardized as200AH. ( True/False)

371. Normally battery with higher AH capacity sizes bigger. ( True/False)

372. Cell voltage of lead-acid cell does not depend on its size. ( True/False)

373. Hydrometer is used for measurement of SPG. ( True/False)

374. The unit of Transformer capacity is -------------------------.

375. How many numbers of winding are there in a single phase transformer? (Two, One)

376. Healthy silica gels colors is ------------ ( Pink / Blue )

377. Silica Gel turns ------------------ (colour) absorbing moisture.

378. BDV of Transformer oil should be ----------------------- KV.

379. Colour of New transformer oil is --------------------------------.

380. -------------------- is fixed between Bell Tank and Conservator tank. ( Buchholtz relay/ Breather)

381. The transformer oil should be replaced if it turns-----------------------(colour)

382. What is the use of transformer oil? a) Insulation b) Cooling c) Both the above.

383. Transformer Oil is categorized as? a) Edible oil b) Fuel c) Insulating oil

384. Which device is used to protect the transformer from excessive internal pressure? a) PRD b) Buchholtz Relay c) MOLG d) Drain Cork.

385. -------------- is used for low oil level protection.

386. What is used for cooling of a transformer? a) Conservator tank b) Radiator c) Breather d) Core

387. The power loss that occurs in transformer winding is called as------------------.

388. The power loss that occurs in transformer core is called as------------------.

389. The ratio of rated voltage of primary and secondary winding of a transformer is called as -----------------------------. 390. For a transformer, the product of primary side voltage and current is equal to product of secondary side voltage and ---------------.

391. ----------- is the unit to express moisture content in transformer oil.

392. POH of Power Transformer is done after ----------------.years.

393. Insulation Resistance between LV and E at 30°C for a 132KV / 25KV transformer should not be less than-----------------------.

394. Insulation Resistance between HV and E at 30°C for a 132KV / 25KV transformer should not be less than-----------------------.

395. Insulation Resistance between LV and HV at 30°C for a 132KV / 25KV transformer should not be less than-----------------------.

396. Traction Transformer can be run for ------------------ minutes at 50% over load.

397. Traction Transformer can be run for 15 minutes at --------------% over load. 398. Traction Transformer can be run for ------------------ minutes at 100% over load.

399. Traction Transformer can be run for 5 minutes at --------------% over load.

400. Setting for oil temperature alarm is -------------°C.


 351. False 352. True 353. False 354. True 355. False 356. True 357. False 358. True 359. False 360. False 361. True 362. True 363. False 364. False 365. True 366. False 367. True 368. True 369. True 370. False 371. True 372. True 373. True 374. Volt-Amperes 375. Two 376. Blue 377. Pink 378. 60 379. Clear transparent 380. Buchholtz relay 381. Black 382. c 383. c 384. a 385. MOLG 386. b 387. Copper loss 388. Iron loss 389. Voltage ratio( Transformation ratio) 390. Secondary side current 391. ppm 392. 10 393. 400MΩ 394. 2000 MΩ 395. 2500 MΩ 396. 15 397. 50 398. 5 399. 100 400. 80 

401. Setting for oil temperature trip is -------------°C.

402. Setting for winding temperature alarm is -------------°C.

403. Setting for winding temperature trip is -------------°C.

404. Traction Transformer is normally equipped with ----------------------- tap changer. (On load / off load)

405. The ratio of number of turns in primary and secondary winding of a transformer is called as ----------------------------------------.

406. Transformer Oil is dangerous since it is ---------------------------. a) Inflammable b) Toxic c) Hygroscopic d) Unnatural.

407. Out of the following relations , what would be incorrect for a transformer where N indicates number of turns, V voltage and I current.

408. ONAN / ONAF are the types of – a) Transformer cooling system. b) Winding c) Tap Changer d) Earthing

409. What it indicates, if the terminal connection of a transformer appear bad in colour. a) Abnormal heating of terminals due to loose connection b) Transformer Over load c) Higher EPR. d) Non of the above.

410. Transformer oil sample Crackles on heating ; it is an indication of – a) Increased acid content. b) Too cold sample c) Excessive Water content d) Improved BDV .

411. Oil temperature trip facility is given since at higher temperaturesa) Transformer oil becomes thick and immovable. b) Insulating properties of insulations impair sharply. c) Buchholtz relay trips. d) It becomes difficult to operate tap changer due thicken transformer oil.

412. What is incorrect in context of Buchholtz Relay? a) It is an electromechanical relay. b) It protects transformer from internal faults. c) It requires collection of gas to operate. d) It is situated between bell tank and conservator tank.

413. In case of transformer bushing ,the value of tan-δ testing should not be more than -----

414. In case of transformer bushing ,the value of capacitance should not be more than ---%

415. During maintenance, it is found that oil level in OIP Condenser bushing is low from the set value what action should be taken? a) Transformer can be taken on load. b) Bushing shall be replaced. c) On lowest tap transformer can be taken on load. d) Tan-δ and Capacitance test shall be done and action shall be taken according to results.

416. No need to reset OTI/WTI during ---------------------- scheduled maintenance. a) Monthly b) Half Yearly c) Yearly d) Non of the above.

417. OTI indicates? a) Average temperature of transformer oil. b) Maximum temperature of transformer oil. c) Minimum Temperature of Transformer oil d) Maximum permissible temperature of transformer oil

418. WTI indicates? a) Average Temperature of transformer winding. b) Maximum temperature of transformer winding. c) Minimum temperature of transformer winding. d) Maximum permissible temperature of transformer winding.

419. According to TI/MI -38 what action shall not necessarily be done during monthly maintenance? a) EPR testing b) Inspection of Slica gel breather. c) Check OTI/WTI d) To check bus bar connection for bad –colour.

420. Which Instrument is used for PI checking? a) Ammeter , Voltmeter , Watt meter b) Earth Tester c) Megger d) BDV Tester.

421. Winding is said in good health ,if the value of Polarization Index isa) Less than 1 b) More than 2 c) Value of Polarization Index does not indicate winding condition. d) More than 1, less than 2.

422. Unit for measurement of Polarization Index. a) Volt per second b) Mega –Ohms per second c) Volt per rotation d) there is no unit.

423. During half yearly maintenance ,oil sample for BDV test should be taken – a) Just after shutting down the transformer. b) After cooling of transformer oil. c) After keeping the transformer at 5 No. Tap for half an hour. d) Sample bottle should be filled by taking small quantities over a considerable time during the maintenance.

424. The symbols R60/R10 and R600/R60 bear the relation with ------------- . a) BDV b) PPM c) tan-δ d) Polarization Index.

425. What does it mean by R60/R10 in relation with PI? a) Resistance of 60Ω and 10Ω. b) Megger readings after 10 sec. and 60 sec. respectively . c) Megger readings after 10 sec. and 60 sec when rotation of handle has been stopped. d) Non of the above.

426. According to TI/MI 38, what action should be taken if the value of PI test is less than 1.1 . a) Replace transformer oil. b) Transformer is in good condition. c) Oil filtration and again PI test. d) TI/MI38 do not say any thing about PI test.

427. Which test is not performed on transformer oil? a) IR b) DGA c) BDV d) PPM

428. DGA testing is a test of dissolved ------------------ in transformer oil.

429. ---------------- Test is done to test Electrical Strength of transformer oil. a) IR b) DGA c) BDV d) PPM

430. Which test should be done to know water quantity present in oil sample? a) Crackle Test b) PPM c) Colour Test d) Tan-δ Test.

431. Crackle Test is done to deduce the water quantity in oil sample.( True/false)

432. Factor that affects insulation resistance? a) Size of winding b) Temperature c) Moisture d) All of the above.

433. While meggering a transformer ,------------------------ temperature should also be recorded along with the megger reading. a) Air b) MOLG c) OTI d) a & c

434. While meggering ,what should also be recorded on the test record along with megger reading? a) Megger Rating. b) Make & Serial Number c) Air & OTI d) All of the above.

435. To megger Traction Transformer 500 volt megger is suitable. (True /False)

436. What is incorrect about Oil filtration? a) Initially IR falls with rise of temperature. b) With filtering out dirt and moisture BDV improves. c) Oil filtration do not permits dissolved gases to escape out from oil. d) IR value increases with fall of oil temperature when filtration plant is shut-off.

437. Which test shall not be done for OIP condenser bushing during yearly maintenance? a) tan-δ b) Capacitance c) IR d) Crackle

438. Generally spark gap for 25KV bushing of traction transformer is a) 16.5 cm b) 25 cm c) 75 cm d) 1mt.

439. On selection of higher taps of a tap-changer voltage increases sincea) No. of turns in winding increases. b) Winding resistance reduces. c) Insulation resistance of winding reduces d) Incoming voltage to winding increases.

440. Electrode gap of BDV tester is -----------------mm.

441. Bushing CT is associated with? a) Power Transformer b) AT- 100KVA c) AT at SP d) Feeder CB

442. Bushing CT is provided with all bushings of a power transformer. (True / False)

443. Location of PRD? a) Behind control panel b) below marshaling box c) Above bell tank d) beside conservator tank.

 444. Is it true that in the course of usage, acid forms naturally in transformer oil? (Yes/No)

445. Is transformer oil a inflammable liquid? ( Yes/ No)

446. Capacity of a transformer is expressed in KW. (True/False)

447. Buchholtz relay is oil pressure relay. (true/false)

448. Transformer capacity is expressed in KVA.(true/false)

449. BDV value of transformer oil should not be less than 60KV.(true/false)

450. BDV value of transformer oil should not be more than 60KV.(true/false)


401. 85 402. 90 403. 95 404. off load 405. Turn Ratio (Transformation Ratio) 406. a 407. c 408. a 409. a 410. c 411. b 412. a 413. 0.007 414. 110 415. d 416. d 417. b 418. b 419. a 420. c 421. b 422. d 423. a 424. d 425. b 426. c 427. a 428. gases 429. c 430. b 431. false 432. d 433. c 434. d 435. False 436. c 437. d 438. b 439. a 440. 2.5 441. a 442. True 443. c 444. Yes 445. Yes 446. False 447. False 448. True 449. True 450. False RRB JE, SSC AE/JE UPSSSC JE, SSC JE, CIVIL ENGINEERING MCQs, ELECTICAL ENGINEERING MCQs, preavious year quesion papers, dmrc, lmrc, drdo,rrb ntpc, ntpc, pgcil, dsssb, states board, GATE IES EE, ESE, ECE, ME, CE, IT & CS EXAM MATERIALS & OLD PAPERS Electrical Engineering Daily news & current affairs in hindi & english fully updated Daily current affairs Engineering Discussion group for your upcoming exams, you can ask your any query regarding your problem,👇👇👇 PKR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING I am sure this is the best place for you guys subscribe and get success IF YOU WANT TO JOIN ME ON TELEGRAM FOR PDF @newsdailypkr AE/JE EE, ESE, ECE, ME, CE, IT & CS EXAM MATERIALS & OLD PAPERS Electrical Engineering facebook page:- Pravendra Kumar Rajpoot Daily news & current affairs in hindi & english fully updated Daily current affairs Engineering Discussion group for your upcoming exams, you can ask your any query regarding your problem,👇👇👇 PKR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING I am sure this is the best place for you guys subscribe and get success IF YOU WANT TO JOIN ME ON TELEGRAM FOR PDF @newsdailypkr AE/JE EE, ESE, ECE, ME, CE, IT & CS EXAM MATERIALS & OLD PAPERS Electrical Engineering facebook page:- Pravendra Kumar Rajpoot



                                          OBJECTIVE –QUESTIONS ON TRD (PART - 8 )

451. In a TSS, concrete wall between both the transformers is known as Baffel –Wall. (true/false).

452. Transformer oil is a mineral-oil used as fuel .( true/false)

453. Synthetic oils can also be used as Transformer –Oil.(true/false)

454. Sampling of transformer oil should be done in dry, hot and clear atmosphere. (true/false)

455. PRD is used to protect the transformer from high internal pressure.(true/false)

456. Drain Cork is used to protect the transformer from high internal pressure.(true/false)

457. In context of transformer, copper loss means wear & tear of winding. (true/false)

458. In context of transformer, Iron-loss means wear & tear of Core. (true/false)

459. Step-up transformer increases voltage. (true/false)

460. Step-down transformer reduces electrical power. (true /false)

461. Transformer is a device which bridges high and low voltage circuits. (true/fase)

462. Periodicity of POH of Power transformer is 4 years. (true/false)

463. New transformer oil is clear and transparent in colour. ( true/ false) 464. Out put voltage of a transformer can be controlled by tap-changer. ( true/false)

465. There is no relation between turn ratio and voltage ratio of a transformer.(true/false) 466. Transformers may also be classified on number of phases. (true/fase)

467. In case of Auto transformer, both the primary and secondary terminals are connected with the same winding.(true/false)

468. A transformer works only in one direction that is , imposing voltage to primary voltage appears on secondary terminals but imposing voltage to secondary no voltage appears on primary terminals. (true/false)

469. Transformer work in both directions, i.e. primary to secondary and vice-versa. (true/false)

470. If an ONAN transformer is turned to ONAF, its capacity improves. (true/false)

471. Normally HT bushing is oil filled type. (true/false)

472. HT bushing is always shield type. (true/false)

473. On BDV test, if the results are less than the standard one, oil filtration should be done. (true/false)

474. It indicates some thing abnormal if there is considerable rise in readings of OTI/WTI from that of last readings. (true/false)

475. That actions are not required during the half yearly maintenance which are done in monthly maintenance.( true/false)

476. Before meggering it is compulsory to make the bushing free from dust and moisture. (true /false)

477. In case of single phase traction transformer, it is not compulsory to open terminal connections prior to meggering of the transformer. ( true/false)

478. Tan –δ test indicates the quality of the insulating material. (true/false)

479. For transformer bushing, value of tan-δ should not be less than 0.007. (true/false)

480. Capacitance value for transformer bushing should not be less than 110% of factory set value.(true/false)

481. CB controls the supply of ---------------.( Sector, Sub-Sector,Elementry Section)

482. BM controls the supply of ---------------.( Sector, Sub-Sector,Elementry Section)

483. Isolator controls the supply of -----------.( Sector, Sub-Sector,Elementry Section)

484. On faults---------------------- trips automatically. (CB, BM, OHE, PT-II)

485. OFF load hand operated switch is well known as ---------- (CB,BM, MCB,Isolator) 486. What is not controlled by TPC through remote control? (CB, BM, DPI)

487. What is common among TPI, DPI, SPI and BPI? a) A CB is connected to all of them. b) All of them is used for transformer isolation. c) All are located in a FP. d) Each of them is a type of isolator.

488. When 25KV isolator is in opened condition, what should be the clearance between its fixed and moving contact?

489. Code ----------- is prefixed before number of isolator connected with main line OHE.

490. Out of the following, what is not there in the pole unit of CB/BM? a) Fix and Moving Contact. b) Arc quenching medium. c) Main and Arcing Contact. d) Auxiliary contact.

491. Out of the following, what is not the type operating mechanism of a CB or BM? a) Air open/ Air Close b) Spring open / spring close c) Air open / spring close. d) ONAN / ONAF

492. What is not compulsory for maintenance of CB / BM? a) To obtain PTW from TPC. b) To open SPI/DPI from both sides. c) To keep switch gear on local control. d) To keep 110 volt DC supply switched off during the work. e) Non of the above.

493. Normally gas pressure in SF6 type CB/BM is maintained at --------------.

494. Low gas pressure alarm operates at ----------- kg/cm² for SF6 CB/BM ,where normal gas pressure is 5 Kg/cm²

495. SF6 CB/BM(5Kg/cm²) locks-out at low gas pressure of ----------------- kg/cm².

496. Which component of SF6 CB/BM generates low gas pressure alarm/lock-out signals?

497. Function of Gas Density switch is – a) to check purity of SF6 gas. b) to control total break time . c) to generate signal according to gas pressure in pole unit.

498. -------------- is used to check gas pressure in pole-unit. (Gas density switch, Gas pressure gauge, Compressor)

499. Normal working air pressure for 25KV CB/BM is --------------------------.

500. Air pressure alarm, for 25KV CB/BM, operates at -------------------------.


 451. True 452. False 453. True 454. true 455. True 456. False 457. False 458. False 459. True 460. False 461. True 462. False 463. True 464. True 465. False 466. True 467. True 468. False 469. True 470. True 471. True 472. False 473. True 474. True 475. False 476. True 477. False 478. True 479. False 480. False 481. Sector 482. Sub-Sector 483. Elementry section 484. CB 485. Isolator 486. DPI 487. d 488. 500mm 489. SM 490. d 491. d 492. e 493. 5.5 Kg/cm² 494. 4.5 Kg/cm² 495. 4.0 Kg/cm² 496. Gas Density switch 497. c 498. Gas Density switch 499. 15 Kg/cm² 500. 13 Kg/cm² RRB JE, SSC AE/JE UPSSSC JE, SSC JE, CIVIL ENGINEERING MCQs, ELECTICAL ENGINEERING MCQs, preavious year quesion papers, dmrc, lmrc, drdo,rrb ntpc, ntpc, pgcil, dsssb, states board, GATE IES EE, ESE, ECE, ME, CE, IT & CS EXAM MATERIALS & OLD PAPERS Electrical Engineering Daily news & current affairs in hindi & english fully updated Daily current affairs Engineering Discussion group for your upcoming exams, you can ask your any query regarding your problem,👇👇👇 PKR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING I am sure this is the best place for you guys subscribe and get success IF YOU WANT TO JOIN ME ON TELEGRAM FOR PDF @newsdailypkr AE/JE EE, ESE, ECE, ME, CE, IT & CS EXAM MATERIALS & OLD PAPERS Electrical Engineering facebook page:- Pravendra Kumar Rajpoot Daily news & current affairs in hindi & english fully updated Daily current affairs Engineering Discussion group for your upcoming exams, you can ask your any query regarding your problem,👇👇👇 PKR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING I am sure this is the best place for you guys subscribe and get success IF YOU WANT TO JOIN ME ON TELEGRAM FOR PDF @newsdailypkr AE/JE EE, ESE, ECE, ME, CE, IT & CS EXAM MATERIALS & OLD PAPERS Electrical Engineering facebook page:- Pravendra Kumar Rajpoot

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