21000 General
When electric traction is to be introduced for the first time or extended to new sections on a Railway, considerable additional responsibility devolves, particularly on the Electrical Deptt. To discharge these responsibilities, it is essential to have a clear programme of action to be taken in the final stages of completion to ensure that:
1. the works carried out departmental^ and by contractors are of high standards.
2. the organization for running the services will be ready by the time the sections are commissioned;
3. as and when installations are energized on 25 kV, they are taken over promptly and operated efficiently.
21001 Preparation by Open Line
The intention of having electrification works carried out by a separate organization within the Railway is to relieve the CEE of the Open Line of the burden of detailed design, supervision and execution of works, departmentally or through Contractors, It is, however, essential for CEE of the Open Line to keep himself in touch with the developments and progress of works so that he may take timely action for taking over the installations on commissioning. He will have to arrange every other things..
1. creation of an organization, with sufficient number of trained personnel, to take over the operation and maintenance of the electrified section from the date of commissioning;
2. recruitment and training of operating and maintenance staff;
3. close association of Open Line Officers and staff during the final stages of erection and adjustment work to enable them to study the details of installations;
4. carrying out of detailed inspection of the works by Assistant Officers and senior subordinates followed by general inspection by Senior Officers for getting all defects rectified.
5. filial tests and trials with rolling-stock;
6. Administrative Officers' inspection and sanction to the energization of substations, switching stations and OHE by Electrical inspector.
7. final inspection of OHE and installations by CRS, commissioning and putting into commercial service; and .
8. post-commissioning work, operation and maintenance.
21002 Organization for Inspection and Taking Over
The CEE of the open line railway shall set up the organization on the following line:
(1) Create all the posts of officers' and staff in accordance with the norms and fill up at least 6 months in advance two post of JAG Officers viz. Sr.DEE/TrD and Sr.DEE/RS along with requisite site staff and supervisors.
(2) when electrification is introduced for the first time on the zonal railway, a nucleus set up at the headquarters office should also be created.
(3) organize a Training School at least one year in advance/ for the training of maintenance, operation and running staff to man the services.
(4) Recruit maintenance and operating staff and train them to man the services, arrange for selection of running staff from steam and diesel cadre and start their conversion training courses at least a year prior to the date of energization, so as to position adequate number of drivers, assistant drivers and supervisors in time to take over the services.
(5) Position the Inspectorial cadre to ensure compliance with the requirements laid down in para 20970 station by station and to train along with Sr. DSO all the Operating Deptt. staff.
(6) Augment the organizational set up 3 months in advance of the date of commissioning posting additional officer and staff to ensure detailed joint checks and rectification of defects in time.
(7) Expedite the completion of facilities for setting up OHE and PSI depots and workshop facilities built by the construction unit and arrange to equip the emergency vans, OHE Inspection Cars and other maintenance vehicles to undertake the maintenance and operation.
(8) If a loco-shed is part of the RE project, some officers and staff should be posted at least 6 months before the locos are received so that they can set up the shed facilities jointly with the construction unit, arrange for jigs, fixtures, and other special tools, take over the major plant and machinery such as cranes for light and heavy lifting bays etc. and get themselves organized for the maintenance and operation of the rolling stock
Having nucleus setup of key officers is an important step which enables establishing a good rapport with, and making full use of the resources of, the construction organisation in creating full facilities for the open line maintenance. Opportunity to select right type of men with skill for different jobs from a number of sources viz. direct recruitment, other open line units and sheds, contractor's skilled labour etc. can be taken by the officers if they are in position in good time. This enables the change of traction from the very first day of energization on trial basis and increase it to a very significant level immediately after CRS's inspection and sanction for carriage of passenger traffic.
21003 Duties of Senior Divisional Electrical Engineer (TrD)
1. Assisted by his DEE/AEE(TrD) he will follow up with the Construction Organization to ensure that the following works are ready well in advance of the date of commissioning :-
(a) Accommodation for the new Sr.DEE (TrD)'s Office together with necessary furniture, office equipment etc.
(b) Central Repair Shops, PSI and maintenance Depots, and Sub-depots with necessary road and rail facilities.
(c) Full stock of spare parts, tools and plant, testing equipment, lifting tackle, emergency vans, motor trolleys, push trolleys, jeeps, motor trucks etc. required for operation and maintenance.
(d) Installation of emergency power plant at the RCC.
2. He will make a detailed study of tariff for power supply and get acquainted with officers of the power supply authorities.
3. He will arrange for creation and timely filling up of all posts required for operation and maintenance.
4. He will arrange for screening and conversion training of staff expected to be rendered surplus due to electrification and recruitment and initial training of the balance requirement of staff.
21004 Duties for Senior Divisional Electrical Engineer (RS)
1. Assisted by his DEE/AEE (RS) he will follow up with the Construction Organization to ensure that the following works are ready well in advance of the date of commissioning :-
(a) Additional accommodation for the new Sr.DEE(RS)'s Office together with necessary furniture, office equipment etc.
(b) Electric loco/EMU shed and out-station maintenance depots with all facilities like travelling crane, pits for inspection, power supply, plug sockets, lighting, storage racks etc.
(c) Installation of the full complement of machinery, tools and plant and testing equipment at all repair and maintenance depots.
(d) Full stock of spare parts and arrangements for stocking them for recurring consumption.
2. He will also arrange for sanction for necessary posts for operation and maintenance of rolling-stock.
3. He will arrange for screening and conversion training of Steam/Diesel Drivers through all phases including their basic theoretical and practical training in electric rolling-stock, their learning the road and rules for operation of electric stock.
4. He will arrange for preparation of loco link diagrams and Drivers' rosters as well as Trouble-shooting Directory for different types of rolling stock.
5. He will arrange for screening and conversion training of maintenance staff rendered surplus due to electrification and also recruitment and initial training of balance requirements of staff.
21005 Responsibility of Construction Organisation
The Construction Organization is responsible for the execution and completion of works and testing, commissioning and handing over all installations in proper working condition to CEE of the Open Line and in particular to ensure that-
1. the design of all installations is in accordance with approved standards and where any departure from accepted norms becomes necessary approval of Railway Board/ RDSO/ CRS/ Electrical Inspector is obtained;
2. progressing of works is done to comply with the target dates fixed by the Railway Board and all works executed are to a high standard;
3. procurement of all special stores, transport vehicles including OHE inspection cars for maintenance, tools and plant, machinery and testing instruments and their handing over to the Open Line in two stages the minimum required before tests and trials followed by the balance immediately after installation and commissioning in done (refer Appendix VI);
4. the CEE informed of all developments and in consultation with him the programme and date for commissioning of installations is fixed;
5. copies of all approved drawings, specifications, contract documents and important letters are furnished to the CEE. Sufficient number of copies of all drawings, specifications and manufacturer's instruction booklets should be to the Divisional Officers concerned so that they may be distributed to the maintenance staff. "As made drawings" or tracings incorporating all modifications during construction, countersigned by the Engineers of the Contractor and construction organization are handed over to CEE of the Open Line for safe and permanent custody;
6. exercising necessary co-ordination with the Supply Authorities to ensure that power supply will be made available and with the P & T Department to ensure that all their works will be completed and the necessary clearance given for energization of the lines well in advance; and
7. complying with all the formalities connected with the energization of all sections in accordance with the rules laid down.
21006 Commissioning of Traction Substations
1. Energization of traction substations is the first step towards commissioning of electric traction on a new section of a Railway. This can be done subject to-
(a) Power Supply Authorities being ready to give power supply;
(b) detailed inspection of the substations, protective equipment and connected RC equipment having been completed and test being quite satisfactory;
(c) full communication facilities being available;
(d) permission for energization of the substation having been received from CEE and Electrical Inspector to the Railway.
2. Normally all sub-stations should be commissioned well before the date fixed for energization of OHE for commercial traffic use. With the sanction of CRS limited trial runs could be undertaken after the sub-station is commissioned.
3. On the appointed day, necessary clearance certificates should be obtained from the Contractors, Dy.CEE(PSI), Officers of the Supply Authority and others who were working at the substation during the construction period, that their staff have been withdrawn and the substation may be energized. The 25kV feeder isolators at the substation and feeding post ends should be opened and locked and the 25 kV feeder conductors solidly earthed by duplicate earths. Readings of the tariff metering equipment should be recorded and the meters jointly sealed by the Open Line Sr. DEE/DEE and the Officers of the Supply Authority. After final meggering of the whole installation, all circuit breakers and isolators are kept in the open position and the 'remote/local' switch put in the 'local' position.
Power supply may then be switched on step by step to the transformers and busbars and the indications on the control panel checked. Subject to everything being in order, operation of the various control-gear can be checked, followed by tripping of circuit breakers by manually closing the contacts of the protective relays. Finally, overall confirmatory test may be conducted of the correct tripping of circuit breakers when close against dead-short circuits on the 25kV busbar. This test will also confirm if the settings of the grid sub-station relays are properly co-ordinated with the settings of the traction substation relays so that the grid substation CB's do not trip for a fault on the 25 kV installations.
4. The two transformers may then be kept energized continuously. An experienced supervisory official should be deputed to keep a close watch on the equipment for the first three days, followed by a detailed inspection after a week and then after fortnight.
Should a circuit breaker trip during the period, the cause should be carefully investigated. The annunciator panel should be checked to ascertain which of the relays have operated. Occasionally the Buchholz relay may operate. A probable cause for this when a transformer is energized for the first time is that air bubbles which may have been entrapped between the windings when oil is filled into the transformer tank, may get released when the transformer gets warmed up and may operate the Buchholz. However, a careful check is still necessary to ascertain the cause of every tripping.
5. 25 kV power supply may be extended up to the feeding posts if all work on 25 kV feeders and the feeding posts has been completed in all respects, after taking the usual safety precautions.
21007 Sanction of CEE and Electrical Inspector to the Railway
1. Application shall be submitted at least a fortnight before energization to CEE and Electrical Inspector to the Railway for the following:-
(a) Formal approval, if not already received to the design and layout of all high voltage equipment including traction sub-stations, transmission lines, 25 kV feeders, switching stations, booster stations etc.
(b) Approval for energization of HT installations mentioned above including OHE.
2. The following documents shall accompany the application for El's sanction.
(a) Copies for Press cuttings of the Public notification as mentioned in para 21008.
(b) Certificate regarding OHE (proforma 10-03).
(c) Certificate regarding bonding and earthing (proforma 10-04).
(d) Certificate regarding safety instructions and precautionary measures (proforma.10-05).
(e) Certificate by DRM regarding safety precautions (proforma 10-06).
(f) Copies of insulation resistance test results of OHE.
(g) Insulation test results values for auxiliary and booster transformers.
(h) Test results for equipment in switching stations and sub-stations and their safety certificates, if earlier sanction for the energizing this is not obtained separately.
(i) Clearance certificates form Deptt. of Telecommunication.
(j) Any other data, test results and certificates required by the Electrical inspector.
The sanction of the Electrical inspector may be issued in the proforma 10-07.
21008 Notification Regarding Energization of OHE
1. A notification indicating the intention to energize completed section/s of OHE, a month in advance of the approximate date on which the line is expected to be energized, will have to be issued to the following:-
(a) The Press.
(b) The CRS and CEE and Electrical Inspector.
(c) General Manager, Chief Operating Manager, Chief Engineer/Construction, Chief Commercial Manager, Chief Mechanical Engineer, Chief Signal and Telecommunication Engineer, Chief Security Officer and Divisional Railway Managers concerned.
(d) Power Supply Authorities.
(e) Posts & Telegraphs Department.
(f) Field Officers of Railway Electrification.
(g) OHE Contractors
(h) Government Railway Police.
The notification shall be issued in the proforma 10-01 appended.
2. Notification regarding level crossing gauges:
At least a month in advance of the energization of a section, a notification in the proforma 10-02 appended shall be issued by the concerned Railway for the safety of public and vehicles using level crossings. This notification shall be published in local papers and also in the Gazettes of Railways and State Govt.
3. Notification for particular section to be energized:
At least a fortnight in advance of the probable date of energization, a notification in the proforma 10-01 shall be issued by the field unit of RE construction, notifying all concerned of the energization of the relevant portion of the section.
21009 Application to CRS
1. Sanction is required from the CRS in respect of -
(a) Introduction of electric traction on any railway or section of a railway;
(b) bringing into use any type of electric locomotive or EMU or to operate any in service at speeds higher than those already sanctioned;
(c) For new yard lines/loop lines/sidings being laid down and electrified: Electrification of existing lines on already electrified sections/loops/sidings/yards lines of length not more than 2 km permission to introduce electric traction shall be granted by Electrical Inspector.
2. Prior to the energization of any section, the following certificates and documents shall be submitted to the CRS:-
(a) General Safety Certificate of Works, signed by CEE and CSTE of the Construction Organization.
(b) Safety Certificate for electrical works signed by CEE of Open Line and CPM/CEE/Dy. CEE of the RE Organisation.
(c) Safety Certificate in respect of electric rolling-stock signed by CEE, CME, COM and CE of the Open Line Railway.
(d) Certificate of Open Line Officers about the knowledge of their staff regarding safety rules for electrified sections.
(e) Certificate issued by DRM of Open Line regarding introduction of safety measures, issue of Special Station Working Rules and obtaining assurance of the staff concerned regarding their knowledge of rules applicable to ac traction.
(f) Copies of Station Working Rules which have been distributed to the various Station Masters.
21010 Procedure for Energization
1. The inspection of the entire section will be carried out by means of an OHE Inspection car by CRS alongwith CEE or his HODs, Chief Project Manager (CPM)/RE alongwith their concerned officers and the concerned Divisional Officers. During this inspection particular attention is paid to the safety and operational aspects of the train movements and that staff are in possession of statutory rule books, Instructions Book, Registers, forms etc. and that transportation, Electrical, P-Way and S&T staff are fully acquainted with their duties after ac traction is introduced. CRS may issue sanction to energize the OHE and authorise trial runs with light electric locomotive as well as a few goods trains.
2. Wide publicity through the Press and posters given earlier would keep the public fully informed about the proposal to electrify the lines and warned to danger of live OHE. The Station Masters should, never-the-less, advise and warn all passengers of the danger of 25kV OHE and not allow them to ride on the roofs of coaches. All Diesel and Steam engine Drivers should also be advised that they should, under no circumstances, climb over engines or tenders when they are under the OHE, as they will endanger their lives by coming close to the live OHE. Train watering staff should also be cautioned so that they may not inadvertently climb on the carriages, by old habit.
Energization of OHE,
3. On the appointed day and hour, all concerned will assemble either at a feeding post or at the RCC assuming tt has already been commissioned. The entire energization operation shall be carried out under one Senior Electrical Officer who will be nominated for the purpose. He will first collect the following Clearance Certificates:-
(a) Certificate from Contractors working on OHE, switching stations, booster transformer stations, RC and also from other agencies whose staff were engaged on construction works, to the effect that their men have been withdrawn from work, that they have been warned that installations would be energized and that no work be done thereafter without obtaining a permit-work.
(b) Joint Certificate by the RE and Open Line Sr.DEEs stating that they have withdrawn their staff and warned them as above and that the installation has been jointly inspected and is fit for energization and also that due precautions have been taken to protect contiguous sections where men may be working.
(c) Certificate issued by S&T Officers that their work has been completed and the OHE can be charged at 25 kV ac.
(d) Certificate of the CEE and Electrical Inspector of the Railway permitting energization.
(e) Sanction of the CRS permitting operation of ac rolling-stock and energization of the OHE.
(f) Certificate of clearance from DOT for energisation of OHE; provided further that no such clearance shall be necessary in cases of additions and alterations to traction installations on existing electrified routes where CEE and E1G is satisfied that the amount and nature of traction energy transmitted in the system as a whole, will remain unaltered.
Standard forms for issue of typical certificates and notification mentioned in this chapter are appended at the end of this Chapter.
4. The Senior Electrical Officer in-charge of the energization programme will supervise the detailed sequence of operations to switch on 25 kV supply progressively, step by step, starting with 25 kV feeders from the sub-station. to the feeding post, busbars of the feeding post, followed by one sub-sector after another until the whole section is energized. It is best to start by keeping all circuit breakers and interruptors in the open position so that one after the other they may be switched on according to a pre-arranged programme. The merit of this procedure is that a faulty sub-sector, if any, is immediately identified. Alternatively, the whole section covered by a sub-station may be energized at one go. Should the feeder circuit breaker trip, it will be necessary to identify the faulty sub-sector and arrange for its rectification. Before commencing energization, certain essential staff should be kept ready at strategic locations enroute to rectify any faults which may be detected.
5. A short time after the energization of OHE confirmatory tests for proper operation of the protective relays as per para 20931 shall be carried out.
21011 Precautions to be taken for Progressive Energization of OHE
Sometimes it may not be possible to energize the entire length between two neutral sections served by a sub-station, but it is still desirable to resort to progressive energization of one sub-sector after another as an anti-theft measure keeping pace with the completion of work by the Contractors. In such cases of partial energization, it is essential to take special precautions to protect men who may be working on the OHE on sections adjacent to the energized section. This is ensured by maintaining at all times two disconnections in the OHE between the working party and the live OHE. The disconnection may be either an insulated overlap or an isolator or two sections insulators in series on the contact wires with corresponding isolation of the catenary. This double protection is necessary to provide for the possibility, however remote, of an overlap span becoming short circuited because of a stray fault. The action to be taken is illustrated in Fig. 10.01, which shows a single track section but the method applies equally to a double track section.

In the figure -
E - is the section which has already been energized.
A - is the section which is to be energized at 25 kV.
B - represents at least one adjacent OHE section on which the entire work of adjustment, inspection and testing has been completed and is ready for energization. This section should be solidly earthed by a 105 mm2 jumper between the OHE and one of the supporting structures solidly bonded to the rails.
C - is the section beyond B on which work may go on freely even after A is energized, since section 'C' is fully protected by two air gaps A-B and B-C and two independent earths on B and C as shown. Section C should also be earthed.
21012 Final Inspection by CRS for the Introduction of Commercial Services
1. A special train comprising of an electric locomotive, observation car in the rear and appropriate number of coaches or inspection carriages for officers and staff and Guard's Brake van. shall be kept ready at an appropriate location to take CRS, CEE, CPM & HODs of RE organisation along with concerned divisional officers of open line and Senior Officers of RE for a final inspection as per a prearranged programme. The officers on the special train shall furnish whatever information/ clarification sought by CRS and CEE.
2. During this inspection CRS will particularly examine the safety and operational aspects, inspect the rule-books, registers in possession of staff and test the knowledge of the staff such as engineering gangs, substation staff, transportation staff at stations, cabin etc.
21013 Sanction of CRS
Subject to the trial run being satisfactory, an "all concerned message" may be issued by the CRS communicating his sanction for the introduction of commercial services.
After the receipt of CRS's sanction, commercial services may be commenced either immediately or subsequently. It is, however, desirable wherever possible to check the performance of the electric locomotives and OHE for sparkless current collection at different speeds during night time, when hauling a fully loaded train. These tests may be conducted jointly be Dy.CEE(OHE)(RE), Sr.DEE(TrD) and Sr.DEE (RS) along with representatives of the OHE Contractor. Defective working noticed shall be rectified as soon as possible and on successful completion of the tests, a joint certificate shall be given confirming that full commercial working may be introduced.
21000 Anti-theft Energization
To over come the problem of copper wire thefts, it may sometimes be necessary to charge the conductors at 2.2 kV. Guidelines for such charging of OHE are given in the Appendix VII to this Volume.
21015 Responsibility for Maintenance and Provisional Acceptance Certificate
1. When a long sections is under Electrification, shorter sub-sections are often energized as an anti-theft measure. Till such time commercial services are not introduced after CRS's inspection and sanction, the OHE and other power supply and switching installations shall be maintained by the construction organisation.
2. With the energization of the OHE and CRS's sanction and introduction of commercial services, all electrical equipment including sub-stations and all other connected equipment are deemed as having been taken over by the Open Line of the Railway and thereafter the responsibility for operation and maintenance shall devolve on the Divisional Officers concerned.
However, in order to ensure that all works are completed by the construction organisation, a specific "Handing Over" procedure may be evolved by openline CEE, CSTE & CE to bring out left over work if any; to be completed even after introduction of commercial services. The construction organisation shall have such work completed in a reasonable period.
3. A letter of "provisional acceptance" shall then be issued by the head of the Construction Organization to the various Contractors in respect of the equipment erected and handed over by them. Should the test results for any particular equipment or installation be unsatisfactory, an extension may be given to the Contractor to have the defects set right and to hand over the installation in good condition. When this has been done, a separate letter of acceptance shall be issued in respect of such equipment. The provisional acceptance certificate shall be jointly signed by the concerned Dy.CEE of the Railway Electrification Organization and Sr.DEE (TrD) and Contractor's authorized representative.
21016 Contractor's Responsibility During Guarantee Period
1. This is defined by the terms of the contract. Normally, the Contractor of a "supply and erection" contract. guarantees the satisfactory operation of all equipment and installations for a period of twelve months from the date of issue of "provisional acceptance certificate". The contractor provides the services of an experienced Engineer to maintain liaison with Officers of the Open Line and the Construction Organization and help in rectification of defects observed and investigation of serious breakdowns of equipment, and advise on the maintenance procedures. The contractor is expected to bear the cost of all modifications, additions and substitutions which may be considered necessary due to faulty materials, design or workmanship of the installations for which he is responsible.
2. Most of the heavy equipment for sub-stations, switching stations, booster stations etc. are usually obtained from different manufacturers against a "Supply Contract". In such cases, the usual guarantee clause provides for suppliers responsibility for a period of 12 months from the date of commissioning or 18 months from the date of supply whichever is earlier. A clear record should, therefore, be maintained of the dates of receipt of the equipment and the dates of energization of each equipment so that the period of responsibility of the Contractor is clearly defined.
3. It is essential for the Electrical Officers and Supervisors concerned to make a careful study of the contract documents so that appropriate action may be taken as circumstances dictate. In regard to the defects noticed during the guarantee period the procedure to be followed for reporting and investigation are described in the next para.
21017 Failure of Equipment After Commissioning and During the Guarantee Period
Although during this period the equipment is operated and maintained by the Open Line Railway Engineers, the procedure described below should invariably be followed to ensure that defects noticed during the guarantee period are rectified by Manufacturers under the Guarantee Clause.
1. Instructions issued by the manufacturers for operation and maintenance should be strictly followed by the Railway. If any modification is required, approval of the Manufacturers should first be obtained. The standard Guarantee Clause provides that the equipment shall be free from defects in material and workmanship during manufacture. The liability of the supplier in this respect is normally limited to the supply and installation of replacement parts, fr6e of charge, and repair of defective parts noticed during normal usage of the equipment as also those attributed to faulty design of the equipment. If the equipment becomes irreparable the supplier will have to replace the same in its entirety.
2. It is essential that any defect noticed is brought to the attention of the supplier without delay. A clear record of defects and deficiencies noticed shall be entered in a register by the Open Line Officer and the date of intimation to supplier recorded against each item.
3. When an equipment fails, the Sr.DEE shall first make an inspection of the equipment on the spot with the least possible delay along-with the representative of the Contractor The presence of the Manufacturer's or Contractor's representative is essential and should be ensured during the joint inspection to avoid disputes later on. The defective equipment shall not be dismantled or disturbed except with the approval of, or in the presence of, the representative of the supplier, to avoid obliteration of any important evidence which could help in investigation of the defect. After the inspection, a joint report shall be prepared recording the relevant data such as-
(a) Full particulars of the equipment - date received and date commissioned.
(b) Full circumstances in which failure occurred.
(c) Observations and tests made.
(d) Probable cause that could lead to the failure.
(e) Recommendations, long term and short term, for preventing such failures in future.
4. Should there be repeated failures of the same type, the cause of failure should be investigated intensively, taking all connected factors into account such as switching operations carried out, maintenance work done etc. These factors should be statistically analyzed. A report on the failure of the equipment should be sent promptly to the supplier of the equipment endorsing a copy to the COS, Inspection Agency, CEE and RDSO.
5. In the case of works contracts, too, the same procedure should be followed.
6. According to the provision of the contract, in the event of design defects, the contractor's liability is not only limited to repair/replacement of the components/equipments affected; but also to all other components in similar situation/ condition, even though they may not have failed in service, have to be replaced or modified by the supplier. This aspect needs careful study by the Sr.DEEs.
21018 History Sheet
Maintenance of a History Sheet for each major equipment is very important as this will give a connected account of all failures of the equipment and particulars of repairs carried out and will be of great help in investigating recurring failures.
21019 Final Acceptance Certificate
Immediately after the completion of the guarantee period, a 'final acceptance certificate' shall be jointly signed by the Sr.DEE of the concerned railway and contractor's representative and countersigned by the head of the Construction Organization and issued to the Contractor, provided that the terms of the Guarantee Clause have been fulfilled. With the issue of-the final acceptance certificates, the responsibility of the Contractor or Supplier ceases, but their advice may still be sought where it may be considered necessary.
21020 Standard Forms
Typical forms for issue of notifications and certificates mentioned below are appended at the end of this Chapter-
S.No. | Particulars | Proforma | 1 | Public notification regarding energization | 10-01 | 2 | Public notification regarding level crossing | 10-02 | 3 | Joint Certificate regarding OHE by Sr.DEEfTrD) iO-03 and Dy.CEE (OHE)/RE | 10-03 | 4 | Certificate regarding bonding and earthing | 10-04 | 5 | Joint Certificate by Divisional officers regarding safety instructions. | 10-05 | 6 | Certificate by DRM regarding safety measures | 10-06 | 7 | Sanction of CEE and Electrical Inspector for energization | 10-07 | 8 | Certificate by S&T Department | 10-08 | 9 | Clearance Certificate by DOT | 10-09 | 10 | Clearance Certificate for 25kV feeder line | 10-10 | 11 | Clearance Certificate for OHE | 10-11 | 12 | Clearance Certificate for switching station | 10-12 | 13 | Clearance Certificate for booster transformer station | 10-13 | 14 | Clearance Certificate for DOT and works | 10-14 | 15 | Clearance Certificate by OHE Contractor | 10-15 | 16 | Clearance Certificate by switching station Contractor | 10-16 | 17 | Clearance Certificate by Remote Control Equipment Contractor | 10-17 | 18 | Clearance Certificate by Contractor for Booster Transformer installation | 10-18 |
Proforma 10-1
INDIAN RAILWAYS "PUBLIC NOTIFICATION" Notice is hereby given to all users of Railway lines and premises situated on the completed section of the under-noted section of the............Railway that the 25000 Volt, 50 Hz., ac overhead traction wires will be energized on or after the date specified against the section. On and from the same date the overhead traction line shall be treated as live at all times and no unauthorized person shall approach or work in the proximity of the said overhead line.
Section Date
4. Chief Project Manager Railway Electrification
(To be published in all the leading Newspapers and local Railway Gazette in English. Hindi arid local language for one day at least a week before the date of commissioning. Also notices to be pasted at all Railway Stations and Offices to give wide publicity).
Copy forwarded for information to:-
1. The Secretary (Railway Electrification), Railway Board, New Delhi.
2. The Commissioner of Railway Safety.
3. The Chief Electrical Engineer and Electrical Inspector.
4. All other Heads of Departments.
5. The Divisional Railway Managers of the Railway and contiguous Divisions.
6. The General Manager (DOT) Railway Electrification Project.
7. The Postmaster General.
8. The Chief Engineer, State Electricity Board.
9. The Superintendent. Government Railway Police.
10. All officers of Construction Organisation.
11. Contractors engaged in the project.
Place: Date : Chief Project Manager Railway Electrification Proforma 10-02
INTRODUCTION OF ac 25 kV TRACTION "WARNING TO ROAD USERS" It is notified for information of the Public that in connection with introduction of 25 kV ac electric traction over the section..............of the...........Railway, height gauges have been erected at all the level crossings with clear height of 4.67m above road level with a view to prevent loads of excessive height from coming into contact or dangerous proximity to live traction wire.
Public are hereby notified to observe the height specified above for the purpose of loading vehicles and to see that the loads carried in road vehicles do not infringe the height gauges under any circumstances.
The dangers of a load of excessive height are as follows: -
i) Danger to the height gauge and consequent obstruction to the road as well as the railway line.
ii) Danger to the materials or equipment carried or the vehicle itself.
iii) Danger of fire and risk of life due to contact with or dangerous proximity to the conductors.
No. Date : Chief Project Manager Railway Electrification (To be given wide publicity through the press and posters well in advance of erection of height gauges). Proforma 10-03
Certified that the OHE in the above mentioned section has been erected as per approved drawings and standard specifications and there are no infringements to the Schedule of Dimensions (including the Rules applicable for 25 kV ac traction) except when approval of Railway Board/competent authority has been obtained. The OHE has been inspected and found to comply with the above requirements.
Place: Date :
Proforma 10-04
Certified that bonding and earthing of the section have been carried out as per the "Bonding Code" and as per approved drawings.
Dy.CSTE(Signalling) Sr.DEE (TrD) Dy.CEE(OHE), RE
Date :
Proforma 10-05
Certified that requisite instructions in connection with working on tracks and areas equipped with 25kV ac traction have been issued to all categories of staff of various departments working on and required to work on the section.
Further, it is certified that all staff have been made fully conversant with the safety and precautionary measures to be taken when working in the electrified areas.
Divisional Railway Manager
..........................Division Proforma 10-06
(i) Stations on the electrified sections between ........ have been supplied with a copy of General and Subsidiary Rules for 25 kV ac electric traction.
(ii) Special working rules for 25 kV ac electric traction have been issued and supplied to all stations and cabins on the electrified sections.
(iii) The staff have been advised of the necessary safety procedures and precautions as laid down in General and Subsidiary Rules and Manual for ac Traction Maintenance.
(iv) All the sectional running and maintenance staff have also been duly instructed in safety procedure and precautions for 25 kV ac electric traction.
(v) The assurance of the station, running and maintenance staff regarding their knowledge of safety procedures and special working rules has been obtained.
Divisional Railway Manager
Proforma 10-07
..............................Railway To,
Chief Project Manager Railway Electrification ------------------------ ------------------------- Sub: Sanction for energization of overhead equipment, switching stations, booster transformer stations etc. on the Section,
Sanction is hereby accorded to energize progressively the completed works for 25 kV feeder lines from traction Sub-stations to feeding posts, switching stations, booster transformer stations and auxiliary transformer stations, as and when each section is completed and jointly inspected, measured IR value and certified by Sr.DEE(TrD)/ .....................and Dy.CEE (Construction). Chief Electrical Engineer
and Electrical Inspector,
......................Railway. Proforma 10-8 Chief Project Manager
Railway Electrification
Reg: Energization of the OHE in the section ........................................................Signalling Works.
1. All modifications to mechanical and electrical signalling have been carried out to make the installations suitable for introduction of 25 kV ac traction.
2. Colour light signalling has been installed at ............. stations and the mechanical semaphore signals have been re-sited and/or their heights increased to afford necessary visibility to the engine crews.
3. The existing block and token instruments have been modified to suit the introduction of 25 kV ac traction.
4. All overhead signalling circuits have been transferred to underground cables. Communication installations have been modified to make them suitable for 25 kV ac traction. Traction Loco Control. Traction Power Control and Emergency Control circuits have been introduced with emergency sockets alongside the track as per approved plans.
5. The new signals have been erected and the existing signals re-sited without infringement to the "Schedule of Dimensions" except where approval of Railway Board/competent authority has been obtained.
6. Necessary rule books in connection with working in the section energized with 25 kV ac have been issued to the staff concerned. Specified insulated tools have been issued to the S&T staff for working in the above section.
7. The modifications and the new works mentioned above have been done according to the "Manual of Instruction for Installation of S&T Equipment on 25 kV, 50 Hz ac Electrified Sections"
8. The undersigned has no objection to the energization of the section mentioned above with 25 kV ac with effect from ............. Dy. Chief Signal and Telecommunication Engineer (Railway Electrification) Proforma 10-9
Railway Electrification ----------------------- ------------------------ Sub: Energization of OHE in the Section.........................................................
The DOT has completed all its woks in connection with electrification of the above section at 25 kV ac and has no objection to the Railway energizing the OHE with 25 kV ac in the above section. for General Manager
(Electrification Circle) Proforma 10-10
CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE FOR ENERGIZATION ON 25 kV 1. 25 kV Feeder Lines 1. Detailed description of installation to be energized:
25 kV double circuit feeder line from........................substation to....................feeding station near the tracks.
2. It is hereby certified that:
a) The above installation has been jointly checked tested for completeness, electrical clearances, insulation resistance, earthing etc. and found in order. Test results are separately submitted.
b) The works have been completed in accordance with approved drawings and complies in all respects with the requirements of the "Manual of ac Traction Maintenance and Operation", Indian Electricity Rules and special instructions on the subject.
c) All our staff have been withdrawn and warned that the line will be charged at 25 kV ac immediately. Clearance Certificate to the same effect have been obtained from all the Contractors working on the above section. No work on the above section will be taken up hereafter without obtaining a power block from an official authorized by Sr.DEE (TrD).
d) All other safety precautions necessary have been taken.
3. The 25 kV feeders referred to above are now clear and fit for energization and may be energized at 25 kV ac.
4. Forwarded to CEE(RE) -----------------
Sr.DEE (TrD) Dy.CEE (OHE).RE Place........................... Date........................... Proforma 10-11
CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE FOR ENERGIZATION ON 25 kV 2. Overhead Equipment 1. Detailed description of overhead equipment to be energized:
2. It is hereby certified that:-
a) The above overhead equipment has been jointly checked for completeness, electrical clearances and tested for insulation and continuity, electrical independence of different elementary sections as also bonding and earthing etc. and found to be in order.
b) The work has been completed in accordance with the latest approved generally supply diagram and sectioning diagrams etc. and complies in all respects with the requirements of "Manual of ac Traction Maintenance and Operation" and Indian Electricity Rules.
c) All our staff have been withdrawn and warned that the line will be charged at 25 kV ac immediately. Clearance Certificates to the same effect have been obtained from all the Contractors working on the above section. No work on the above section will be taken up hereafter without obtaining a power block from an official authorized by Sr.DEE (TrD).
d) All safety precautions necessary have been taken. In accordance with "Manual for ac Traction Maintenance and Operation" Sections viz.,...................have also been adjusted, checked and made ready for energization. Solid earths have also been provided on contiguous sections viz. at structures Nos......................Isolating switches Nos..............and interruptors Nos..........have been opened and kept locked in the open position.
3.The overhead equipment referred to above is now clear and fit for energization and may be energized at 25 kV ac.
4. Forwarded to CEE(RE). --------------- Sr.DEE (TrD) Dy.CEE(OHE),RE Place........................ Date......................... Proforma 10-12
CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE FOR ENERGIZATION ON 25 kV 3. Switching Stations 1. Detailed description of switching stations to be energized:
a) The above switching stations have been jointly checked and tested for completeness, correct electrical connections including cross-feeder connections, electrical clearances, insulation resistance, earthing and bonding etc. and found to be in order. Test reports are separately submitted.
b) The works have been completed in accordance with approved drawings and complies in all respects with the requirements of the "Manual for ac Traction Maintenance and Operation", Indian Electricity Rules and special instructions on the subject.
c) All our staff have been withdrawn and warned that the line will be charged at 25 kV ac immediately. Clearance Certificate to the same effect have been obtained from all the Contractors working on the above section. No work on the above section will be taken up hereafter without obtaining a power block from an official authorized by Sr.DEE (TrD).
d) All other safety precautions necessary have been taken.
3. The switching stations referred to above are now clear and fit for energization on 25 kV ac.
4. Forwarded to CEE(RE).
Sr.DEE (TrD) Dy.CEE(Psi),RE Place....................
Proforma 10-13
1. Detailed description of Booster Transformer Stations to be energized:
2. It is hereby certified that:-
a) The above Booster Transformer Stations have been jointly checked and tested for completeness, correct electrical connections including cross-feeder connections, electrical clearance, insulation resistance, earthing, bonding, midpoint rail connections and found to be in order. Test reports are separately submitted.
b) The works have been completed in accordance with approved drawings and complies in all respects with the requirements of the "Manual for ac Traction Maintenance and Operation", Indian Electricity Rules and special instructions on the subject.
c) All our staff have been withdrawn and warned that the line will be charged at 25 kV ac immediately. Clearance Certificates to the same effect have been obtained from all the Contractors working on the above section. No work on the above section will be taken up hereafter without obtaining a power block from an official authorized by Sr.DEE (TrD).
d) All other safety precautions necessary have been taken.
3. The booster transformer stations referred to above are now clear and fit for energization on 25 kV ac.
4. Forwarded to CEE (RE).
Sr.DEE (TrD)
Dy.CEE(PSI).RE Place...................... Date...................... Proforma 10-14
CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE FOR ENERGIZATION ON 25 kV 5. DOT and S&T WORKS 1. Description of section for which clearance is given:
2. It is hereby certified that:-
a) Clearance has been obtained from the DOT, Electrification Circle that the overhead equipment, switching and booster transformer stations on the above section may be energized at 25 kV. ac.
b) All S & T works have been completed in accordance with approved drawings and instructions, and complies in all respects with requirements of "Manual for ac Traction Maintenance and Operation" and special instructions.
c) All our staff have been warned that the above section would be charged on 25 kV ac immediately. No work on or within 2 m of the line OHE would be carried out hereafter without obtaining a power block from an official authorized by Sr.DEE (TrD).
d) All safety precautions necessary have been taken, in accordance with "Manual for ac Traction Maintenance and Operation"
3. The sections referred to above may now be energized on 25 kV ac.
Dy.CSTE(Sig) Dy.CSTE (Tele) Place................... Date.................... Proforma 10-15 The Dy.CEE (OHE)
.....................Electrification Project.
Sub: Clearance Certificate by Contractor for energization on 25 kV ac in Section..................
Dear Sir,
1. It is hereby certified that all our work on the above section has been completed.
2. It is hereby certified that all our staff have been withdrawn and warned that the above section would be energized on................and that no one may henceforth carry out any work on the above section without obtaining a permit-to-work from an official authorized by Sr.DEE (TrD).
3. Adequate precautions will also be taken by our staff when working in areas contiguous to the section electrified on ac 25 kV system or on parallel lines.
4. The dead overhead sections contiguous and adjacent to the electrified sections have been and will be kept solidly earthed. The installations on the above section are now ready and safe for energization. They may now be charged at 25 kV ac, 50 Hz, supply.
Yours faithfully, for M/s.............................:..... Contractor for OHE. Proforma 10-16 To Dy.CEE(PSI), ..................Electrification Project, ................................................ Dear Sir,
Sub: Clearance Certificate for energization of Switching Stations in Section.
It is certified that all physical works have been completed on the following FPs, SPs, & SSPs and that these switching stations are fit to be charged with 25 kV ac single-phase, 50 Hz., electrical energy on and from................
All men, materials and earths have been removed from the switching stations and the OHE.
FP at...................
SP at.....................
SSP at.................
Yours faithfully,
for M/s.........................................
Contractor for Switching Stations
Proforma 10-17 To
Dy.CEE (PSI), ......................Electrification Project, .................................................. Dear Sir, Sub: Clearance Certificate for the commissioning of Remote Control Equipment in the Section............
It is certified that all works in regard to the Remote Control Equipment installed by us for the section.............. have been completed and that they-are fit for commissioning.
All men and materials have been removed from the site of the equipment and from the vicinity of the switching stations. Yours faithfully,
Place: forM/s.................................
Contractor for Remote Control Date : Equipment. Place: Date: Proforma 10-18 To
..................Electrification Project, ............................................... Dear Sir,
Sub: Clearance Certificate for the commissioning of Booster Transformers installed in the Section.
Certified that all works in regard to Booster Transformer Stations installed in the Section.......have been completed and the installations are fit for energization at 25 kV ac single-phase, 50 Hz., on and from...........
All men, materials and earths have been removed from the Booster Transformer Stations and from the vicinity of the OHE.
Yours faithfully,
Place: Date : forM/s.................................... Contractor for Booster Transformer Installations
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