Monday, January 9, 2023




1. General

1.1 In the theft prone area the energisation of OHE at 2.2 kV as an anti-theft measure may be done to avoid theft of contact/catenary wire. As energisation at 2.2 kV is purely for the purpose of arresting the theft of catenary and contact wire and not for train operation, it is not likely to produce any inductive interference affecting signalling and telecom, installations due to practically no current flowing in the circuit. Therefore, even though certain works like erection of isolators and section insulators, installation of SWS, BTs, ATs, adjustment of OHE, SED checks, tower wagons checks, provision of CLS, Telecom, cabling etc. are not completed in all respects, OHE can be charged at 2.2kV.

1.2 Period of anti-theft energisation will be restricted at night hours only i.e. from 7PM to 7 AM.

2. Works to be completed prior to 2.2 kV Energisation.

2.1 The following works are essentially required to be completed prior to 2.2 kV anti-theft energisation of OHE.

2.1.1 Stringing of catenary and contact wire complete with droppering, clipping, and insulation and provision of automatic tensioning device.

2.1.2 Provision of structure bonds in open route and structure and rail bonding in station areas in accordance with the Bonding and Earthing Code. In station areas where Bonding and Earthing work has not been completed, the return conductor (RC), if provided, may be used as earth. wire and connected solidly to the OHE structures/ supports by means of suitable jumpers. At both the ends of the station, RC shall be connected to rails.

2.1.3 All necessary LT modification works.

2.1.4 Necessary modification to all HT crossings to meet at least the requirements for 2.2 kV as per the standards laid down in Appendix IV.

2.1.5 Provision of wire mesh screen on the working platform of existing semaphore signals in case the requisite electrical working clearance of 2 m is not available. No portion of the signal post or its fittings shall be less than 700 mm from the live conductor.

2.1.6 Replacement of existing dc track relays by ac immunized relays.

2.1.7 Conversion of all track crossings of communication lines into cables and removal of overhead wires thereof.

2.1.8 Provision of height gauges and 25 kV caution boards at all level crossings.

2.1.9 Provision of protective screens with 25000 V caution boards on over line structures like ROBs, FOBs, Fly Overs etc.

2.1.10 Provision of Public Warning board for 25000 V and shock treatment charts and First-Aid-Boxes at all relevant places like stations, cabin buildings, repeater stations, cable huts etc.

2.1.11 Supply of insulated tools to maintenance staff.

2.1.12 Modification to carriage watering arrangements and water columns to suit anti-theft energization.

2.2 All the relevant rules and precautions in accordance with the Indian Electricity Rules should be complied while carrying out the works.

3. 2.2 kV Power Supply Arrangement

3.1 2.2 kV energisation will be done through local supply available at one of the stations through a step-up transformer provided with fuse of suitable capacity with an audible and visual indication arrangement. A Schematic Diagram indicating the power supply arrangement and the controls and scheme of connection for supply of power at 2.2 kV shall be prepared and submitted to EIG for his approval.

3.2 The 2.2 kV supply arrangement will be manned round the clock by RE. The organization to be available for manning the feeding installation and duties of the staff and ASMs in case of both normal operation and breakdown/abnormal operation shall be detailed out and issued in the form of a circular.

3.3 As stated in Para 1.2 above even though the OHE will be normally kept energised during night, the OHE in the energised section shall be regarded as live at all the times and consequently dangerous to human life. No person except those deputed to work on or near the overhead electrical equipment and who are in possession of a "Permit to Work" issued by an authorised representative of RE, shall approach within 2m from the OHE.

3.4 A joint procedure order indicating the detailed procedure to be followed for taking power block and issue of "permit to work", for issuing notices to drivers, for attending to break downs shall be made out and issued to all concerned. This order will be signed jointly by the concerned officers of both RE and Division. A model circular is given in the Annexure A7.01.

4. Procedure to be Adopted for Energization

4.1 Publication and display of Notices.

4.1.1 At least a month in advance of energization of any section or sections the following public notifications should be got published in all the prominent dailies in English, Hindi and Local Language and issued to all concerned. as normally done for 25 kV energization. (Reference may also be made to para 21008)

(i) General Notification to the users of Railway lines regarding section/sections to be energized

(ii) Notification to the users of level crossings.

4.1.2 Display of general caution notices for public and staff at prominent places at each station, stenciling the diesel/steam locos warning message to not to climb on the top of locos, caution notices at all steam and  died loco sheds at which locos working in the energized section are maintained.

4.1.3 The steam/diesel loco drivers/firemen shall be warned not to climb on the roof of the tender and the on the section proposed to be energised.

4.2 On completion of the work as mentioned in Para 2 above the following certificates from the concerns officers will be obtained.

(i) Certificate regarding removal of L.T. and H.T. infringements by Dy.CEE(G) of the project.

(ii) Certificate regarding S&T works.

(iii) Department of Telecommunications (DOT) clearance certificate for 2.2 kV anti-theft energisation .

(iv) Certificate by Dy.CEE(OHE) or DEE(OHE) regarding completion of OHE works .

(v) Certificate by OHE Contractors.

(vi) Certificate by Dy. CE/DEN/RE regarding provision of level crossing gauges and provision of protective screens on ROBs and FOBs.

4.3 Besides the certificates regarding completion of works to suit 2.2 kV energization as mentioned in Para above, the following safety certificates shall also be obtained :

(i) Joint certificate by CEE(P), CSTE(P) and CE(P) regarding safety to traffic as per draft at Annex A7.02. 

(ii) Certificate of concerned officers of Division of particular Railway about knowledge of their regarding safety.

4.4 EIG Sanction
An application to EIG seeking his approval to the proposal of energisation of OHE at 2.2 kV as antitheft  mea . may be made in advance. While applying for sanction, the uptodate status of works to be completed prior to kV energisation should be given and the list of certificates for its completion as well as other safety certify proposed to be forwarded at the time of seeking EIG's formal sanction may also be indicated. EIG's sanction, be obtained prior to energization. 

4.5 Checks and Tests Prior to Commissioning:

4.5.1 CEE and Electrical Inspector to the Government for the Railway may nominate at his discretion on his officers preferably Sr. DEE(TrD) for joint check and tests of the section proposed to be energised. For joint check by. Dy.CEE(OHE) /RE will associate from RE side. Alternately he may authorise Dy. CEE(OHE to conduct checks and tests before energisation. The following checks and tests shall normally be carried.

4.6 Checks 

4.6.1 That clearance between live and earthed structures is in accordance with the provisions of Schedule Dimensions.

4.6.2 That earthing and bonding of the OHE have been carried out as per Bonding and Earthing Code exception for station area as specified in para 2.1.2 above.

4.6.3 That height of contact wire at level crossings is proper and that height gauges have been provide

4.6.4 That protective screens have been provided in FOBs, ROBs and signalling structures.

4.6.5 That the earthing and isolation of overhead equipment adjacent to the section to be energised has carried out properly.

4.6.6 ac immunized track relays have been provided.

4.6.7 Overhead P&T as well as Rly crossings have been cabled and wire removed.

4.7 Tests:

4.7.1 Megger tests for continuity and insulation of the OHE.

4.7.2 With the above checks and tests and after it is certified either jointly by Sr. DEE(TrD) and Dy. CEE  RE or by Dy. CEE (OHE)/RE that the section can be energised at 2.2kV for test purpose, the following fat shall be conducted on the section can be energised at 2.2. kV.

a) By creating earth fault at the farthest end of energised OHE through discharge rod.

b) By creating earth fault at the farthest end of energised OHE touching only ballast.

c) By creating earth fault at the farthest end of energised OHE touching only rail.

In all these cases of earth fault, it should be ensured that fuse provided at the supply point is blown.

4.8 Immediately on the successful completion of the checks and tests of the OHE, OHE can be energised provided that:

a) All the certificates as mentioned in paras 4.2 and 4.3 above are obtained

b) DOT's clearance and EIG's sanction are obtained.

4.9 Immediately after energisation, a notification to that effect may be issued as normally done for 25 kV energisation.

Annexure A7.0

Joint Operating and Railway Electrification Circular No. ... 

Anti-theft energisation in section............

The OHE wires, in..............Section are to be kept energised on high voltage continuously, in order to guard the erected overhead equipment against theft. The energising work is being started immediately on ... (Group) and .........(Group ) sections. Audible and visual indication arrangements will be made in the office of the Assistant Station Master on duty at-----------and stations. These will be the controlling Masters for anti-the energisation. Normally a green light will be "ON" . The alarm will sound a buzzer as well as light a red lam whenever a defect, appears on the OHE due to its coming in contact with earth or earthed structure. Immediate when such an occurrence takes place it is necessary to ensure that (a) the equipment damaged does not obstruct the traffic (b) also the line is patrolled, causes of earthing and the defects rectified as quickly as possible. The OH in the energised section, shall be regarded as being alive at all times and consequently dangerous to human lift No person, except those deputed to work on or near the overhead electrical equipment and who are in possession of a "permit to work" issued by an authorised representative of RE, shall approach to with in 2 metres from the OHE.

1. Duty of ASM at controlling stations

1.1 He shall maintain the attendance of operator/lineman. The shift duty of this staff will be. fixed by the respective supervisor of RE, who will maintain their muster sheets.

1.2 In the case of abnormality observed through the indicator of Red light provided for the purpose, the AS on duty will direct the operator to take necessary action as required.

1.3 In the case abnormality indicated by an alarm or red light in any of the indication boards, the ASM she immediately direct the operator/lineman and inform him of the indication, arrange for calling the respected Supervisor of RE. After the supervisor of RE has declared OHE to be defective, the ASM will. advise the Section Controller to issue caution order through the ASMs of the previous train stopping stations where necessary, Drivers of all trains both in UP and DOWN directions to be on a sharp lookout for the infringement of the train from OHE and to be prepared to stop short of any infringement.

1.4 In addition to this on advice of the Supervisor of RE, the ASM of the station at the other end of the faul section to send the lineman/operator of RE with staff of the contractor to attend the abnormality/breakdown The ASM should also inform the Section Controller and the RE Controller about the abnormality/Breakdown convey the message to the supervisor concerned so that the breakdown gang can be moved on the  immediately.

1.5 If any message is received from section controller or Driver about the location of the fault, he will immediate inform the supervisor of RE and the RE controller.

1.6 When asked by the Supervisor of RE, the ASM shall make arrangements to stop a train or light engine the station for the transportation of staff.

2. Duty of RE Controller

2.1 He will assist the Section Controller, in case of any breakdown/abnormality, informing all concerned.

2.2 He will immediately inform DOM/RE and DEE(OHE)/RE concerned, on the autophone and also on P& phone , if necessary, and also the EFO/OHE concerned and the representative of the RE contractor immediate on receipt of breakdown message.

2.3 He will assist the breakdown gang in reaching the site by arranging light engine or train where road facility is not available, in co-ordination with the Section Controller.

2.4 On receipt of the information about wire cutting, he will immediately inform the SI or ASI/RPF concerned as well as local/Railway Police and control/autophones and P&T phone also.

2.5 He will be in constant touch with the Section Controller and ASM concerned until the infringement of the OHE is cleared and normal conditions are restored.

2.6 He will pass on the requisition for 'permit to work' when received to the Supervisor of RE at the station.

3. Duties of Drivers and Guards

3.1 On receipt of caution orders from the ASM that the OHE in the section is faulty, he shall proceed cautiously and shall lookout for any hanging OHE wire on UP and DOWN track.

3.2 In case OHE is found to be hanging and the same does not infringe the standard moving dimensions, the Driver should pass the hanging wire under caution without further damage to the hanging wire, and on reaching the next station he should inform about the location of hanging wires to the ASM.

3.3 In case the hanging OHE wires are infringing the standard moving dimensions, the Driver shall stop short of. infringements and shall report the location and nature of infringement to the nearest ASM.

3.4 The Driver or any other person shall not come in contact with any of the wires laying either on ground or hanging loose and shall prevent others from doing so.

3.5 in case of passenger trains where the Guard is in possession of a portable telephone, the same may be used for giving the information regarding the hanging of wires to the Section Controller. On the energised sections, riding op the top of engine/tender by the crew is strictly prohibited.

4. Duties of the Section Controller

4.1 On receipt of the advice from ASM that there is a defect in the overhead equipment, he shall arrange to give caution orders to all Drivers in the faulty section to be on sharp lookout for any obstruction or wires hanging around, and report the same to the ASM of the station adjacent to the Block Section.

4.2 He should immediately advise the RE controller also for passing on the information to all concerned.

4.3 He should arrange for light engine/or train when asked for the movement of the breakdown gangs of RE.

4.4 If any Driver/Guard/ASM informs him about the locations of hanging OHE wires or breakdown of OHE, will advise the same to the RE controller.

4.5 On receipt of the advice from any of the ASMs or RE controller that the infringement has been cleared, he will arrange for the cancellation of the caution order issued under para IV (i) above.

5. Normal Operations

5.1 'Permit to work' for carrying out further construction work on the OHE and for works of other departments viz. Engineering, signalling etc., within two metres of OHE, the energised OHE will have to be switched off. All these works can be carried out only when the 'Permit to Work' has been given by the authorised representative of RE

5.2 Calculation of 'Permit to Work' and recharging of OHE : After the work has been finished by the party requiring 'permit to work' the party will give back in writing to the authorised representative of RE at site, who originally handed over the 'permit to work' to them, that the work in the vicinity of the OHE has been completed and there is no objection for the overhead equipment to be energised. The authorised RE representative will then remove the discharge rods and return the "permit to work' to the Supervisor of RE from whom he has taken in writing by exchange of private numbers. The Supervisor of RE will ensure that all 'permit to work' given by him, has been suitably returned to him. After he has ensured this, he shall remove discharge rods from OHE, and shall then energise the transformer, thus energising the overhead equipment on 2.2 kV ac.

6. Abnormal Operations

As already stated the OHE will normally be energised on 2.2 kV/ac and treated as live by every body and hence the 'permit to work' has to be obtained from authorised supervisor of RE for any work within two metres of OHE. In case of any accident/abnormality, or in case of miscreants' activity, if the OHE gets earthed and the L.T. fuse of transformer blows off, the same will be indicated in the room of ASM by the sounding of buzzer and also by lighting a red lamp. In such case the ASM should immediately call for the authorised representative of RE posted with him. He should also send a message to the Supervisor of RE who will take charge of the situation. He will declare the section faulty after further checking if required. He should then advise the ASM on duty in writing, to send necessary information to the section controller for issuing caution orders to the Drivers of all up and Down trains of the defective zone. The supervisor has to then isolate the faulty section and send the patrolling party on line. The patrolling party incharge will take ' permit to work' from the supervisor. The supervisor will not energise the OHE unless and until all the patrolling parties in section return the 'permit to work; by exchanging private numbers or in writing.

7. Authorisation of Staff 

No body other than the person authorised will carryout Switching operations on OHE and other installation, issue, receive and cancel 'permit to work'. Such persons will be authorised only after duly being tested by DEE/AEE(RE) and shall not be below the rank of a skilled artisan.

8. Special Instructions

8.1 Every Railway employee is required to make himself familiar with the methods of first aid to be rendered in case of Electric Shock.

8.2 Proximity of a live conductor has to be avoided; since the risk of direct contact would occur while working very close to a live conductor.

8.3 It is important to note that Induced voltage may appear at any instant in metallic masses in the vicinity of traction conductors.

8.4 Since there can be presence of return current in rails, use of Rails as a footpath, a seat or for other purpose is strictly prohibited.

8.5 No persons should go on top of a wagons, Bogie, engine or any other structure, without properly ensuring that OHE power supply is completely cutoff and the overhead equipment is earthed .

Annexure A'


It is hereby certified that all the electrification works to be executed by the Railway Electrification............2.2 kV ac single phase antitheft energisation of section from..........(km................) to.............(km........ over... ..... railway have been carried out properly and that the section can be energised without endangering of the travelling public or employees of the railway.

CSTE(P)/RE                                                      CE(P)/RE                                                  CEE(P)/RE. RRB JE, SSC AE/JE UPSSSC JE, SSC JE, CIVIL ENGINEERING MCQs, ELECTICAL ENGINEERING MCQs, preavious year quesion papers, dmrc, lmrc, drdo,rrb ntpc, ntpc, pgcil, dsssb, states board, GATE IES EE, ESE, ECE, ME, CE, IT & CS EXAM MATERIALS & OLD PAPERS Electrical Engineering Daily news & current affairs in hindi & english fully updated Daily current affairs Engineering Discussion group for your upcoming exams, you can ask your any query regarding your problem,ЁЯСЗЁЯСЗЁЯСЗ PKR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING I am sure this is the best place for you guys subscribe and get success IF YOU WANT TO JOIN ME ON TELEGRAM FOR PDF @newsdailypkr AE/JE EE, ESE, ECE, ME, CE, IT & CS EXAM MATERIALS & OLD PAPERS Electrical Engineering facebook page:- Pravendra Kumar Rajpoot Daily news & current affairs in hindi & english fully updated Daily current affairs Engineering Discussion group for your upcoming exams, you can ask your any query regarding your problem,ЁЯСЗЁЯСЗЁЯСЗ PKR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING I am sure this is the best place for you guys subscribe and get success IF YOU WANT TO JOIN ME ON TELEGRAM FOR PDF @newsdailypkr AE/JE EE, ESE, ECE, ME, CE, IT & CS EXAM MATERIALS & OLD PAPERS Electrical Engineering facebook page:- Pravendra Kumar Rajpoot

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