20600 Operation of Isolator Switches
1. Before considering the procedure for obtaining power blocks, attention is drawn to the precautions to be taken in opening an isolator switch. Manually operated isolator switches are provided at different points on the main line to sectionalize the OHE into elementary sections and at large yards to isolate different elementary sections for maintenance of the OHE.
2. The operating handle of every isolator switch shall always be kept locked either in the open or closed position. Any loss or damage of a padlock or key shall be reported immediately to the OHE Section Chargeman, Chief Traction Foreman (OHE) and TPC.
3. An isolator switch is not meant for breaking a current, but only to break a circuit when no current is passing through it. If an attempt is made to open a switch when it is actually carrying current, severe arcing will occur at the switch contacts and may result in serious consequences including danger to the operator. AN ISOLATOR SWITCH SHALL NOT BE OPENED WHEN CURRENT IS PASSING THROUGH IT.
4. Isolator switches on the main line may only be opened provided the corresponding sub-sector is first made dead by TPC. The person operating the isolator switch shall not open it, unless specifically asked to do so by TPC by a clear message supported by a private number or after receipt of a separate permit-to-work for the section which includes the elementary sections on either the isolator switch. TPC shall ensure that the sub-sector is dead before he orders opening of an isolator switch in it.
5. Isolator switches, however, can be closed by a duly authorissed person even if the adjacent interrupters are closed (i.e. on load) provided the closure is made swiftly in one motion. It is imperative that once the fixed and moving contacts have met, the contacts are not separated.
20601 Isolators in Yards and Sheds
(a) Isolator switches provided for isolating sidings and yards and also to feed OHE inside running sheds, may be opened provided the official concerned makes it certain that -
(a) the entire section is visible; and
(b) there is no locomotive with raised pantograph in the section.
If it is not possible to get an assurance of these conditions, the principles of para 20600-4 shall be followed.
20602 Maintenance Blocks
There are generally two types of blocks required for maintenance work on electric traction installations:
(a) Traffic Block . Where a line is blocked against movement of vehicles whether steam, electric or diesel locomotive hauled. This will be required whenever heavy repairs have to be carried out. A traffic block will be granted by the Section Controller in consultation with the TPC.
(b) Power Block: Where a section of line is blocked against movement of electric locomotive hauled vehicles or EMUs only i.e., a section where 25 kV electric supply to the OHE is switched off and the section made dead. Power block will be required whenever light repairs to or maintenance of the OHE has to be carried out and the nature of the work is such that traffic block is not necessary. Power blocks are granted by TPC in consultation with the Section Controller. Whenever a power block is granted by TPC, movement of vehicles hauled by other than electric power, i.e., steam or diesel may be permitted, provided a caution order is issued as per General and Subsidiary Rules drawing the attention of the Driver to the fact that the OHE staff are working at the kilometerage specified and he should exercise caution when passing over the section and obey signals displayed at the place of work.
20603 Power Blocks
1. Power blocks are of three different types:
(a) Emergency power block,
(b) Pre-arranged power block,
(c) Locally arranged power block.
Power blocks on the OHE of "Secondary lines", i.e., siding, yards, sheds, etc. arranged by the Station Master, Yard Master, Shed Foreman or Engine Examiner concerned locally come under category (c).
2. In all cases of power block TPC shall put red warning caps on control switches corresponding to interruptors which are kept open for isolating the section. Similarly, waming boards shall be fixed on all manually operated switches opened locally for isolating the section. This shall be done by the operator who opens the switches. These red warning caps and waming boards can be removed only when cancelling the power block. In case SCADA system is in operation instructions issued for the operation of the system shall be followed.
20604 Emergency Power Block
An "Emergency Power Block" shall be arranged by the TPC and 25 kV supply to the OHE affected shall be switched off by him immediately on receipt of an advice of any break-down of the OHE or injury to persons or damage to property particularly in the following cases :
(a) The whole or part of the OHE or a feeder or a cable falling down and or persons or animals or falling trees or vehicles coming in contact with or likely to come in contact with live equipment;
(b) A damaged catenary or contact wire fouling the vehicle gauge;
(c) A damaged electric locomotive getting damaged to rectify which the Driver requires the permit-to-work;
(d) Derailment or any other traffic accident on the electrified lines, where cutting off of 25 kV power supply is considered necessary by TPC or the Section Controller, in the interest of safety.
20605 Reporting Abnormalities in OHE
It is the duty of every railway official to report immediately any abnormalities on the OHE such as are mentioned in para 20604 or of tracks, masts/ structures or pantographs of locomotives as may adversely affect safety of train movements, to the TPC either directly or through any Station Master, Section Controller or through the nearest available telephone. If the damage is heavy or the moving dimensions are infringed he should take steps to protect the lines in accordance with General and Subsidiary Rules.
20606 Request for Emergency Power Block
1. The person who gives the first information of break-down on the OHE shall invariably give all essential information such as his name, designation, kilometrage where the abnormality has been noticed, its nature and place from where he is reporting. He should leave the place only with the permission of the TPC.
2. The reason for asking for an emergency power block should be brief and to the point, but explicit. Much time and trouble can be saved if the first information given is clear and unambiguous, to enable the TPC to decide upon the course of action to be taken.
20607 Action to be taken TPC
On receiving the information the TPC shall immediately arrange to switch off power supply to the section affected (the details of defects being obtained after the supply is switched off). He shall at the same time advise the Section Controller on duty the section made dead by him. The Section Controller in turn should arrange with the Station Masters concerned to take protective measures in accordance with "Station Working Rules".
20608 Precautions after Emergency Power Block is Imposed
Once an emergency power block is imposed, no work on the affected lines shall be commenced until an authorized OHE official arrives at site and earths the OHE at two points or more as per rules. Power supply to the section concerned shall not be restored by TPC until the authorized official at the site issue a message supported by private number.
20609 Identification of Sectors, Sub-Sectors and Elementary Sections
1. It is vitally important for every Railway official who has occasion to ask for power block to know the correct method of identifying and describing any section of the OHE where shutdown is required. He should have with him the upto-date Station Working Rule Diagram for the section, showing all relevant particulars such as station names, position of all isolators, interrupters, circuit breakers, "up" and "down" tracks, cross-over section insulators, sectors, sub-sectors and elementary section numbers.
Sectors: These are described by referring to a section of OHE of a track which can be energized by closing a feeder circuit breaker at the substation/ feeding post. It covers the section between sub-station/feeding post and adjacent neutral sections.
Sub-sectors: These are described by the names of two limiting switching stations in the order in which the train moves and adding the name of the track, e.g., Sub-sector Kendposi-Tabu Dn.
Elementary Sections: are referred to by four/five digit numbers. The sections are numbered serially in the direction of power supply i.e., from the feeding post/substation towards the neutral section or the terminal point. At each feeding post/sub-station a new series of numbers starts. The first two/three digits represent the interrupter controlling feed to the section and the last two digits the serial number of the elementary section. Up line elementary sections have progressively odd numbers and Down line elementary sections have progressively even numbers, e.g., elementary section 0202 means the first elementary section from the feeding post/sub-station on the down line, fed by interruptor 02.
Whenever there is a doubt in the description, the person asking for power block shall state clearly the track and OHE structure numbers between which work is to be done.
20610 Telephone Messages
All messages relating to .shut-down and restoration of power supply, permits-to-work, etc. issued over the telephone shall invarialbly be supported by exchange of Private Numbers. The procedure to be followed is as detailed below -
(a) Every official who has to exchange such messages shall maintain a Private Number book. As each message is sent, the Private Number used should be scored out in the Private Number sheet, initialled and dated. The message number should also be recorded. Every Private Number book and permit-to-work form is an important document and should be carefully preserved for a period of one year unless required for a longer period in connection with an inquiry or investigation.
(b) Every message shall start with the Private Number of the sender and end with the Private Number of the person who has received it.
(c) Messages should be brief and to the point. They shall be written out in full before they are sent. The description of the section on which power block is required should be unambiguous as detailed in para 20609. All messages regarding permits-to-work shall be in the standard form.
(d) The same person who asks for and obtains a power block should also cancel it before power supply is restored. The persons exchanging the private numbers should identify themselves by name over the telephone.
(e) The correctness of every massage shall be confirmed by the person who has received it by repeating it. Each message shall be recorded by the sender as well as by the receiver in message books maintained for the purpose.
(f) To avoid confusion, use words "Open" and "Close" shall be used instead of phonetically similar words such as "Switch Off", "Switch On". Whenever necessary words may have to be spelt out (e.g.,1 (one) 4 (four) and not fourteen), B for Bombay, C for Calcutta and so on.
20611 Procedure for Obtaining Traffic or Power Blocks and Permits-to-work
Officials in the electrified area who require pre-arranged traffic blocks, power blocks or permits-to-work in the danger zone of traction equipment, or who require OHE and or bonding staff to be present at site for scheduled maintenance works, shall deliver at the office of Sr DEE (TrD) not later than 10 hours on the first working day of the week statements in the prescribed form showing-
(i) the nature of the work and the date on which it is to be performed;
(ii) by whom the work is to be carried out;
(iii) location of the work and the section of the lines to be blocked;
(iv) the trains between which the block is required; and
(v) whether the track will be available for steam or diesel traffic.
2. The requirements of all departments will be co-ordinated in the office of Sr. DEE (TrD) and a consolidated statement forwarded to the Senior Divisional Operating Manager concerned, by 12 hours on every Wednesday, for inclusion in the weekly programme of traffic and power blocks.
3. Works of an urgent nature shall be attended to by obtaining emergency blocks and permits-to-work from TPC.
4. A weekly programme of work involving traffic blocks, power blocks and permits-to-work shall be prepared in the office of Sr. DOM and dispatched to all concerned (TPC, TLC, Loco Sheds, Station Masters/Yard Masters concerned and Traffic Controller in addition to the departmental officials who asked for the blocks).
5. All the traction sub-stations have two states of traction power transformers and associated switch gear. Maintenance of equipment of the traction sub-station, therefore, does not necessitiate total shut down of 25 kV supply at each sub-station. Whenever any maintenance or breakdown is to be attended in the traction sub-station, the permit to work should be obtained by the Supervisor incharrge from the TPC and after completing the work, the permit to work should be returned by the Supervisor incharge to the TPC. Smiliarly at the switching stations normally the alternative feed is available to the concerned sub-sector and therefore, does not necessitate the power block but only a permit to work should be obtained from the TPC and after completion of the work, the same should be rerturned to the TPC. In case of attending to the gantry of a switching station, complete block of the switching station is required for which power block has to be taken from the TPC.
20612 Pre-arranged Power Block
After a pre-arranged power block has been agreed to be granted and an advice to this effect circulated to all the concerned, the following gives the detailed procedure to be adopted by the Section Controller and the TPC for granting the power block. Assume that power block is required on the Up line between station...........and ..............on Elementary Section 10-00 hours after the passage of a specified Up train (say 'X'):-
1. On the scheduled day about two hours before the block period, i.e., at about 8.00 hours, TPC will obtain confirmation from the Section Controller concerned that the trains are running to time and power block will be available as scheduled, after the Train No. 'X' Up has passed station at about 10-00 hrs.
2. The TPC will pass on information to the Chargeman of the maintenance gang that the power block, as already arranged, will be available in time.
3. The maintenance gang should arrange to leave the depot in time with all materials and tools so as to be ready at site at about 9.30 hrs. The OHE staff (in charge of the work) on arrival at site should immediately contact the TPC and inform him of their arrival.
Any person detailed to open an isolator switch for switching off power supply shall also report to TPC of his arrival at site at the required location.
The maintenance gang should carry at least two portable telephone sets and the necessary earthing pole assembly along with them while proceeding to do maintenance work on the OHE.
4. The TPC should maintain continuous contact with the OHE staff at site.
5. As soon 'X' Up clears the Up track between........and.............Section Controller should inform Station Master on duty at all stations concerned to arrange for "longitudinal" and "cross" protection as laid down in Station Working Rules (see paras 20621 to 20626).
6. The Station Master shall ensure that the protection as specified in the Station Working Rules is carried out and confirm it to the Section Controller with exchange of Private Numbers.
7. The Section Controller on receipt of assurances from the concerned Station Masters will advise TPC that the power block may be given.
8. If the power block message is given by TPC in the prescribed printed form the Section Controller will sign the same and send it to the TPC; if it is given over the telephone, the Section Controller will grant the power block through a message with exchange of Private Numbers.
9. On receipt of the above message TPC will open the interruptors concerned and issue messages to the field staff for operation of the required isolators. On receipt of the confirmatory message that the isolators have been opened, TPC will close the interruptors restoring power supply to all parts, except over the particular elementary section where work has to be done. He will then issue a permit-to-work message in the prescribed form to the authorized person in charge of the maintenance gang.
10. After obtaining permit to work, the authorized person may use a flag signal (Yellow flag) to direct the nominated staff to discharge and earth the OHE at two or more points.
11. The maintenance gang will start the work after taking necessary safety precautions to protect themselves, viz., by earthing, display of banner flags etc. as detailed in General and Subsidiary Rules.
Note : On sections with automatic signalling, the signals may be at danger due to earthing of OHE with the rails during the period of the power block. The Station Master shall issue necessary authority as per rules for steam and diesel trains when these are permitted to be moved over the section under power block.
20613 Restoration of Supply After a Permit-to-work is Returned
On completion of the work, the person who received the permit-to-work shall ensure that -
(a) all men and materials have been withdrawn from the electrical equipment and its vicinity;
(b) all earths provided for the protection of the working parties have been removed; and
(c) all staff, who have been deputed to work, are warned that the power supply is to be restored.
He should then inform TPC by a message, supported by Private Number, that the work, for which the permit-to-work was issued, has been completed, the men and materials have been withdrawn from the specified section, the earths have been removed and power supply may be restored to the section. This shall constitute cancellation of the permit-to-work previously obtained.
20614 Work by other than Authorized Persons
1. If work is to be carried out on or adjacent to any part of the electrical equipment by other than 'authorized' persons such work shall not commence until the person in-charge of the work is in possession of a written permit-to-work in the prescribed form issued to him by an 'authorized' person.
Such permits-to-work in the prescribed form shall only be issued by an 'authorized' person of the Electric Traction Branch not below the rank of a Senior Linesman.
2. The permit-to-work shall first be taken from TPC by an 'authorized' person who shall earth the electrical equipment specified and hand over a permit-to-work card to the person in-charge of the work getting an acknowledgment on the other copy. A duplicate copy of every permit-to-work card shall be retained in the personal possession of the 'authorized' person who issued it.
3. On completion of the work and when all men and materials have been withdrawn from the electric equipment and its vicinity, the person in-charge of the working party shall cancel his permit-to-work card and return it to the 'authorized' person who issued it. The 'authorized' person shall in turn issue a message to TPC to cancel permit-to-work as detailed in para 20613.
20615 Local Cancellation of Permit-to-Work When Telephones are Interrupted
If telephone communication with TPC is interrupted when a permit to work is to be cancelled, the authorized person to whom the permit-to-work was issued shall arrange locally for restoring the normal (live) conditions on the equipment specified in the permit-to-work and for cancelling the power block, if possible. Before this is done the authorized person should satisfy, himself that no other party has been given a permit-to-work for the same section.
20616 Multiple Working Parties
1. Whenever work has to be carried out by more than one working party, within a sub-sector or an elementary section, the permit-to-work shall be issued by the TPC only to one authorized person who alone shall be responsible-for all work on the portion of electrical equipment specified in the permit-to-work. Other party or parties may work on the same portion of electrical equipment only with the permission of this authorized person. The authorized person shall cancel the permit-to-work only when he has satisfied himself that all working parties who have been permitted by him to work in the section covered by the permit-to-work have withdrawn their men and materials and have removed the earths from the electrical equipment on which they had worked. In the event of telephone communication being interrupted, the person responsible shall take action as provided in para 20615 above for cancellation of the power block.
2. Where the two parties are working far from each other, the party who has to work for a longer period shall take the permit-to-work and then permit the other party to start his work by a message supported by a Private Number. The second party shall inform the party from whom he got the permit-to-work of completion of work and removal of earths and withdrawal of men and material by a message supported by Private Number.
20617 Entries in the Log Book
The number of each permit-to-work issued must be entered in the log book by TPC together with the particulars and time when the equipment is made dead and re-energized after completion for the work, as per information received on telephone from the 'authorized' person concerned.
20618 Work Inside Loco Shed or Car Shed
For work to be done inside the loco sheds or car sheds, the application for permit-to-work must be made to the Traction Foreman, Assistant Traction Foreman or Chargeman (RS) who shall arrange for the issue of the permit-to-work after getting the switch of the inspection bay or the feeders opened. No intimation to TPC is necessary. The permit-to-work must be received for cancellation from the person in-charge of the work by the Traction Foreman, Assistant Traction Foreman or Chargeman (RS) before the switches are closed.
20619 Local Block
Power supply for sidings which do not affect movements of trains on the main lines, for loop lines and reception and despatch yards, is controlled by manually operated isolators. Keys for these isolators are usually in the custody of the Station Master concerned. Power blocks on such sidings can be arranged when required by an authorized official subject to the following :
(i) The Station Master, Cabin Assistant Station Master, and others responsible for the movement of traffic, should take measures detailed in para 20621, 20622 and 20625.
(ii) TPC shall be informed before and after the shut-down is effected.
(iii) Isolators may only be opened after due precautions prescribed in para 20600, 20622 and 20625.
(iv) Earthing of equipment and issue of permit-to-work is done as prescribed in these rules.
Local power blocks shall be recorded in form ETR-4 prescribed for the purpose.
20620 Protective Measures for Power Blocks
It is essential that every Railway official concerned with the movement of trains on the electrified section, have a thorough understanding of the precautions to be taken to ensure safety of staff working on the OHE under power blocks. The reasons for the precautions and the nature of the precautions are therefore given at some length in the following paragraphs.
The protective measures are -
(a) Longitudinal Protection: To stop movement of electric rolling-stock running on the same track on which a section has been made dead and power block has been granted.
(b) Transverse or Cross Protection: To stop movement of electric rolling-stock running into a section, which has been made dead, from another track or from a siding through cross-overs.
20621 Logitudinal Protection
1. At all points where interrupters or isolator switches are provided the overhead lines are sectioned and insulated (air gap) overlap span is provided. The arrangement adopted is shown in Fig. 6.01. The OHE from the direction 'X' is anchored on mast D while that from direction 'Y' is anchored on mast 'A'. The two systems are held apart by steady arms from masts 'B' and 'C and are kept insulated from each other, there being sufficient air gap between them. The two contact wires are, however, running parallel to each other at about the same level between OHE masts 'B' and 'C When a locomotive passes form 'B' to 'C, the pantograph will normally be in contact with and receive power from both the contact wires but when passing either between 'A' and 'B' or between 'C and 'D', it will be in contact with only one contact wire. Since the isolator switch provided is normally in closed position, it connects the two OHE together and, therefore, they are both energized at the same voltage 
2. If a power block has taken on Section 'Y' and the isolator switch is in open position, it will be seen that the OHE from direction 'Y' (dotted lines) is dead and earthed whereas that from direction 'X' is live at a potential of 25 kV. The pantograph of electric rolling-stock while passing between OHE masts 'B' and 'C will short circuit the live and dead contact wires. Such a movement will on danger the life of staff who may be working on the dead OHE section 'Y', apart from producing destructive arcing resulting in severe damage to the pantograph and the contact wire.
3. To avert such disastrous effects, under no circumstances should electric rolling-stock be admitted into the insulated overlap separating the dead section on which a power block has been taken from live sections.
20622 Transverse or Cross Protection
1. Section insulators have been provided on cross-overs to separate and insulate different sections of OHE from each other, e.g., the up track from the Down track, the main line from the siding yard, OHE inside a loco maintenance shed from the yard lines.
2. A section insulator, comprises of a strain insulator, with two runners connected to one of contact wires as shown in Fig.3.02 (Chapter III). The runners are at the same height as the contact with the other side, and also shaped so as to allow a smooth passage of the pantograph underneath. It will be seen from Fig. 3.02 that the two runners overlap with the contact wire on the other side for a short distance to ensure that there is no interruption of the current drawn by the locomotive as it passes under the section insulator.
3. Electric rolling-stock with raised pantograph should, therefore, never be allowed to pass below a section insulator if a power block has been given on one of the tracks, as the pantograph will momentarily connect the live OHE with the dead OHE, while bridging the runners and contact wire. This again energizes the dead section and endangers lives of those who are working on it.
4. In view of its extreme importance the rule is again repeated: Under no circumstances should electric rolling-stock be passed below an insulated overlap span or a section insulator which separates a dead section on which a power block has been granted, from the line section.
20623 Procedure for Arranging Longitudinal and Transverse Protection
1. Before a power block is granted the Section Controller should advise the Station Master,o Yard Masters and Cabin Assistant Station Masters concerned to protect the dead sections, both longitudinally and transversely. It is only when all the Station Masters and Cabin Assistant Station Masters concerned have confirmed that this has been done, the Section Controller can advise TPC agreeing to the grant of power block. The Station Master, Yard Master and Cabin Assistant Station Master concerned will continue to maintain protection till the power block is cancelled by the Section Controller.
2. The Section Controller will in turn permit removal of protection only after the power block is cancelled by TPC.
20624 Station Working Rules for Longitudinal and Transverse Protection
1. In view of the large number of possible movements which may accidentally energize a dead section under a power block, the various protective measures to be taken by each Station Master, Cabin Assistant Station Master and Yard Master when power block is granted for the various sectors, sub-sectors or elementary sections should be catalogued in the Station Working Rules for each station. It is the duty of every Station Master, Yard Master and Assistant Yard Master to be thoroughly familiar with these instructions so as to be able to carry out efficiently and quickly the protective measures prescribed.
2. The Station Working Rules should contain-
(a) rules to be generally observed by all stations;
(b) a chart giving exactly what precautions have to be taken for granting power, blocks on each sector, sub-sector or elementary section; and
(c) a drawing showing the wired and unwired tracks as well as the sectionalizing arrangements including the position of signals and points referred to in the chart mentioned above.
This drawing is the only valid document to be referred to for the purpose of granting power block. No modification of the installation shall be done without its first being incorporated in the above drawing.
3. In case of large stations, a copy of Station Working Rules may be issued to each cabin.
4. Every Station Master/Yard Master/Asstt. Station master shall be trained for the purpose and be fully conversant with all the local switches/isolators/cross-overs and special instructions applicable to the equipment provided at the station and as laid down in the Station Working Rules to enable him to operate isolators under instructions from TPC.
20625 Protection of Dead Section
The protection of a dead section is achieved by the following means:
(a) In the normal running direction, movements of trains are generally controlled by signals. Protection is obtained by placing a "Red Warning Collar" on the signal lever controlling the concerned signals, painted with inscription "Beware - No Voltage".
(b) If the points and signals are locally operated, they should be locked and the keys controlling the lever or lever frames should be kept with the Station Master on duty. When the signal cabin or lever frames are controlled electrically by a Station Master or a Cabin Assistant Station Master, the Station Master or Cabin Assistant on duty shall place the warning collars on the relevant slides of electric slide instruments or on the relevant keys of electric transmitters or interlocked key boxes.
This action must be taken by the Cabin Assistant Station Master or the Station Master, as the case may be, in respect of each and every movement prescribed in the Station Working Rules and after completion, confirmation should be given to the Section Controller to enable him to agree for the power block to be issued by the TPC.
In a large yard several warning collars may be required. Sufficient number of warning collars should be kept in each station/cabin. The exact number provided should be indicated in the corresponding Station Working Rules.
(c) Once a warning collar is placed on the signal lever, it shall not be removed except after exchange of messages with private member.
20626 Shunting Movement Towards Dead Section
1. In cases where no signal exists for controlling the entry of an electric train into the dead section, the Station Master should arrange a hand stop signal to be exhibited at the point upto which alone the electric locomotive is allowed to proceed.
!f it is necessary for an electric locomotive to carry on shunting movement towards the dead section, the red warning coliar placed on a lever may be removed to permit the movement, provided that a hand stop signal as above is exhibited and the Driver is specifically instructed not to move the loco beyond the point.
2. An example of this operation is given in Fig. 6.0 2. As per para 20625 the lever controlling the signals should have "red warning collars" placed on them to give protection to the dead section. However, if it is essential to carry out a shunting operation with an electric locomotive situated at point 'A' on the loop line to move into the main through the turn -out, this may be permitted provided that the shunting movement is carried out only upto limiting mast' P', short of the overlap span, where a hand signal is to be exhibited to prevent all movements beyond the point 'P'.
3. Train or shunting movements by other than electric locomotives, i.e., by steam or diesel locos, may be permitted to enter the dead section, provided that the Station Master ensures by personal inspection that the train formation does not include an electric locomotive or OHE Inspecton Car or EMU with pantograph raised. The "red warning collars" may be permitted to be removed to allow such movements.

20627 Movement of Other than Electric Trains
Goods or Passenger trains hauled by other than electric locomotives may be allowed to pass through the dead section subject to the following conditions :-
(a) This has not been prohibited specifically in the power block message.
(b) Steam or diesel engine or trains hauled by such engines shall be brought to a stand at the station preceding the station/section at which power block is granted and the Station Master or this station shall satisfy himself by personal inspection that there is no electric locomotive in the train in question.
(c) He shall also give a Caution Order to the Driver of such engine or "train warning him of the power block ahead and instructing him to watch for hand signals and observe them.
(d) No Station Master shall give line clear or lower signals for a train to run over a section under power block unless he has received an assurance (supported by Private Number) from the Station Master of the preceding station that there is no electric locomotive or Inspection Car with pantograph raised in the train.
(e) Whenever a " red warning collar" has been removed for permitting a movement as per paras 20626 and this para, it shall be replaced back on the signal control lever immediately after the movement is completed.
For purposes of the above rule the term "Electric Rolling -Stock" does not include electric rolling-stock hauled 'dead' as a vehicle or OHE Inspection Car with its pantograph removed or securely locked down.
20628 Standard Forms for Power Block Messages ,
Typical forms for power block messages are attached at the end of this Chapter.
Form ETR. 1 This has 3 parts and is used for exchange of message between TPC and Section controller when a power block is to be imposed or withdrawn. When TPC and the Section controller are located in adjacent rooms, the messages will be made out in duplicate and sent to the other party obtaining the acknowledgment of the receiving party on a carbon copy. When they are located far apart, the messages will be exchanged on phone, the receiver recording the message on an identical form and repeating it for confirmation.
Form ETR. 2 This has 3 parts and is used for exchange of messages between TPC and the 'authorized persons' taking shut downs. These messages will usually be conveyed on telephone, the receiver recording the message on an identical form and repeating it for confirmation.
Form ETR. 3 This has 4 parts and is used when an 'authorized person' who has taken a power block has to issue a permit - to-work". Messages in this form will invariable be made out in duplicate and sent to the other party obtaining acknowledgment on the carbon copy.
Form ETR. 4 This has 3 parts and is used when local blocks are to be arranged. Messages in this form also should invariably be written out and sent to the other party obtaining acknowledgment on the carbon copy.
All messages exchange over telephone should be supported with exchange of Private Numbers.
Form ETR. 1
Part A . ...................RAILWAY
Serial No. Date......................................... Time Hr................Mts................
From, To, Traction Power Controller Section controller
at...................... ..........................Section ................................(Place)
Block the following line/s to electric trains/all traffic from Hr....................Mts...................on...................
and advise me when this has been done.
State below which line/s and between which limits (Sector, Sub-sector, Elementary Section, etc.) the block is required.
--------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
The block is likely to last for ..............Hr........Mts.........
Private No.....................................................
Sent by......................................................... (Name) (Name) Received by...................................... (Name)
*Score out whichever is not applicable.







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