Sunday, July 21, 2019

Transmission and distribution mcq part -4

1. The steel used in steel cored conductors is usually
(a) alloy steel
(b) stainless steel
(c) mild steel
(d) high speed steel
(e) all of the above

Ans: c

12. Which of the following distribution systems is more reliable ?
(a) Radial system
(b) Tree system
(c) Ring main system
(d) All are equally reliable

Ans: c

3. Which of the following characteristics should the line supports for transmission lines
possess ?
(a) Low cost
(b) High mechanical strength
(c) Longer life
(d) All of the above

Ans: d

4. Transmission voltage of llkV is normally used for distances upto
(a) 20—25 km
(b) 40—50 km
(c) 60—70 km
(d) 80—100 km

Ans: a

5. Which of the following regulations is considered best?
(a) 50%
(b) 20%
(c) 10%
(d) 2%

Ans: d

6. Skin effect is proportional to
(a) (conductor diameter)/2
(b) (conductor diameter)*2
(c) (conductor diameter)/3
(d) (conductor diameter)2
(e) none of the above

Ans: d

7. A conductor, due to sag between two supports, takes the form of
(a) semi-circle
(b) triangle
(c) ellipse
(d) catenary

Ans: d

8. In AC.S.R. conductors, the insulation between aluminium and steel conductors is
(a) insulin
(b) bitumen
(c) varnish
(d) no insulation is required

Ans: d

9. Which of the followingbus-bar schemes has the lowest cost ?
(a) Ring bus-bar scheme
(b) Single bus-bar scheme
(c) Breaker and a half scheme
(d) Main and transfer scheme

Ans: b

10. Owing to skin effect
(a) current flows through the half cross-section of the conductor
(b) portion of the conductor near the surface carries more current and core of the
conductor carries less current
(c) portion of the conductor near the surface carries less current and core of the conductor
carries more current
(d) any of the above
(e) none of the above

Ans: b

1. By which of the following methods string efficiency can be improved ?
(a) Using a guard ring
(b) Grading the insulator
(c) Using long cross arm
(d) Any of the above
(e) None of the above

Ans: d

12. In aluminium conductors, steel core is provided to
(a) compensate for skin effect
(b) neutralise proximity effect
(c) reduce line inductance
(d) increase the tensile strength

Ans: d

13. By which of the following a bus-bar is rated ?
(a) Current only
(b) Current and voltage
(c) Current, voltage and frequency
(d) Current, voltage, frequency and short time current

Ans: d

14. A circuit is disconnected by isolators when
(a) line is energized
(b) there is no current in the line
(c) line is on full load
(d) circuit breaker is not open

Ans: b

15. For which of the following equipment current rating is not necessary ?
(a) Circuit breakers
(b) Isolators
(c) Load break switch
(d) Circuit breakers and load break switches

Ans: b

16. In a substation the following equipment is not installed
(a) exciters
(b) series capacitors
(c) shunt reactors
(d) voltatre transformers

Ans: a

17. jCorona usually occurs when the electrostatic stress in air around the conductor
(a) 6.6 kV (r.m.s. value)/cm
(b) 11 kV (r.m.s. value)/cm
(c) 22 kV (maximum value)/cm
(d) 30 kV (maximum v^lue)/cm

Ans: d

18. The voltage drop, for constant voltage transmission is compensated by installing
(a) inductors
(b) capacitors
(c) synchronous motors
(d) all of above
(e) none of the above

Ans: c

19. The use of strain type insulators is made where the conductors are
(a) dead ended
(b) at intermediate anchor towers
(c) any of the above
(d) none of the above

Ans: c

20. The current drawn by the line due to corona losses is
(a) non-sinusoidal
(b) sinusoidal
(c) triangular
(d) square

Ans: a

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