Monday, January 9, 2023




30700 Duties of Motorman 

1. Rules 30604, 30606, 30608 to 30616 and 30620 for Drivers in connection with operation of locos will be equally applicable to Motormen.

2. Motorman will also be responsible for cleanliness of the EMU cabs. 

30701 Motorman's Personal Effects

Motormen of suburban trains should carry the following equipment while working trains:

1. Special keys for operation                                                            1 set
    of the Master Controller,
    reverser, control switch etc.

2. Hand signal lamp (at night)                                                              1   

3. Green and red flags                                                                        1 set

4. Working Time Table                                                                      1

5. A watch in good working order                                                      1

6. Detonators                                                                                     12

7. General and Subsidiary Rules                                                         1 copy each

    each AC Traction Manual and Operating 

    Manual for the type of  EMU.

8. Rough journal book                                                                       1

9. Screw driver, universal                                                                   l set 

    pliers and any other tools

    prescribed under local instructions.

10 Any other items in accordance 

     with local instructions.

30702 Checks by Motorman on Taking Over

1. The Motorman taking over an EMU train will carry out checks as detailed below when -

    a) a train is taken over from an EMU shed or stabling line after maintenance or inspection;

    b) a train is taken over for its first trip of the day or after stabling at a station siding for more than one hour 

2. The duties prescribed in the paras mentioned above for the Motorman will devolve on the Shunters or Engine Turners when the train is worked by a Shunter or Engine Turner from the shed or stabling line to the station platform and the Motorman takes over the train on the platform. The joint brake test prescribed in para 30708 shall, however, be carried out only by the Motorman who works the first trip.

3. Instructions given in this section are of a general nature applicable to all types of EMUs and should be treated as complementary / supplementary to detailed instructions issued by respective railways for each class of EMUs.

30703 Preliminary Checks

The Motorman should - .

a) check that the entire train is on a wired track so that by inadvertent raising of the pantograph on an unwired track, no damage is caused.

b) he is in possession of the correct set of keys for operation of the reverser, control switch, pantograph selector switch and doors and

c) go through the defects register to acquaint himself with the defects noted earlier and the action taken by the maintenance staff to set right such defects.

30704 Checks Before Starting Trains

1. In the entire train the Motorman will check the following :-

a) that the coaches are mechanically coupled properly and the electrical/pneumatic/vacuum connections between coaches are correctly made;

b) that all the drain cocks are closed and pneumatic isolating cocks are in normal position;

c) that the intermediate driving cabs not in use are properly locked;

d) at the ends of the train the pneumatic and vacuum (wherever applicable) pipes and electrical couplers are correctly placed in the dummy sockets and dummy hooks respectively;

e) the headlights, tail lights, marker lights, head-codes and tail-boards are in order;

f)  hand-brakes are released;

g) that fire extinguishers and alarm resetting rods are available.

2. In each motor coach he shall check that :-

a) none of the overload relays are in tripped position;

b) all fuses are in order and fuse-free breakers are "ON";

c) all traction motors are cut in for normal service;

d) the control cutout and battery switches are "ON" and battery voltage is normal;

e) the cut-out switches for pneumatic governors are in normal position;

f) the transformer oil level is normal;

g) the main earth switch is "OFF" and interlock keys are in the proper position.

3. In the leading driving cab i.e. the driving cab to be used for the first

a) all fuses are in position and fuse free breakers are "ON";

b) the deadman's device is functioning normally; 

c) wiper, hooter, headlight (including emergency headlight), head code light and talllight (including emergency tail light) are functioning correctly;

d) the main reservoir and brake pipe pressures are normal;

e) all indicating instruments are normal.

4. In addition motorman will conduct checks for each type of EMU as required in the respective Operating Manuals. .

30705 Familiarity with automatic brake application

In EMUs provided with electro-pneumatic and automatic brakes, normally the braking system made use of by the Motorman for service stops is the electro-pneumatic system. Though primarily meant for use in emergency and for automatic application in the event of train parting, the automatic air brakes are capable of graduated application for service stopping of EMU trains. This graduated application of automatic brakes, however, requires some practice on the part of motormen. Once during every trip they should, therefore, control the Train and bring it to a stop making use of the automatic brakes. In the event of failures of electro-pneumatic brakes it will be quite safe to keep the units in service using the automatic brake system till the train can be conveniently withdrawn from service.

30706 Dead Man's Handle

1. Since an Electrical Multiple Unit train is operated by a motorman atone, it is necessary to provide means of applying the brakes and bringing the train to a stop in the event of the motorman setting incapacitated in any manner. This is arranged by means of a dead man's device associated with the master controller. With the reversing key in the 'forward' or 'reverse' position, the handle of the master controller has to be kept continuously depressed by the motorman. If the pressure on the handle is released on account of the motorman fainting or getting incapacitated in any manner, power for the traction motors is cut off and the brakes are automatically applied.

2. Dead man's device should be tested before commencement of every trip. An EMU-train should not be considered fit for service if the dead man's device in any of the end driving cabs of a train formation is inoperative. In the event of the dead man's device becoming defective when a rake is In service, it should be either promptly withdrawn from service or a Guard, Train Examiner or some other person conversant with the operation of the brakes in an emergency should travel with the motorman.

3. The dead man's device will be operative when the train is in motion only if the reversing key is in 'forward' or 'reverse' position. If the reversing key is returned to the off position when the train is in motion, the dead man's device is rendered inoperative with consequent serious danger of accident in the event of the Driver fainting or getting incapacitated in any other manner Motormen are, therefore, forbidden from moving the reversing key to the off position when the train is in motion.

4. It is essential to impress upon Motormen (during their initial training and whenever they attend refresher course), the importance of this rule. Frequent checks are also essential to ensure that the rule is being strictly observed by motormen during their working. This is one of the primary responsibilities of the Driving Inspectors. Officers and other senior supervisory staff should also, during their cab, inspections, specially check on the Motormen's observance of the rule. Any disregard of the rule should be dealt with severely and promptly.

30707 Auxiliary Warning System (AWS)

This system ensures extra vigilance on part of the drivers and in case of driver becomes momentarily Inattentive it gives a warning bell and then applies the brakes automatically. Power is cut out and brake operation also take . place in case driver crosses a stop signal at danger. The driving crew operating with the system should be made fully conversant with the same before being put on loco /EMU, while working trains operating on sections fitted with such system.

30708 Joint Testing of Brakes by Guard and Motorman

1. Before an EMU train is brought on to a running line after inspection or maintenance in an EMU shed or stabling line, the brakes of the train shall be jointly tested by the Motorman and the Guard to ensure that the electro-pneumatic, automatic brakes and vacuum brakes (whichever is applicable) are functioning normally and the brake pipe is continuous throughout the train.

2. This joint test shall be conducted in accordance with detailed local instructions laid down for the purpose in the Operating Manual for the particular type of EMU.

3. As far as possible this joint test should be carried out before the EMU train leaves the shed or stabling line. However, if specially authorized jointly by CEE and COM, the brake test may be taken on the platform Wore commencement of the first trip.

30709 Duties of Guards of EMU Trains

In addition to the normal duties prescribed for them in General and Subsidiary Rules and other instructions, Guards of EMU trains shall be responsible for the following :

a) Joint brake test with the Motorman as detailed in Para 30708.

b) Switching on the lights and fans when required and making a general check at the commencement of the trip that lights and fans are in good working order in the train.

c) Conveying information to the maintenance staff regarding failures and defects of lights and fans in the compartments.

30710 Defects in EMU Trains

1.Motormen are expected to be fully trained to rectify minor defects and in the method of isolation of faulty equipment. Detailed instructions on the method of trouble-shooting and rectification of minor defects are  contained in the Operating Manual of the respective type of EMU. Motormen are expected to keep themselves fully acquainted with details of these instructions and to rectify such defects themselves.

2. Defects such as failure of fans or lights, leakages in air pipes etc. will be attended to on arrival of the units in the Car shed or Stabling Depots.

30711 Defects Noticed During Run with Special Reference to EMUs

1. In the event of defects which affect the punctual and safe running of trains and require early attention by the maintenance staff, the Motorman will convey a message indicating the exact nature of defect to the Traction Loco Controller through the Station Master of the nearest station and will abide by the instructions given by the TLC. Depending upon the nature of defects, the TLC will decide whether the units are fit to be retained on line or should be withdrawn from service.

2. In the event of isolation of faulty traction motors, failure of auxiliaries etc., the maximum speed and other restrictions subject to which the train may be worked are detailed in the Operating Manual for each type of EMU.

The Motorman should abide by these instructions strictly.

30712 Turn-round Time at Terminal Stations

At terminal stations a minimum turn-round time of 6 minute should normally be allowed. This is necessary since normally the brake pipe pressure should be reduced to zero or vacuum destroyed in case of vacuum braked EMUs at the end of the trip and normal pressure/ vacuum built up again when the train staffs in the opposite direction. In exceptional circumstances, justified by local requirements, the CEE and COM jointly may permit a shorter turn-round time in which case it will only be possible for a partial reduction in brake pipe pressure/ partial destruction of vacuum to be effected at the end of the trip.

30713 Stabling of EMU Trains

1. When stabling an EMU train in the Car Shed or on a stabling line, the Motorman or Engine Turner who has taken over the rake will carry out the following essential operations:

a) Switch off the lights and fans.

b) Trip the main circuit breakers and drop the pantographs. .

c) Destroy the brake pipe pressure or vacuum (as applicable), isolate the brake controller arid return brake controller and return brake controller to the "release"  position.

d) Apply the hand brakes fully in the driving cabs at both the ends.

e) Put off the main battery switch in the motor coaches.

f) Lock the equipment compartments and driving cabs.-

g) Any other operations prescribed under local instructions.

2. When a rake is to be stabled, the Motorman should invariably be at the leading driving cab. Backing an EMU rake to a skiing with the motorman at the rear cab is strictly forbidden,. .

3. After stabling an EMU train or handing if over to the Engine Turner, the Motorman before going off duty should convey to the supervisor-in-charge of the Car Shed or stabling line (or to the TLQ any defects or abnormalities noticed during the previous trips inquiring Immediate attention. -

30714 Coasting with Special Reference to EMU Operation

In order to keep down the energy consumption for operation of EMU trains, it is necessary to resort to coasting to the maximum extent feasible. The running time between stations given in the Time Table is after allowing for sufficient coasting. For guidance of Motorman, Coasting Board indicating the point at which power may be cut off normally are fixed on the OHE masts facing the direction of the train movement. When the distance between a pair of stations is long, sometimes power may have to be applied in two spells. In such cases additional boards indicating at what point power has to be switched on a second time and the point at which power may be switched off again are also provided.

It is an important duty of a Motorman to observe the Coasting Boards to the maximum extent feasible when the train is running on time. To make up time when a train is running late, the Coasting Board may be disregarded and power kept on for a longer time, taking care not to exceed the permissible speed of the section.

It must be remembered that if the "switch-off" Coasting Board is not observed when the train is running to schedule, apart from waste of electrical energy, there will be greater wear and tear of brake block. The location of the Coasting Board on each line should be decided by Sr DEE / DEE (RS) after taking actual trials. A register should be maintained in the Office of Sr DEE / DEE (RS) as well as TFR showing the locations of the Coasting Boards provided. These locations should also be advised to the ATFO (OHE) of the section who should ensure that the Coasting Boards are not shifted for any reason by OHE staff. A periodic check that the boards are located correctly in accordance with the register should also be carried out by the Driving Inspectors.

30715 Operation with Traction Motor(s) Cut Out

a) Normally an EMU should be operated with all the traction motors in position.

b) In case it is important to operate an EMU with motor(s) cutout as a long term measure, the EMU should be operated at a restricted speed and coasting restricted and a revised time table should be issued, if necessary.

c) For temporary cut out operation, motorman should inform the TLC and operate the train as directed i.e. to clear the section or to haul to destination or to complete the link till the EMU touches the maintenance shed. No EMU should normally leave the shed with any motor cut out.

30716 Working of Trains when Tracks are Flooded

1. The speed at which an EMU train may be worked with various heights of water from rail level shall be laid down for each type of EMUs under local instructions and incorporated in the respective Operating Manual.

2. It must also be ensured that in areas liable to flooding, special gauges (as laid down in Para 716 of Indian Railways Permanent Way Manual) are provided to indicate when different types of EMU stock and electric locos have to be stopped.

30717 Push pull Operation

Some of the suburban trains are equipped with a locomotive in the centre not at each end. The operation of such train is similar to EMU operation and the maintenance of the locomotive should be carried out in a loco shed and the various schedules as laid down should be followed.

30718 Long EMUs

a) At times it may be necessary to haul long EMU train say two or more of 8 coach or 9 coach trains as one unit. In such an event Railways will Issue local instructions in the matter.

b) It will be necessary to ensure that controls on each 8/9 coach trains are fed from the battery of the leading motor coach of the same train.

c) CRS sanction may be required for such an operation. RRB JE, SSC AE/JE UPSSSC JE, SSC JE, CIVIL ENGINEERING MCQs, ELECTICAL ENGINEERING MCQs, preavious year quesion papers, dmrc, lmrc, drdo,rrb ntpc, ntpc, pgcil, dsssb, states board, GATE IES EE, ESE, ECE, ME, CE, IT & CS EXAM MATERIALS & OLD PAPERS Electrical Engineering Daily news & current affairs in hindi & english fully updated Daily current affairs Engineering Discussion group for your upcoming exams, you can ask your any query regarding your problem,ЁЯСЗЁЯСЗЁЯСЗ PKR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING I am sure this is the best place for you guys subscribe and get success IF YOU WANT TO JOIN ME ON TELEGRAM FOR PDF @newsdailypkr AE/JE EE, ESE, ECE, ME, CE, IT & CS EXAM MATERIALS & OLD PAPERS Electrical Engineering facebook page:- Pravendra Kumar Rajpoot Daily news & current affairs in hindi & english fully updated Daily current affairs Engineering Discussion group for your upcoming exams, you can ask your any query regarding your problem,ЁЯСЗЁЯСЗЁЯСЗ PKR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING I am sure this is the best place for you guys subscribe and get success IF YOU WANT TO JOIN ME ON TELEGRAM FOR PDF @newsdailypkr AE/JE EE, ESE, ECE, ME, CE, IT & CS EXAM MATERIALS & OLD PAPERS Electrical Engineering facebook page:- Pravendra Kumar Rajpoot

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