Saturday, May 30, 2020

Civil Engineering Sub-Disciplines | Width of carriageway | Types of Admixtures Used In Concrete| CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING TIPS

 Pravendra Kumar Rajpoot
Civil Engineering Sub-Disciplines

1.Coastal engineering is concerned with managing coastal areas. The term coastal defense is the more traditional term, but coastal management has become more popular as the field has expanded to include techniques that allow erosion to claim land.
2.Construction engineering involves planning and execution of the designs from transportation, site development, hydraulic, environmental, structural and geotechnical engineers.
3.Earthquake engineering is dedicated to reducing earthquake risk by advancing the practice of this science.
4.Environmental engineering can be involved with pollution reduction, green engineering, and industrial ecology and involves protecting the environment and human health.
5.Geotechnical engineering is an area of civil engineering concerned with the rock and soil that supports civil engineering projects.
6.Materials engineering and sciences deals with materials such as concrete, mix asphalt concrete, metals as well as paints and finishes.
7.Municipal or urban engineering involves specifying, designing, constructing, and maintaining streets, sidewalks, water supply networks, sewers, street lighting, municipal solid waste management and disposal, storage depots for various bulk materials used for maintenance and public works, public parks and bicycle paths.
8.Structural engineering is concerned with designing structures to be safe and serviceable for their users
9.Transportation engineering is concerned with moving people and goods efficiently, safely, and in a manner conducive to a vibrant community.
10.Water resources engineering is a discipline that combines hydrology, environmental science, meteorology, geology, conservation, and resource management.


Pravendra Kumar Rajpoot,
Width of carriageway

πŸ›£ Single lane road:- 3.75 m

πŸ›£ Double lane road without kerb:- 7 m

πŸ›£ Double lane road with kerb:- 7.5 m

πŸ›£ Intermediate lane:- 5.5 m

πŸ›£ Multi-lane roads:- 3.5 m/lane

πŸ›£ Min. Shoulder width:- 2.5 m

πŸ›£ Max width of any vehicle:- 2.44 m

πŸ›£ Min. Roadway width on single lane bridge:- 4.25 mπŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

Pravendra Kumar Rajpoot,
Types of Admixtures Used In Concrete

Admixtures are natural or manufactured chemicals which are added to the concrete before or during mixing. The most often used admixtures are air-entraining agents, water reducers, water-reducing retarders and accelerators.
We'll discuss The Types of Concrete Admixtures in the following Posts.
Source; TheConstructor

1- Water Reducing Admixtures

Water reducing admixtures, the name itself defines that they are used to minimize the water demand in a concrete mix. Workability is the important property of concrete which is improved with the addition of water but if the water is added more than required the strength and durability properties of concrete gets affected.
In addition, to increase in workability it also improves the strength of concrete, good bond between concrete and steel, prevents cracking, segregation, honeycombing, bleeding etc. Water reducing admixtures are also called as plasticizers and these are classified into three types namely plasticizers, mid-range plasticizers and superplasticizers. Normal plasticizer reduces the water demand by up to 10%, mid-range plasticizers reduce the water demand by up to 15% while superplasticizers reduce the water demand by up to 30%.

2- Retarding Admixtures
Retarding admixtures

 slow down the rate of hydration of cement in its initial stage and increase the initial setting time of concrete. These are also called as retarders and used especially in high-temperature zones where concrete will set quickly.  The quick setting in some situations may lead to discontinuities in structure, the poor bond between the surfaces creates unnecessary voids in concrete etc. Retarders are useful to eliminate this type of problems. Commonly used retarding admixture is calcium sulphate or gypsum. Starch, cellulose products, common sugar, salts of acids are some other retarders. Most of the water-reducing admixtures are also acts as retarding admixtures and they are called as retarding plasticizers.

Pravendra Kumar Rajpoot,
*ASTM Abbrevation : American Society for Testing Materials
*Grade of Concrete is denoted as Cement: Sand: Aggregate (Ex C-20 Grade : 1:2:3)
*C/C means Center to Center Distance
*DL means Development Length
*Lapping of bars not allowed if the dia of bar is more than 36mm.
*For circular column minimum of 6 longitudinal bars are used and 4 for Rectangular.
*The minimum thickness of slab is 0.125m
*Water pH value less than 6 should not be used for construction purpose.
*The concrete Should not be thrown from a height more than 1.5m.
*The Compressive strength of Bricks is 3.5 N /mm
*The initial setting time shall not be less than 30 minutes and the final setting time of cement is 10hours.
*Dead Load means Self weight of Structure
*Sand having moisture content more than 5% should not be used for Concrete mix.
*DPC means Damp Proof Course. The thickness of DPC should not be less than 2.5cm.
*Cube test is carried out for each 30m usage of concrete.
*RMC : Ready Mix concrete, The concrete is made at factory and transported to the site, This type of concrete is used where there is a lack of space for mixing the concrete and used where a huge amount of concrete is required for construction.
*The height of floor is usually 3m or 10ft (If a person asks you whats the height of 12 storied building?
Ans: 3m x 12floors = 36m)
*A head mason can work 25-30m in a day.
*In construction, the rate analysis for the work of workers is calculated in Man Hours. (Ex: 10 Birr for 1 Man hour)
*Cantilever Beam has One fixed support and the other end is free.
*Simple supported beam has a minimum of two supports.
*PCC (Plain Cement Concrete) this type of concrete is used on members only when the tensile forces are not acting on it.
*The weight of first class clay brick should be 3.85 Kg. and it has a crushing
strength of 10.5MN/m
*Adding more water in the concrete mix to increase setting time leads to form
the Cracks or honeycomb in hardened concrete.
*Vibration in freshly made concrete is done to remove the air bubbles in concrete mix.
*Impermeability of concrete: The concrete which resists the the entry of water or moisture into it.
*The concrete can be lifted to a maximum height of 50m using Concrete
*The curing Period of RCC is 28days .
*The minimum sill level height should be
44 inches.
*The transverse reinforcement provided in columns are called Ties .
*The transverse reinforcement provided in
Beams is called as Stirrups .
*Stirrups in Beams and Ties in Column are provided to handle the shear force and to keep longitudinal bars in position.
*The Prime reason for using steel as reinforcement is due to thermal expansion.
The thermal expansion
coefficient of concrete and steel is (approximately) same having value
*C-25 grade of concrete is generally used in the construction of slab.
*Weight of Bar is calculated using formula D /162 (D = Dia of bar in mm)
*The No. of HCB required for 1 metr square of masonary wall are 13 HCB blocks.
*Specific gravity of Cement is 3.16g/ cm ; Bricks is 2g/cm ; Sand is 2.65g/cm ,
*Standard Size of Brick is 19cm x 9cm x 4 cm or 19cm or 9cm x 9 cm
*Floor area occupied by 50kg of Cement bag is 0.3m and height of 0.18m.
*As per EBCS Maximum dia of bar used in the slab should not exceed 1/8th of the total thickness of the slab.
*The slope or Pitch of the stair should be in between 25 degrees to 40 degrees.
*The rise in stairs is in between 150mm to 200mm.
*Tread in staircase is in between 250mm to 300mm.
*Hook length should not be less than 9D (Dia of Bar)
*Unit weight of PCC is 24KN/m , RCC is 25 KN/m , Steel is 7850Kg/m
*The volume of 50kg cement bag is
*Theodolite least count is 20Secs whereas Compass Least count is 30mins .
*TMT bars : TMT means Thermo Mechanically treated bars
*Cement more than 3 months old cannot be used for construction
*The length of each bar from factory is 12m. RRB JE, SSC AE/JE UPSSSC JE, SSC JE, CIVIL ENGINEERING MCQs, ELECTICAL ENGINEERING MCQs, preavious year quesion papers, dmrc, lmrc, drdo,rrb ntpc, ntpc, pgcil, dsssb, states board, GATE IES EE, ESE, ECE, ME, CE, IT & CS EXAM MATERIALS & OLD PAPERS Electrical Engineering Daily news & current affairs in hindi & english fully updated Daily current affairs Engineering Discussion group for your upcoming exams, you can ask your any query regarding your problem,πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ PKR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING I am sure this is the best place for you guys subscribe and get success IF YOU WANT TO JOIN ME ON TELEGRAM FOR PDF @newsdailypkr AE/JE EE, ESE, ECE, ME, CE, IT & CS EXAM MATERIALS & OLD PAPERS Electrical Engineering facebook page:- Pravendra Kumar Rajpoot Daily news & current affairs in hindi & english fully updated Daily current affairs Engineering Discussion group for your upcoming exams, you can ask your any query regarding your problem,πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ PKR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING I am sure this is the best place for you guys subscribe and get success IF YOU WANT TO JOIN ME ON TELEGRAM FOR PDF @newsdailypkr AE/JE EE, ESE, ECE, ME, CE, IT & CS EXAM MATERIALS & OLD PAPERS Electrical Engineering facebook page:- Pravendra Kumar Rajpoot

Monday, May 25, 2020


*ASTM Abbrevation : American Society for Testing Materials
*Grade of Concrete is denoted as Cement: Sand: Aggregate (Ex C-20 Grade : 1:2:3)
*C/C means Center to Center Distance
*DL means Development Length
*Lapping of bars not allowed if the dia of bar is more than 36mm.
*For circular column minimum of 6 longitudinal bars are used and 4 for Rectangular.
*The minimum thickness of slab is 0.125m
*Water pH value less than 6 should not be used for construction purpose.
*The concrete Should not be thrown from a height more than 1.5m.
*The Compressive strength of Bricks is 3.5 N /mm
*The initial setting time shall not be less than 30 minutes and the final setting time of cement is 10hours.
*Dead Load means Self weight of Structure
*Sand having moisture content more than 5% should not be used for Concrete mix.
*DPC means Damp Proof Course. The thickness of DPC should not be less than 2.5cm.
*Cube test is carried out for each 30m usage of concrete.
*RMC : Ready Mix concrete, The concrete is made at factory and transported to the site, This type of concrete is used where there is a lack of space for mixing the concrete and used where a huge amount of concrete is required for construction.
*The height of floor is usually 3m or 10ft (If a person asks you whats the height of 12 storied building?
Ans: 3m x 12floors = 36m)
*A head mason can work 25-30m in a day.
*In construction, the rate analysis for the work of workers is calculated in Man Hours. (Ex: 10 Birr for 1 Man hour)
*Cantilever Beam has One fixed support and the other end is free.
*Simple supported beam has a minimum of two supports.
*PCC (Plain Cement Concrete) this type of concrete is used on members only when the tensile forces are not acting on it.
*The weight of first class clay brick should be 3.85 Kg. and it has a crushing
strength of 10.5MN/m
*Adding more water in the concrete mix to increase setting time leads to form
the Cracks or honeycomb in hardened concrete.
*Vibration in freshly made concrete is done to remove the air bubbles in concrete mix.
*Impermeability of concrete: The concrete which resists the the entry of water or moisture into it.
*The concrete can be lifted to a maximum height of 50m using Concrete
*The curing Period of RCC is 28days .
*The minimum sill level height should be
44 inches.
*The transverse reinforcement provided in columns are called Ties .
*The transverse reinforcement provided in
Beams is called as Stirrups .
*Stirrups in Beams and Ties in Column are provided to handle the shear force and to keep longitudinal bars in position.
*The Prime reason for using steel as reinforcement is due to thermal expansion.
The thermal expansion
coefficient of concrete and steel is (approximately) same having value
*C-25 grade of concrete is generally used in the construction of slab.
*Weight of Bar is calculated using formula D /162 (D = Dia of bar in mm)
*The No. of HCB required for 1 metr square of masonary wall are 13 HCB blocks.
*Specific gravity of Cement is 3.16g/ cm ; Bricks is 2g/cm ; Sand is 2.65g/cm ,
*Standard Size of Brick is 19cm x 9cm x 4 cm or 19cm or 9cm x 9 cm
*Floor area occupied by 50kg of Cement bag is 0.3m and height of 0.18m.
*As per EBCS Maximum dia of bar used in the slab should not exceed 1/8th of the total thickness of the slab.
*The slope or Pitch of the stair should be in between 25 degrees to 40 degrees.
*The rise in stairs is in between 150mm to 200mm.
*Tread in staircase is in between 250mm to 300mm.
*Hook length should not be less than 9D (Dia of Bar)
*Unit weight of PCC is 24KN/m , RCC is 25 KN/m , Steel is 7850Kg/m
*The volume of 50kg cement bag is
*Theodolite least count is 20Secs whereas Compass Least count is 30mins .
*TMT bars : TMT means Thermo Mechanically treated bars
*Cement more than 3 months old cannot be used for construction
*The length of each bar from factory is 12m RRB JE, SSC AE/JE UPSSSC JE, SSC JE, CIVIL ENGINEERING MCQs, ELECTICAL ENGINEERING MCQs, preavious year quesion papers, dmrc, lmrc, drdo,rrb ntpc, ntpc, pgcil, dsssb, states board, GATE IES EE, ESE, ECE, ME, CE, IT & CS EXAM MATERIALS & OLD PAPERS Electrical Engineering Daily news & current affairs in hindi & english fully updated Daily current affairs Engineering Discussion group for your upcoming exams, you can ask your any query regarding your problem,πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ PKR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING I am sure this is the best place for you guys subscribe and get success IF YOU WANT TO JOIN ME ON TELEGRAM FOR PDF @newsdailypkr AE/JE EE, ESE, ECE, ME, CE, IT & CS EXAM MATERIALS & OLD PAPERS Electrical Engineering facebook page:- Pravendra Kumar Rajpoot Daily news & current affairs in hindi & english fully updated Daily current affairs Engineering Discussion group for your upcoming exams, you can ask your any query regarding your problem,πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ PKR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING I am sure this is the best place for you guys subscribe and get success IF YOU WANT TO JOIN ME ON TELEGRAM FOR PDF @newsdailypkr AE/JE EE, ESE, ECE, ME, CE, IT & CS EXAM MATERIALS & OLD PAPERS Electrical Engineering facebook page:- Pravendra Kumar Rajpoot

Causes of foundation failure and removal measures

 Causes of foundation failure and removal measures

1,Poor Ground Preparation

Cut and fill situations should be properly prepared before the structure is started or it may result in improperly compacted soil beneath the foundation.


Vegitation, such as trees, shrubs, or other plants, near a foundation can affect moisture levels. Tree roots can dehydrate the soil beneath a home causing soil shrinkage and settlement of the home. Site clearance αˆ‹α‹­ 20cm top layer αˆ‹α‹­ α‹«αˆ‰ organic materials α‰ α‹°αŠ•αˆ αˆ›αˆ΅α‹ˆαŒˆα‹΅ αˆαŠ­αŠ•α‹«α‰±αˆ organic property of soil affects engineering of soil


Improper drainage will lead to excess moisture build-up, which could erode or consolidate soils. Excessive moisture may cause heaving of expansive clay soils. Remedial measure is proper drainage and compaction

4,Poor Building Site Preparation

Cut and fill situations, where the soil is removed from part of the building site and stacked on another, needs proper soil stabilization before a structure is built; otherwise unexpected movements of the soil beneath the foundation may occur.

5,Poor Ground Preparation

Cut and fill situations should be properly prepared before the structure is started or it may result in improperly compacted soil beneath the foundation.

6,Poor Soil Conditions

Poor soil, organics.....etc., may cause expansion or consolidation, which contribute to foundation failures. Using the correct foundation repair system can counteract the above conditions. Steel piers and helical piers are often the solutions for your basement or foundation. RRB JE, SSC AE/JE UPSSSC JE, SSC JE, CIVIL ENGINEERING MCQs, ELECTICAL ENGINEERING MCQs, preavious year quesion papers, dmrc, lmrc, drdo,rrb ntpc, ntpc, pgcil, dsssb, states board, GATE IES EE, ESE, ECE, ME, CE, IT & CS EXAM MATERIALS & OLD PAPERS Electrical Engineering Daily news & current affairs in hindi & english fully updated Daily current affairs Engineering Discussion group for your upcoming exams, you can ask your any query regarding your problem,πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ PKR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING I am sure this is the best place for you guys subscribe and get success IF YOU WANT TO JOIN ME ON TELEGRAM FOR PDF @newsdailypkr AE/JE EE, ESE, ECE, ME, CE, IT & CS EXAM MATERIALS & OLD PAPERS Electrical Engineering facebook page:- Pravendra Kumar Rajpoot Daily news & current affairs in hindi & english fully updated Daily current affairs Engineering Discussion group for your upcoming exams, you can ask your any query regarding your problem,πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ PKR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING I am sure this is the best place for you guys subscribe and get success IF YOU WANT TO JOIN ME ON TELEGRAM FOR PDF @newsdailypkr AE/JE EE, ESE, ECE, ME, CE, IT & CS EXAM MATERIALS & OLD PAPERS Electrical Engineering facebook page:- Pravendra Kumar Rajpoot

Friday, May 22, 2020

NLC GET Electrical Artificial Neural Networks MCQ Part 1

NLC GET Electrical Artificial Neural Networks MCQ Part 1
1.A perceptron is
A. a single layer feed-forward neural network with pre-processing
B. an auto-associative neural network
C. a double layer auto-associative neural network
D. a neural network that contains feedback

2.An auto-associative network is

A. a neural network that contains no loops
B. a neural network that contains feedback
C. a neural network that has only one loop
D. a single layer feed-forward neural network with pre-processing

3.Which of the following is true
(i) On average, neural networks have higher computational rates than conventional computers.
(ii) Neural networks learn by example.
(iii) Neural networks mimic the way the human brain works.
A. All of these
B. (ii) and (iii) are true
C. (i), (ii) and (iii) are true
D. None of these

4.Which of the following is true for neural networks
(i) The training time depends on the size of the network.
(ii) Neural networks can be simulated on a conventional computer.
(iii) Artificial neurons are identical in operation to biological ones.
A. All of these
B. (ii) is true
C. (i) and (ii) are true
D. None of these

5.What are the advantages of neural networks over conventional computers
(i) They have the ability to learn by example
(ii) They are more fault tolerant
(iii)They are more suited for real time operation due to their high ‘computational’ rates
A. (i) and (ii) are true
B. (i) and (iii) are true
C. Only (i)
D. All of these

6.Which of the following is true
Single layer associative neural networks do not have the ability to
(i) perform pattern recognition
(ii) find the parity of a picture
(iii)determine whether two or more shapes in a picture are connected or not
A. (ii) and (iii) are true
B. (ii) is true
C. All of these
D. None of these

7.Which is true for neural networks
A. It has set of nodes and connections
B. Each node computes it’s weighted input
C. Node could be in excited state or non-excited state
D. All of these

8.Neuro software is
A. A software used to analyze neurons
B. It is powerful and easy neural network
C. Designed to aid experts in real world
D. It is software used by Neuro surgeon

9.Why is the XOR problem exceptionally interesting to neural network researchers
A. Because it can be expressed in a way that allows you to use a neural network
B. Because it is complex binary operation that cannot be solved using neural networks
C. Because it can be solved by a single layer perceptron
D. Because it is the simplest linearly inseparable problem that exists.

10.What is back propagation
A. It is another name given to the curvy function in the perceptron
B. It is the transmission of error back through the network to adjust the inputs
C. It is the transmission of error back through the network to allow weights to be adjusted so that the network can learn.
D. None of these

11.Why are linearly separable problems of interest of neural network researchers
A. Because they are the only class of problem that network can solve successfully
B. Because they are the only class of problem that Perceptron can solve successfully
C. Because they are the only mathematical functions that are continue
D. Because they are the only mathematical functions you can draw

12.Which of the following is not the promise of artificial neural network
A. It can explain result
B. It can survive the failure of some nodes
C. It has inherent parallelism
D. It can handle noise

13.Neural Networks are complex ______________ with many parameters
A. Linear Functions
B. Nonlinear Functions
C. Discrete Functions
D. Exponential Functions

14.A perceptron adds up all the weighted inputs it receives, and if it exceeds a certain value, it outputs a 1, otherwise it just outputs a 0.
A. True
B. False
C. Sometimes – it can also output intermediate values as well
D. Can’t say

15.The name for the function in question 16 is
A. Step function
B. Heaviside function
C. Logistic function
D. Perceptron function
16.The network that involves backward links from output to the input and hidden layers is called as____.
A. Self organizing maps
B. Perceptrons
C. Recurrent neural network
D. Multi layered perceptron

17.Which of the following is an application of NN (Neural Network)
A. Sales forecasting
B. Data validation
C. Risk management
D. All of these

18.Different learning method does not include
A. Memorization
B. Analogy
C. Deduction
D. Introduction

19.Which of the following is the model used for learning
A. Decision trees
B. Neural networks
C. Propositional and FOL rules
D. All of these

20.Automated vehicle is an example of ______
A. Supervised learning
B. Unsupervised learning
C. Active learning
D. Reinforcement learning
Answer-A RRB JE, SSC AE/JE UPSSSC JE, SSC JE, CIVIL ENGINEERING MCQs, ELECTICAL ENGINEERING MCQs, preavious year quesion papers, dmrc, lmrc, drdo,rrb ntpc, ntpc, pgcil, dsssb, states board, GATE IES EE, ESE, ECE, ME, CE, IT & CS EXAM MATERIALS & OLD PAPERS Electrical Engineering Daily news & current affairs in hindi & english fully updated Daily current affairs Engineering Discussion group for your upcoming exams, you can ask your any query regarding your problem,πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ PKR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING I am sure this is the best place for you guys subscribe and get success IF YOU WANT TO JOIN ME ON TELEGRAM FOR PDF @newsdailypkr AE/JE EE, ESE, ECE, ME, CE, IT & CS EXAM MATERIALS & OLD PAPERS Electrical Engineering facebook page:- Pravendra Kumar Rajpoot Daily news & current affairs in hindi & english fully updated Daily current affairs Engineering Discussion group for your upcoming exams, you can ask your any query regarding your problem,πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ PKR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING I am sure this is the best place for you guys subscribe and get success IF YOU WANT TO JOIN ME ON TELEGRAM FOR PDF @newsdailypkr AE/JE EE, ESE, ECE, ME, CE, IT & CS EXAM MATERIALS & OLD PAPERS Electrical Engineering facebook page:- Pravendra Kumar Rajpoot

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