Wednesday, April 22, 2020

SSC/UPPCL JE Electrical Important MCQ PDF Part 1-10 (200 MCQs)

SSC/UPPCL JE Electrical Important MCQ PDF Part 1

1.Hopkinson’s test is conducted at
A) No load
B) Low load
C) Full load
D) Part load
Answer : C

2.How many receptacles can be on a 20-amp circuit
A) 30
B) 40
C) 50
D) 10
Answer : D

3.The magnetic flux which does not follow the particularly intended path in a magnetic circuit is called
A) Leakage flux
B) Magnetic flux
C) Flux
D) Flux density
Answer : A

4.High voltage DC (HVDC) transmission is mainly used for
A) Eliminating reactive power requirement in the operation
B) Minimizing harmonics at the converter stations
C) Interconnecting two systems with the same nominal frequency
D) Bulk power transmission over very long distances
Answer : D

5.AWG stands for
A) Ampacity Wire Gauge
B) American Wire Gauge
C) Actual Wire Gauge
D) Ambient Wire Gauge
Answer : B

6.Which of the following are DC windings
A) Double layered winding
B) Fractional slot winding
C) Single layered winding
D) Lap winding
Answer : D

7.The speed of a DC machine can be measured by a/an-
A) Tachometer
B) Ammeter
C) Anemometer
D) Voltmeter
Answer : A

8.Distribution lines in India generally use
A) RCC poles
B) Wooden poles
C) Steel tower
D) Iron poles
Answer  : A

9.A 20 metre length of cable has a cross-sectional area of 1 mm² and a resistance of 4 Ohm.Calculate the conductivity of the cable.
A) 4 MS/m
B) 5 MS/m
C) 12 MS/m
D) 10 MS/m
Answer Key : B

10.What is the thermal conductivity of nichrome
A) 15.5 W·m−1·K−1
B) 11.3 W·m−1·K−1
C) 25 W·m−1·K−1
D) 20.7 W·m−1·K−1
Answer : B

11.______________ is defined as weber-turns in one coil due to one ampere current in the other.
A) Coefficient of mutual inductance
B) Load coefficient
C) Temperature coefficient
D) Energy efficiency coefficient
Answer : A

12.The r.m.s. value of pure cosine function is
A) 0.5 of peak value
B) Zero
C) Same as peak value
D) 0.707 of peak value
Answer : D

13.The form factor of a 220 V, 50 Hz AC waveform is
A) 1.11
B) 0.85
C) 0.95
D) 1.41
Answer : A

14.Which of the following indicates black and green wires respectively in house wiring
A) Phase and neutral
B) Phase and earth
C) Earth and neutral
D) Neutral and earth
Answer : D

15.The process by which impurities are added to a pure semiconductor is called
A) Drift
B) Diffusing
C) Doping
D) Mixing
Answer : C

16.Who discovered that a current-carrying conductor would move when placed in a magnetic field
A) Nikola Tesla
B) Gustav Kirchhoff
C) Michael Faraday
D) Andre Ampere
Answer : C

17.What is the unit of illumination
A) Henry
B) Lux
C) Decibel
D) Coulomb
Answer : B

18.Mutual inductance is measured in
A) Ampere
B) Volt
C) Henry
D) Ohm
Answer : C

19.DC shunt motors are commonly used in
A) Cranes
B) Lathe machines
C) Electric traction
D) Elevators
Answer : B

20.The starting resistance of a DC motor is usually
A) Around 1000 Ohms
B) Low
C) Around 100 Ohms
D) Very large
Answer : B

SSC/ UPPCL JE Electrical Important MCQ PDF Part 2

1.Buchholz relay is installed on
A) Oil cooled transformer
B) Welding transformer
C) Furnace transformer
D) Air cooled transformer
Answer  : A

2.A 5 kW, 50 Hz, 6-pole slip-ring induction motor runs at 960 RPM. Calculate its synchronous speed and percentage slip.
A) 750 RPM, 2%
B) 900 RPM, 5%
C) 1500 RPM, 4%
D) 1000 RPM, 4%
Answer : D (F=PNs/120 or Ns=120*F/P=120*50/6=1000 RPM,S=(Ns-N)/Ns=(1000-960)/1000=40*100/1000=4%)

3.Which of the following materials is not used as fuse element
A) Aluminium
B) Copper
C) Carbon
D) Silver
Answer : C

4.The ratio of active power to apparent power is known as _________ factor.
A) Load
B) Power
C) Form
D) Demand
Answer : B

5.EMF equation of a transformer with respect to primary and secondary windings is _______.(where ϕm-flux, f-frequency, N1-number of turns in the primary winding, N2-number of turns in the secondary winding, Bm-flux density)
A) All of these
B) E1 = 4.44 f N1 ɸm
C) E1 = 4.44 f N1 BmAi
D) E2 = 4.44 f N2 ɸm
Answer : A

6.The ratio of the maximum power from the solar cell to the product of short circuit current and open circuit voltage is known as
A) Peak factor
B) Form factor
C) Fill factor
Answer  : C (The Fill Factor (FF) is essentially a measure of quality of the solar cell. It is calculated by comparing the maximum power to the theoretical power that would be output at both the open circuit voltage and short circuit current together.)

7.Which of the following are the advantages of rotating field in large alternators
A) Improved ventilation arrangement
B) Better insulation to armature
C) Ease of construction
D) All of these
Answer  : D

8.In AC parallel circuit the angle between voltage and current of each branch will be _________.
A) Cannot say
B) Different
C) Same
D) Zero
Answer  : B

9.The value of stacking factor is usually
A) Equal to unity
B) Greater than unity
C) Zero
D) Less than unity
Answer  : D (The stacking factor is the ratio of electrical steel along the axial length of the iron core.The stacking factor is sometimes also called lamination factor or space factor.The value of stacking factor is usually less than unity.)

10.If the equation of sinusoidal current is 141.4 sin 314t. Find the RMS value and frequency of the current.
A) 400 A and 200 Hz
B) 100 A and 50 Hz
C) 300 A and 150 Hz
D) 200 A and 100 Hz
Answer  : B
(V=141.4 sin 314t
On complaining with,V=Vm sin 2πft
We get,2πf=314f=314/2π=50Hz
Vm(Peak value)=141.4V

11.In which of the following is a Britannia Tee joint used
A) Underground cables
B) Power wiring
C) Overhead lines
D) Conduit wiring
Answer : C (The Britannia joint is a form of electrical joint used for bare overhead wires where great tensile strength is required. The two wires are each tinned, and then each have a short shoulder bent in them, and are then bound together with tinned wire before the whole is soldered.)

12.The maximum power transfer theorem can be applied to
A) DC circuits only
B) Neither AC nor DC circuits
C) AC circuits only
D) Both AC and DC circuits
Answer  : D

13.Numbers that are written with base 8 are classified as
A) Real numbers
B) Hexadecimal numbers
C) Octal numbers
D) Negative numbers
Answer  : C

14.The speed of a DC motor is directly proportional to
A) Flux per pole
B) Speed of motor
C) Back EMF
D) Number of armature conductors
Answer  : C

(The back emf equation of DC motor is given by
Here, N = speed of rotation in rpm. P = number of poles. A = number of parallel paths. Z = total no. conductors in armature.
Thus speed N=60AEb/PZφ
N=Eb/kφ where k=PZ/60A is a constant
Hence, speed of a DC motor is directly proportional to emf of rotation (E) and inversely proportional to flux per pole (φ).)

15.In an NPN transistor, P region is called
A) Emitter
B) Base
C) Collector
D) Source
Answer  : B

16.Earthing Practice Rule 33 of ____________ makes it compulsory for licensee to maintain a suitable earthed terminal.
A) Indian Electricity Rules 1960
B) Indian Electricity Rules 1956
C) Indian Electricity Rules 1950
D) Indian Electricity Rules 1966
Answer  : B (Earthing Practice Rule 33 of Indian Electricity rules 1956 makes it compulsory for licensee to maintain a suitable earthed terminal in consumer’s premises)

17.Which of the following type of wattmeters is used only on AC
A) Induction type wattmeter
B) Dynamometer type suspended-coil torsion wattmeter
C) Dynamometer type pivoted-coil directreading wattmeter
D) Electrostatic type wattmeter
Answer  : A

18.TRS cables on batten are suitable for places
A) Not exposed to sun and rain
B) Exposed to atmosphere
C) Fire hazard is present
D) Where acids and alkalis are present
Answer : A (The disadvantages of batten wiring are Not suitable for outdoor wiring)

19.The PIV rating of 1N4007 rectifier diode is
A) 600 V
B) 1000 V
C) 200 V
D) 400 V
Answer  : B (1N4007 is a rectifier diode, designed specifically for circuits that need to convert alternating current to direct current. It can pass currents of up to 1 A, and have peak inverse voltage (PIV) rating of 1,000 V)

20.Joint box wiring method might be cheaper with respect to
A) Cost wise
B) Power saving
C) Cable length
D) Labour
Answer  : C (Joint Box or Tee or Jointing System-In this method of wiring, connections to appliances are made through joints. These joints are made in joint boxes by means of suitable connectors or joints cutouts. This method of wiring doesn’t consume too much cables size.)

SSC/ UPPCL JE Electrical Important MCQ PDF Part 3

1.If one of the parallel resistors in any parallel circuit is removed from the circuit, then the total resistance
A) Doubled
B) Increases
C) Remains the same
D) Decreases
Answer : B

2.AC servomotor is basically a _______
A) Single-phase induction motor
B) Three-phase induction motor
C) Universal motor
D) Two-phase induction motor
Answer : D

3.In a three-phase unbalanced load, the power factor of each phase is
A) Of opposite signs
B) Of such value that the sum total is unity
C) Difficult to determine
D) Different
Answer : D

4.Which of the following devices is primarily used as resistive temperature sensors and current limiting devices
A) NTC thermistor
B) Rheostat
C) Light dependent resistor
D) Preset resistor
Answer : A

5.Channel wiring material is made of _______
A) Rubber
B) Metal
D) Wood
Answer : C ( Wiring channels are made of high grade PVC materials.PVC enclosures are widely used in electrical wiring systems of domestic and commercial buildings)

6.The colour of the moist silica gel is
A) Brown
B) Yellow
C) Pink
D) Red
Answer : C (Ready to use silica gel is blue in colour. When the silica gel has soaked up a lot of moisture, the silica gel turns to pink. Once the silica gel turns pink it cannot adsorb any more moisture)

7.Which of the following errors occur(s) in a moving iron instrument
A) Stray magnetic field error
B) Hysteresis error
C) All of these
D) Temperature error
Answer : C

8.Megger is a combination of
A) Generator
B) Motor
C) Generator and Ohmmeter
D) Both motor and generator
Answer : C (Megger is the combination of Ohm meter+Generator.This instrument used for measure the high value resistance (IR value)

9._____________ theorem is applicable to both linear and nonlinear circuits.
A) Norton’s
B) Substitution
C) Thevenin’s
D) Superposition
Answer : B (Substitution theorem states that any branch in a network can be substituted by a different branch without disturbing the currents and voltages in the whole network provided the new branch has the same set of terminal voltages and current as the original branch. Substitution theorem can be used in both linear and nonlinear circuits)

10.______________ wiring(s) is/are used to draw TRS cables on teak wood.
A) Lead sheathed
C) Cleat
D) Batten
Answer : D (In Batten Wiring System wooden batten is used. All the cables wiring are installed on the smooth batten with steel clips and steel clips are installed on the surface of batten to equal The wooden batten is installed on the walls of the with the help of 1.5 inch screws)

11.___________ is a circuit, which converts an AC voltage into a pulsating DC voltage using both half cycles of the applied AC voltage.
C) Full wave rectifier
D) Half wave rectifier
Answer : C

12.Which of the following excitation systems have two exciters – the main exciter and a pilot exciter
A) Stator
B) Rotor
D) Static
Answer : C (In dc excitation system, the system has two exciters—the main exciter (a separately excited dc generator providing the field current to the alternator) and a pilot exciter (a compound wound self-excited dc generator providing the field current to the main exciter))

13.Joule’s heating effect is undesirable on
A) Electric iron
B) Electric heater
C) Electric toaster
D) Transformers
Answer : D

14.Crawling in an induction motor is caused by
A) Harmonics developed in the motor
B) Low voltage supply
C) High loads
D) Improper design of the machine
Answer : A

15.Windings of star-delta starter while starting and during running are connected in __________connection.
A) Delta and star
B) Star and star
C) Delta and delta
D) Star and delta
Answer : A

16.A shunt generator running at 1000 RPM has generated EMF of 100 V. If the speed increases to 1200 RPM, then the generated EMF will be
A) 120 V
B) 240 V
C) 175 V
D) 140 V
Answer : A (E2/E1=N2/N1 Or E2/100=1200/1000 So E2=120 V)

17.If three 10 μF capacitors are connected in series, then the value of equivalent capacitance is
A) 3.33 μF
B) 1.33 μF
C) 1.66 μF
D) 0.3 μF
Answer : A (1/C=1/10+1/10+1/10 Or C=10/3=3.33 μF)

18.Q meter works on principle of
A) Self inductance
B) Parallel resonance
C) Mutual inductance
D) Series resonance
Answer : D

19.A fuse operates due to the _______ effect of electric current.
A) Electrostatic
B) Heating
C) Magnetic
D) Chemical
Answer : B

20.The point at which load line intersects IB(sat) (saturation value of base current) is called
A) Cut off point
B) Quiescent point
C) Breakdown point
D) Saturation point
Answer : D (The point where the load line intersects the IB = IB(sat) curve is called saturation)

SSC/ UPPCL JE Electrical Important MCQ PDF Part 4

1.The number of poles in a turbo alternator are
A) 10
B) 6
C) 2
D) 8
Answer  : C

2.A/an ______ is used in electrical installation to join some conductors and provide different paths for different conductors.
A) Capacitor
B) Fuse
C) Ceiling rose
D) Junction box
Answer  : D (Junction boxes are metal or plastic enclosures used as housings for wiring connections. The connections within are called branch circuits and usually represent the end of a conduit run)

3.The number of depletion layers in a BJT transistor is-
A) Four
B) Three
C) Five
D) Two
Answer  : D

4.The effect of fringing __________ with the increase in the length of the air gap in magnetic circuits.
A) Remains constant
B) Decreases
C) Becomes zero
D) Increases
Answer  : D (Fringing is directly proportional to the length of the air gap that means if the length increases the fringing effect will also be more and vice versa.)

5.Neutral is a circuit conductor that normally carries _________ back to the source.
A) Current
B) Power
C) Flux
D) Voltage
Answer  : A (Neutral is a circuit conductor that normally carries current back to the source, and is connected to ground (earth) at the main electrical panel)

6.The power factor of synchronous generator depends on
A) Load
B) Core losses
C) Armature losses
D) Speed of rotor
Answer  : A

7.Low resistance value can be measured accurately by using a/an
A) Megger
B) Ohmmeter
C) Kelvin double bridge
D) Multimeter
Answer  : C

8.An SCR has _______ PN junctions.
A) 3
B) 4
C) 2
D) 5
Answer  : A

9.An electric stove consumes 5 MJ of energy from a 230 V power supply when turned on for 60 minutes. Find the approximate power.
A) 1389 W
B) 1772 W
C) 1500 W
D) 1823 W
Answer  : A (P = W / t,P = (5 MJ) (106 J/MJ) / ((60 min) (60 s/min))=1389 W= 1.39 kW)

10.The frequency of an alternating quantity is
A) The speed with which the alternator runs
B) The number of direction reversals per second
C) The number of cycles completed per minute
D) The number of cycles completed per second
Answer  : D

11.In which of the following applications is armoured cable used
A) Teak wood batten wiring
B) Domestic portable appliances
C) General wiring
D) Underground systems for distribution purpose
Answer  : D

12.The average value of the current is the _____________ divided by the number of currents.
A) Sum of all resistances
B) Sum of all voltages
C) Sum of all currents
D) Sum of all currents and voltages
Answer  : C

13.In a closed loop, the sum of voltage drops across components is equal to
A) Zero
B) Half the applied voltage
C) Twice the applied voltage
D) The applied voltage
Answer  : D

14.________ at a point is defined as the force experienced per unit positive charge at a point placed in the electric field.
A) Magnetic flux density
B) Electric intensity
C) Electric flux
D) Voltage rating
Answer  : B

15.The EMF of a generator depends on-
A) Number of poles
B) Number of parallel paths
C) Flux per pole
D) All of these
Answer  : D (E=PZNφ/60A)

16.Which lamp has the best Colour Rendering Index (CRI)
A) Fluorescent
B) Incandescent
D) High pressure sodium vapour
Answer  : B (The Color Rendering Index (CRI) is a scale from 0 to 100 percent indicating how accurate a “given” light source is at rendering color when compared to a “reference” light source.Fluorescent-76,Incandescent-100,LED-83,High pressure sodium vapour-24)

17.A multimeter can measure
A) All of the options
B) Voltage
C) Current
D) Resistance
Answer  : A

18.What is the binary representation of 73
A) 1001100
B) 1001101
C) 1001001
D) 1001111
Answer  : C
(Step 1: Divide (73)10 successively by 2 until the quotient is 0

73/2 = 36, remainder is 1
36/2 = 18, remainder is 0
18/2 = 9, remainder is 0
9/2 = 4, remainder is 1
4/2 = 2, remainder is 0
2/2 = 1, remainder is 0
1/2 = 0, remainder is 1

Step 2: Read from the bottom (MSB) to top (LSB) as 1001001.
So, 1001001 is the binary equivalent of decimal number 73)

19.The armature reaction affects the ___________ when the load on an alternator is increased.
A) Rotor speed
B) No load losses
C) Frequency of armature
D) Terminal voltage
Answer  : D

20.The expression for synchronous speed is _________ where Ns-synchronous speed, ffrequency,P-number of poles.
A) Ns = 120Pf
B) Ns = 120f/P
C) N s= 120P/f
D) Ns = 120/Pf
Answer  : B

SSC/ UPPCL JE Electrical Important MCQ PDF Part 5

1.What is the expansion of DPIC switch
A) Digital Pole Iron Clad Switch
B) Double Pole Iron Clad Switch
C) Double Phase Induction Core Switch
D) Dual Phase Iron Clad Switch
Answer  : B (DPIC stands for Double Pole Iron Clad Switch)

2.The number of magnetic starter poles refer to the
A) Number of north poles
B) Number of control contacts
C) Number of south poles
D) Number of power load contacts
Answer  : D (The number of poles refers to the number of power contacts determined by the electrical supply service. E.g., in a three-phase, three-wire system, a three-pole starter is required)

3.If an alternator winding has a fractional pitch of 5/6, the coil span is _______ degrees.
A) 180
B) 60
C) 300
D) 150
Answer  : D (Coil spam=180⁰×5/6=150⁰)

4.Ammeter should always have a
A) Low resistance
B) High voltage
C) Low voltage
D) High resistance
Answer  : A

5.Reverse Power flow relays are used for the protection of _______
A) Generating stations
B) Transmission stations
C) Transformers
D) Domestic power supplies
Answer : A (Reverse Power Relay is a directional protective relay that prevents/protect the generator from motoring effect (going to reverse direction). It is used where generator runs in parallel with other utility or generator)

6.Which of the following wiring systems is normally used in domestic purposes
A) Lead Sheathed
B) Conduit
C) Batten
D) Capping
Answer  : B (Conduit wiring system mostly used in residential and light-commercial wiring systems, including common applications)

7.Which of the following types of wiring are aesthetically appealing
A) Conduit concealed wiring
B) Batten wiring
C) Cleat wiring
D) Conduit surface wiring
Answer  : A (Concealed Conduit Electrical Wiring systems are the most popular, aesthetically appealing, and most common type of House Electrical wiring used)

8.What is the average power of an AC circuit
A) VI Sin²Φ
B) VI CosΦ
C) VI SinΦ
D) Zero
Answer  : B

9.The knee voltage for a germanium diode is
A) 0.3 V
B) 0.1 V
C) 0.7 V
D) 0.8 V
Answer  : A (The value of knee voltage for silicon diode is 0.7 V and for germanium diode 0.3 V)

10.The minimum number of diodes needed for a bridge rectifier is
A) Five
B) Four
C) Two
D) Six
Answer  : B

11.Why are batteries connected in parallel
A) To increase the efficiency
B) To increase the current capacity
C) To increase the voltage rating
D) To increase the life of the batteries
Answer  : B

12.A winding which has equal number of slots and poles is called
A) Full pitch winding
B) Concentrated winding
C) Short pitch winding
D) Distributed winding
Answer : B (Concentrated winding:Concentrated winding is employed where number of slots on the armature is equal to number of poles in the machine)

13.A semiconductor device which acts like a diode and two transistors is
Answer  : B (The triac is similar in operation to two transistor connceted in reverse parallel but using a common gate. The triac can conduct in both direction)

14.The Tellegen’s theorem can be applied to
A) Passive & active networks
B) All of these
C) Hysteric and non-hysteric networks
D) Linear & non-linear networks
Answer : B

15.The connection of a Zener diode in a circuit is always
A) Positively biased
B) Reverse biased
C) In series
D) Forward biased
Answer : B

16.Induction motor works on the principle of
A) Chemical effect
B) Heating effect
C) Electromagnetic induction
D) Electrostatic effect
Answer : C

17.What is the length of a 40 watt tube
A) 0.6 m
B) 1.5 m
C) 2 m
D) 1.2 m
Answer : D (20 watt-2 ft (610 mm),40 watt-4 ft (1219 mm))

18.A circuit breaker normally operates
A) Whenever a fault occurs in the line
B) When the power is to be supplied
C) When the switch is to be put on
D) When the line is to be tested
Answer : A

19.Solder is an alloy of
A) Lead and copper
B) Lead and silver
C) Lead and tin
D) Lead and sodium
Answer : C

20.According to weber’s molecular theory of magnetism, when a magnetic material is magnetised,its molecules are forced along a __________.
A) Parallel line
B) Straight line
C) Circular line
D) Spherical line
Answer : B (According to Weber’s Molecular Theory of magnetism, when a magnetic material is magnetised, its molecules are forced along a straight line

SSC/ UPPCL JE Electrical Important MCQ PDF Part 6

1.For domestic wiring, the most extensively used material is
A) Aluminium
B) Copper
C) Neither copper nor aluminium
D) Copper or aluminium
Answer  : D

2.A substance that has a high retentiveness can be used for the manufacture of
A) Electromagnets
B) Paramagnets
C) Temporary magnets
D) Permanent magnets
Answer  : D

3.For a slip ‘s’ and supply frequency ‘f’, the frequency of current in rotor will be
A) sf
B) f/s
C) f²/s
D) (1-s)f
Answer  : A

4.The synchronous speed of a three phase induction motor having 20 poles and connected to a 50 Hz source is
A) 1200 RPM
B) 600 RPM
C) 300 RPM
D) 1000 RPM
Answer  : C (Ns=120*f/P=120*50/20=300 RPM)

5.The ballistic galvanometer is designed to deflect its needle proportional to ________ passing through its moving coil.
A) Heat energy
B) Magnetic force
C) Pressure energy
D) Charge
Answer  : D (The ballistic galvanometer is designed to deflect its indicating needle (or mirror) in a way that is proportional to the total charge passing through its moving coil or to a voltage pulse of short duration)

6.Which of the following semiconductor devices can be used for controlling the speed of a DC motor
A) Thyratron
B) Thermistor
C) Transistor
D) Thyristor
Answer  : D

7.Equipment earthing is necessary to give protection against
A) Overloading
B) The danger of electric shocks
C) Voltage fluctuation
D) The high temperature of the conductors
Answer  : B

8.In a transmission system, a feeder feeds power to
A) Power plant substation
B) Generating substations
C) Service mains
D) Distributors
Answer  : B (Feeder transmits power from Generating station or substation to the distribution points)

9.An alternator has 20 poles and running at 300 RPM will generate alternating voltage and current whose frequency is
A) 100 Hz
B) 50 Hz
C) 30 Hz
D) 40 Hz
Answer  : B (f=PN/120=20*300/120=50 Hz)

10.When a voltmeter-ammeter method is applied for the measurement of resistance, the voltmeter reads a value of 8.28 V and the ammeter reading is 4.14 mA, then the value of the resistance will be
A) 20 kΩ
B) 2 kΩ
C) 200 kΩ
D) 2 MΩ
Answer  : B (R=V/I=8.28 V/ 4.14 mA=2 kΩ)

11.The fusing factor of protective devices for medium level load is
A) 1.45
B) 2.38
C) 3.45
D) 0.95
Answer  : B (Fusing factor =minimum fusing current / current rating of fusing element. Fusing factor value is more than 1.The fusing factor of protective devices for medium level load is 1.45)

12.The difference between the synchronous speed and the actual speed of an induction motor is known as
A) Backlash
B) Lag
C) Slip
D) Regulation
Answer  : C (s=Ns-N)

13.Where is the control grid placed in a triode
A) Very near to cathode
B) Very near to plate
C) Very near to anode
D) Midway between plate and cathode
Answer  : D

14.Relative permeability of a substance is less than the permeability of free space is known as
A) Paramagnetic
B) Non magnetic
C) Diamagnetic
D) Ferromagnetic
Answer  : C (A diamagnetic material has a constant relative permeability slightly less than 1.The permeability of free space (a vacuum ) is a physical constant equal to approximately 1.257 x 10 –6 henry per meter)

15.If a power of 100 W is being supplied across a potential difference of 200 V, find the current flowing through the circuit.
A) 0.5 A
B) 1 A
C) 20 A
D) 2 A
Answer  : A (I=P/V=100/200=0.5 A)

16.Electricity produced from _______ is called piezoelectricity.
A) Heat
B) Pressure
C) Light
D) Velocity
Answer  : B (Piezoelectricity means the electricity which is produced due to the application of pressure)

17.If the load impedance in three phases are not equal to the load then it is said to be
A) Unbalanced supply
B) Unbalanced load
C) Balanced supply
D) Balanced load
Answer  : B

18.Susceptibilities of diamagnetic material is
A) Unity
B) Zero
C) Negative
D) Positive
Answer  : B (Diamagnetic substances have negative susceptibilities (χ < 0); paramagnetic, superparamagnetic, and ferromagnetic substances have positive susceptibilities (χ > 0))

19.Which of the following wirings is suitable for lighting in low voltage installations
A) Surface conduit wiring
B) Concealed conduit wiring
C) TRS wiring
D) Casing wiring
Answer  : C

20.Which of the following are the disadvantages of synchronous motors
A) Usually operate with higher efficiencies
B) Requires DC excitation
C) Ability to control the power factor
D) Electro-magnetic power varies linearly with the voltage
Answer  : B

SSC/ UPPCL JE Electrical Important MCQ PDF Part 7

1.At resonance frequency, the inductive reactance value is the same as
A) Reactance of the capacitor
B) Impedance of the circuit
C) Resistance of the circuit
D) Reactance of the coil
Answer  : A (At the resonant frequency fr, XL = XC)

2.Which of the following is NOT a standard transmission voltage
A) 222 kV
B) 750 kV
C) 400 kV
D) 132 kV
Answer  : A (Nominal System Voltage in kV 132 220 275 345 400 500 750 Maximum Operating Voltage in kV 145 245 300 362 420 525 765)
3.If there are “n” nodes in the circuit there will be ________ independent nodal equations.
A) n+1
B) n-2
C) n
D) n-1
Answer  : D
4.Open circuit test on transformers is conducted to determine which of the following
A) Core losses
B) Eddy current losses
C) Hysteresis losses
D) Copper losses
Answer  : A (Open circuit test is conducted to find the core/iron loss of a transformer,Core losses is the sum of the hysteresis loss and the eddy current loss)
5.Which of the following motors is employed in hair dryers
A) Capacitor start induction motor
B) Split phase induction motor
C) Capacitor start capacitor run induction motor
D) Shaded pole induction motor
Answer  : D

6.The wire of 2 SWG is equivalent to diameter of
A) 7.01 mm
B) 5.89 mm
C) 5.38 mm
D) 6.4 mm
Answer  : A (1 Swg = 7.620mm,2 Swg = 7.010mm,3 Swg = 6.401mm,4 Swg = 5.893mm,5 Swg = 5.385mm)
7.Which of the following diodes is a signal diode
A) 0A79
B) BY127
C) 1N4007
D) DR25
Answer  : A (0A79 diodes-The symbol ‘A’ indicates that this device is made from germanium,As germanium has less cut in voltage so this diode is used for low power signal or for signal processing)
8.If a 100 Watts bulb is ON for 10 hours, then what will be the amount of electricity consumed
A) 1500 Watts
B) 1 kWh
C) 300 Watts
D) 100 Watts per hour
Answer  : B (Amount of electricity consumed=100 x 10 = 1000 Watt-Hour = 1 Kilowatt-Hour (kWH) = 1 units)
9.If the battery of a multimeter becomes weak, then it will give
A) Perfect reading
B) High reading
C) No reading
D) Less reading
Answer  : D
10.A component which is used to close or break a circuit is called
A) Electric cell
B) Wire
C) Switch
D) Bulb
Answer  : C

11.Which of the following is a possible cause of blackening at both ends of the fluorescent lamp
A) Frequent starting of fluorescent lamp
B) Improper ballast
C) Low or high voltage
D) All of these
Answer  : D
12.When the rotor of a three-phase induction motor runs at synchronous speed, its rotor frequency will become
A) Zero
B) Half of supply frequency
C) Equal to the supply frequency
D) Double the supply frequency
Answer  : A
13.The total opposition offered to the flow of current in AC circuit is called
A) Inductance
B) Resistance
C) Impedance
D) Capacitance
Answer  : C
14.To measure which of the following is Wheatstone bridge method used
A) Voltage
B) Resistance
C) Power
D) Current
Answer  : B
15.In a megger, controlling torque is provided by
A) Gravity
B) Eddy current
C) Coil
D) Spring
Answer  : C

16.The spindle of the moving system in a PMMC instrument is supported at both ends with the help of
A) Bush bearings
B) Jewelled bearings
C) Gun metal bearings
D) Steel bearings
Answer  : B
17.The electric displacement of a winding in two-phase supply is
A) 180°
B) 90°
C) 120°
D) 60°
Answer  : B
18.In a 2 pole lap winding DC machine, the resistance of one conductor is 2 Ω and the total number of conductors is 100. Find the total armature resistance.
A) 200 Ω
B) 50 Ω
C) 100 Ω
D) 10 Ω
Answer  : B (Total armature resistance=X×Z/A² Where X = Resistance of one conductor Z = Total number of conductors A = No of parallel paths-For lap winding it is 2,So total armature resistance=2×100/2²=50 Ω)
19.The rotor in an alternator requires
A) Pulsed DC
B) Triangular wave
Answer  : D (An alternator is a synchronous machine and the field winding on the rotor is designed for DC)
20.Three-phase transformer contains
A) One primary and three secondary windings
B) Three primary and one secondary windings
C) Three primary and three secondary windings
D) Three primary and two secondary windings
Answer  : C

SSC/ UPPCL JE Electrical Important MCQ PDF Part 8

1.________ extinguishers are ideal for places with a lot of electrical equipment such as offices or server rooms.
A) N2S
B) Cl2
C) SO2

D) CO2
Answer  : D
2.What is the average life of a fluorescent tube
A) 2000 hours
B) 7000 hours
C) 1000 hours
D) 3000 hours
Answer  : B (Fluorescent light bulbs typically have a rated lifespan of 7,000 to 15,000 hours)
3.An ON-OFF switch with overload protection is called a _______.
A) Reversing starter
B) Magnetic starter
C) Manual starter
D) Combination starter
Answer  : C (Manual motor starters are electro-mechanical protection devices for the main circuit. They are used mainly to switch motors manually ON/OFF and protect them fuse less against short-circuit, overload and phase failures. )
4.When checked with an ohm meter an open resistor reads
A) High but within tolerance
B) Zero
C) Infinite
D) Low but not zero
Answer  : C
5.The winding of interpoles is connected ________ with the armature.
A) Half in series and half in parallel
B) Both in series and parallel
C) In parallel
D) In series
Answer  : D

6.The EMF induced in a coil due to the change of its own flux linked with it is called
A) Dynamically induced EMF
B) Self induced EMF
C) Mutually induced EMF
D) Statically induced EMF
Answer  : B
7.In an alternator, the _______ current is generated in the stationary stator.
B) Both AC and DC
C) Pulsating DC
Answer  : D (The rotating magnetic field induces an AC voltage in the stator windings)
8.The speed with which the turbo alternators operate are
A) 3000 RPM
B) 5000 RPM
C) 1000 RPM
D) 1500 RPM
Answer  : A (The normal speed of a turbo generator is 1500 or 3000 rpm with four or two poles at 50 Hz (1800 or 3600 rpm with four or two poles at 60 Hz))
9.Two bulbs of 500 W and 200 W rated at 250 V will have resistance ratio as
A) 2 : 3
B) 2 : 5
C) 3 : 2
D) 5 : 2
Answer  : B (Resistance of bulb 500 watt R₁=(220)²/500Ω,Resistance of bulb 200 watt R₂=(220)²/200Ω So R₁/R₂=2/5)
10.A quantity whose magnitude has a definite repeating time cycle is called a
A) Steady state periodic
B) Transient state periodic
C) Steady state aperiodic
D) Transient
Answer  : A

11.________ system is universally adopted for a generation, transmission and distribution of electric power.
A) Two phase
B) Single phase
C) Both single and two phase
D) Three phase
Answer  : D
12.Resonant Grounding is also known as
A) Solid earthing
B) Arc suppression coil earthing
C) Reactance earthing
D) Resistance earthing
Answer  : B
13.RMS value is defined based on which of the following
A) Charge transfer
B) Voltage
C) Current
D) Heating effect
Answer  : D (Rms (Root mean square) value is defined based on heating effect of wave-forms)
14.In a permanent magnet moving coil instrument, the deflecting torque is directly proportional to
A) Current passing through coil
B) Flux density in air gap
C) Number of turns of coil
D) All of these
Answer  : D (Td = NBldI where N is number of turns,B is magnetic flux density in air gap,l is the length of moving coil,d is the width of the moving coil,I is the electric current)
15.Which of the following effects is used in Wattmeter
A) Chemical effect
B) Electrostatic effect
C) Electrodynamic effect
D) Thermal effect
Answer  : C

16.When an electric device, appliance or electrical installation is connected to the earth electrode without a fuse, circuit breaker or resistance/Impedance, It is called ___________.
A) Solidly earthed
B) Earth resistance
C) Earthing lead
D) Earth continuity conductor
Answer  : A
17.According to Kirchhoff’s current law, the algebraic sum of current leaving a node in a lumped parameter circuit is equal to
A) Value of voltage drop in the circuit
B) Infinite
C) Unity
D) Zero
Answer  : D
18.The measurement errors mainly caused by human mistakes are called
A) Gross error
B) Systematic error
C) Instrumental error
D) Observational error
Answer  : A
19.Before starting electroplating, what action is to be necessarily taken
A) Buffing
B) Soldering
C) Cleaning
D) Polishing
Answer  : C
20.In which of the following transmission lines is capacitance effect negligible
A) Both long transmission lines and short transmission lines
B) Short transmission lines
C) Long transmission lines
D) Medium transmission lines
Answer  : B

SSC/ UPPCL JE Electrical Important MCQ PDF Part 9
1.Which of the following are the types of earthing system
A) Wire earthing
B) All of these
C) Pipe earthing

D) Plate earthing
Answer  : B
2.Alternator is used to generate
A) Both AC and DC
C) Light energy
Answer  : D
3.Working voltage of medium grade cables is
A) 500 V
B) 650 V
C) 100 V
D) 400 V
Answer  : B
4.Mho relay is suitable for __________ transmission lines
A) Low voltage
B) Ultra High voltage
C) Both Ultra and extra high voltage
D) Extra-high voltage
Answer  : C
5.The base of BJT is
A) Heavily doped
B) Moderately doped
C) Not doped
D) Lightly doped
Answer  : D (The base region of a BJT transistor is very thin and is lightly doped with current carriers)

6.In an airblast circuit breaker, why is compressed air used
A) Closing the contacts
B) Cooling the circuit breaker
C) Quenching the arc
D) Opening the contacts
Answer  : C
7.Filament in an incandescent lamp is made of
A) Copper wire
B) Nichrome wire
C) Fuse wire
D) Tungsten wire
Answer  : D
8.A coil of 600 turns and of resistance of 20 Ω is wound uniformly over a steel ring of mean circumference 30 cm and cross sectional area 9 cm². If the relative permeability of the ring is 1600. Find the value of reluctance.
A) 1.657 x 10⁵ AT/Wb
B) 2.657 x 10⁵ AT/Wb
C) 3.657 x 10⁵ AT/Wb
D) 4.657 x 10⁵ AT/Wb
Answer  : A (Given l=30 cm=0.3 m,A=9 cm²=9×10⁻⁴ m²,μᵣ=1600,μₒ=4π×10⁻⁷ Reluctance S=l/μᵣμₒA=0.3/1600×4π×10⁻⁷×9×10⁻⁴=1.657 x 10⁵ AT/Wb)
9.The full form of ACSR is
A) All Copper Standard Reinforced
B) Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced
C) All Copper Steel Reinforced
D) Aluminium Copper Steel Reinforced
Answer  : B
10.Leakage coefficient is denoted by
A) φ
B) Ω
C) μ
D) λ
Answer  : D (The ratio of the total flux produced to the useful flux set up in the air gap of the magnetic circuit is called a leakage coefficient or leakage factor. It is denoted by (λ).)

11.Power is transmitted over transmission lines on high voltage, because
A) Current is reduced
B) Efficiency is increased
C) Conductor cost is reduced
D) Both conductor cost is reduced and efficiency is increased
Answer  : D
12.What is the primary function of a choke in a tube light circuit
A) Limit the starting current
B) Limit the current after starting
C) Heat up the filament
D) Induce high voltage
Answer  : D (The purpose of the choke is to provide a very high voltage initially between the filaments (across the two ends of the tube light))
13.What is the purpose of shading coil in a shaded pole motor
A) Reduce rotational losses
B) Produce rotating magnetic field
C) Reduce friction loss
D) Reduce rough commutation
Answer  : B
14.A P-N-P-N diode
A) May be made of any semiconductor
B) Is always made of germanium
C) May be made of either silicon or germanium
D) Is always made of silicon
Answer  : D (The Shockley diode or PNPN diode is a four layer (P-N-P-N), two terminals (namely anode and cathode) semiconductor switching device.PNPN used silicon and phosphorus)
15.The rotor current frequency in a slip-ring induction motor depends on
A) Amount of slip
B) Inductive reactance
C) Rotor inductor
D) Rotor conductor
Answer  : A (Rotor frequency = s*f)

16.A magnetic pressure which sets up or tends to set up flux in a magnetic circuit is called
A) Magnetic field
B) Cross magnetisation
C) Demagnetisation
D) Magnetomotive force
Answer  : D
17.During raceway wiring, which colour wire is always used for neutral connections
A) Red
B) White
C) Either green or white
D) Green
Answer  : B (Black, Red and Blue are used for hot wires and White is used as the neutral wire in a 120/208 V circuit/ raceway wiring. Brown, Orange and Yellow are used as hot wires and gray is used as the neutral wire in a 277/480 V. For grounding, regardless of the voltage, Green (or a bare wire) is used)
18.Ceiling rose is used to take supply for a/an
A) Portable equipment
B) Fluorescent lamp
C) Electric iron
D) Heater of 2000 W
Answer  : B (A ceiling rose is used to make a safe and efficient connection between the circuit wiring of an installation au electric load such as, fan, lamp, fluorescent tube etc).
19.The thyristor is turned off when the anode current falls below
A) Holding current
B) Latching current
C) Forward current
D) Breakover current
Answer  : A
20.In India, what is the frequency of the AC power line voltage
A) 120 Hz
B) 60 Hz
C) 100 Hz
D) 50 Hz
Answer  : D

SSC/ UPPCL JE Electrical Important MCQ PDF Part 10

1.If a three-phase motor operates with only two-phases, it is called single-phasing. It will ultimately make the motor _______.
A) To run with triple speed
B) To run efficiently
C) To carry no load

D) To burn out
Answer  : D (When a three phase motor looses one of the phase supply voltage then it is called Single Phasing. Single Phasing a case when any one phase out of the three phases fails.Since one of the phases is now disconnected, current through other two phases will increase to produce the desired torque. The motor will run but would not be able to drive rated load.If motor is operating at higher load near to the rated load,Motor may get burnt)
2.Two way switches are used in ____ wiring
A) Staircase
B) Lead sheathed
C) Conduit
D) Batten
Answer  : A
3.Which of the following diodes operate(s) in reverse breakdown region
A) Both PN junction diode and zener diode
C) PN junction diode
D) Zener diode
Answer  : D
4.A cluster of charges with an electric dipole moment is often called
A) Electric dipoles
B) Polarization
C) Electric susceptibility
D) Eddy currents
Answer  : A
5.Paramagnetic substances are
A) Weakly attracted by a magnet
B) The same as that of dia magnetic substances
C) Weakly repelled by a magnet
D) Produced by heating iron above the curie point
Answer  : A (These are metals that are weakly attracted to magnets. They include aluminum, gold, and copper)

6.A JFET is also called ________ device
A) Neither unipolar nor bipolar
B) Both unipolar and bipolar
C) Unipolar
D) Bipolar
Answer  : A (All FETs can be called UNIPOLAR devices because the charge carriers that carry the current through the device are all of the same type i.e. either holes or electrons, but not both)
7.Calculate the total DC resistance of a 100 metre roll of 2.5 mm² copper wire if the resistivity of copper at 20° C is 1.72 x 10⁻⁸ Ω metre.
A) 0.867 Ω
B) 0.713 Ω
C) 0.214 Ω
D) 0.688 Ω
Answer  : D  (Given resistivity of copper at 20oC is 1.72 x 10-8, coil length L = 100m, the cross-sectional area A= 2.5mm2  = 2.5 x 10-6 metres2,R=ρL/A So R=1.72 x 10⁻8×100/ 2.5 x 10⁻⁶=688 mΩ=0.668 Ω)
8.The property of the coil of generating induced EMF due to the changing flux linked with it is called
A) Reactance
B) Capacitance
C) Resistance
D) Inductance
Answer  : D
9.What is the SI unit of electric charge
A) Volt (V)
B) Joule (J)
C) Coulomb (C)
D) Ampere (A)
Answer  : C
10.What is the most common and important type of fuse used in domestic application
A) Liquid type fuse
B) Kit-Kat type fuse
C) HRC fuse
D) Cartridge fuse

Answer  : B (Rewirable or Kit – Kat Type Fuses are a type of Low Voltage (LV) Fuses. They are most commonly used in house wiring, small industries and other small current applications)
11.In P-type semiconductor, the majority carriers are
A) Valence electrons
B) Free electrons
C) Neutrons
D) Holes
Answer  : D
12.Which of the following value of a complex current wave is equal to the square root of the sum of the square of the RMS value of the individual components
A) Average value
B) Mean value
C) RMS value
D) Peak value
Answer  : C (The rms value of complex current or voltage wave is equal to the square root of the sum of the squares of the rms value of its individual components)
13.Synchronous motor when used for power factor improvement should be
A) Operated at no load with under excitation
B) Operated with load
C) Connected along with capacitor bank
D) Operated at no load with over excitation
Answer  : D
14.The armature current of a synchronous motor has large value for
A) High excitation
B) Medium excitation
C) Both low and high excitation
D) Low excitation
Answer  : C (The magnitude of armature current varies with excitation. The current has large value both for low and high values of excitation (though it is lagging for low excitation and leading for higher excitation))
15.The unit of current is
A) Hertz
B) Volt
C) Ampere
D) Coulomb
Answer  : C

16.The centre tap transformer is used in
A. Quarter Wave Rectifier
B. Half Wave Rectifier
C. Full Wave Rectifier
D. Bridge Rectifier
Answer  : C
17.The important advantage of FET over BJT is
A. Very High Input Resistance
B. Very Low Input Resistance
C. Very High Input Current
D. Zero input Resistance
Answer  : A
18.What is the speed of an induction motor when slip is 100%
A. Zero
B. Full load speed
C. Half load Speed
D. Quarter load speed
Answer  : A (s = (ns – nr) 100% / ns ,where s = slip ns = synchronous speed of magnetic field (rev/min, rpm),nr = shaft rotating speed (rev/min, rpm),When the rotor is not turning (nr=0) then slip is 100 %)
19.The speed of an induction motor will be same as synchronous speed when slip is
A. Infinite
B. Unity
C. Half
D. Zero
Answer  : D ((s = (ns – nr) 100% / ns,When ns = nr,Then s=0)
20.In which motor, stator and rotor fields rotate simultaneously
A. DC series motor
B. Universal motor
C. Slip ring induction motor
D. Synchronous motor
Answer  : D RRB JE, SSC AE/JE UPSSSC JE, SSC JE, CIVIL ENGINEERING MCQs, ELECTICAL ENGINEERING MCQs, preavious year quesion papers, dmrc, lmrc, drdo,rrb ntpc, ntpc, pgcil, dsssb, states board, GATE IES EE, ESE, ECE, ME, CE, IT & CS EXAM MATERIALS & OLD PAPERS Electrical Engineering Daily news & current affairs in hindi & english fully updated Daily current affairs Engineering Discussion group for your upcoming exams, you can ask your any query regarding your problem,👇👇👇 PKR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING I am sure this is the best place for you guys subscribe and get success IF YOU WANT TO JOIN ME ON TELEGRAM FOR PDF @newsdailypkr AE/JE EE, ESE, ECE, ME, CE, IT & CS EXAM MATERIALS & OLD PAPERS Electrical Engineering facebook page:- Pravendra Kumar Rajpoot Daily news & current affairs in hindi & english fully updated Daily current affairs Engineering Discussion group for your upcoming exams, you can ask your any query regarding your problem,👇👇👇 PKR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING I am sure this is the best place for you guys subscribe and get success IF YOU WANT TO JOIN ME ON TELEGRAM FOR PDF @newsdailypkr AE/JE EE, ESE, ECE, ME, CE, IT & CS EXAM MATERIALS & OLD PAPERS Electrical Engineering facebook page:- Pravendra Kumar Rajpoot

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