Sunday, July 21, 2019


1. Which of the following statement about D.C. generators is false ?
(a) Compensating winding in a D.C. machine helps in commutation
(b) In a D. C. generator interpoles winding is connected in series with the armature winding
(c) Back pitch and front pitch are both odd and approximately equal to the pole pitch
(d) Equilizing bus bars are used with parallel running of D.C. shunt generators

Ans: d

2. The demagnetising component of armature reaction in a D.C. generator
(a) reduces generator e.m.f.
(b) increases armature speed
(c) reduces interpoles flux density
(d) results in sparking trouble

Ans: a

3. Magnetic field in a D.C. generator is produced by
(a) electromagnets
(b) permanent magnets
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) none of the above

Ans: a

4. The number of brushes in a commutator depends on
(a) speed of armature
(b) type of winding
(c) voltage
(d) amount of current to be collected

Ans: d

5. Compensating windings are used in D.C. generators
a) mainly to reduce the eddy currents by providing local short-circuits
(b) to provide path for the circulation of cooling air
(c) to neutralise the cross-magnetising effect of the armature reaction
(d) none of the above

Ans: c

6. Which of the following components of a D.C, generator plays vital role for providing direct current of a D.C. generator ?
(a) Dummy coils
(b) Commutator
(c) Eye bolt
(d) Equilizer rings

Ans: b

7. In a D.C. generator the ripples in the direct e.m.f. generated are reduced by
(a) using conductor of annealed copper
(b) using commutator with large number of segments
(c) using carbon brushes of superior quality
(d) using equiliser rings

Ans: c

8. In D.C. generators, lap winding is used for
(a) high voltage, high current
(b) low voltage, high current
(c) high voltage, low current
(d) low voltage, low current

Ans: b

9. Two generators A and B have 6-poles each. Generator A has wave wound armature while generator B has lap wound armature. The ratio of the induced e.m.f. is generator A and B will be
(a) 2 : 3
(b) 3 : 1
(c) 3 : 2
(d) 1 : 3

Ans: b

10. The voltage drop for which of the following types of brush can be expected to be least ?
(a) Graphite brushes
(b) Carbon brushes
(c) Metal graphite brushes
(d) None of the above

Ans: c

11. The e.m.f. generated by a shunt wound D.C. generator isE. Now while pole flux remains constant, if the speed of the generator is doubled, the e.m.f. generated will be
(a) E/2
(b) 2E
(c) slightly less than E
(d) E

Ans: b

12. In a D.C. generator the actual flux distribution depends upon
(a) size of air gap
(b) shape of the pole shoe
(c) clearance between tips of the ad¬jacent pole shoes
(d) all of the above


13. The armature core of a D.C. generator is usually made of
(a) silicon steel
(b) copper
(c) non-ferrous material
(d) cast-iron

Ans: a

9.63. Satisfactory commutation of D.C. machines requires
(a) brushes should be of proper grade and size
(b) brushes should smoothly run in the holders
(c) smooth, concentric commutator properly undercut
(d) all of the above

Ans: d

14. Open circuited armature coil of a D.C. machine is
(a) identified by the scarring of the commutator segment to which open circuited coil is
(b) indicated by a spark completely around the commutator
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) none of the above

Ans: c

15. In a D.C. machine, fractional pitch winding is used
(a) to increase the generated voltage
(b) to reduce sparking
(c) to save the copper because of shorter end connections
(d) due to (b) and (c) above


16. For the parallel operation of two or more D.C. compound generators, we should ensure that
(a) voltage of the incoming generator should be same as that of bus bar
(b) polarity of incoming generator should be same as that of bus bar
(c) all the series fields should be run in parallel by means of equilizer connection
(d) series fields of all generators should be either on positive side or negative side of the armature
(e) all conditions mentioned above should be satisfied

Ans: d

17. D.C. series generator is used
(a) to supply traction load
(b) to supply industrial load at constant voltage
(c) voltage at the toad end of the feeder
(d) for none of the above purpose

Ans: c

18. Following D.C. generator will be in a position to build up without any residual magnetism in the poles
(a) series generator
(b) shunt generator
(c) compound generator
(d) self-excited generator

Ans: d

19. Interpole flux should be sufficient to
(a) neutralise the commutating self induced e.m.f.
(b) neutralise the armature reaction flux
(c) neutralise both the armature reaction flux as well as commutating e.m.f. induced in the coil
(d) perform none of the above functions

Ans: c

20. D.C. generator generally preferred for charging automobile batteries is
(a) series generator
(b) shunt generator
(c) long shunt compound generator
(d) any of'the above

Ans: c

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